[App] EmiPSX - Play station emulator for Windows Phone 8

I've made a warning to reduce this problem but....
The only way is to uninstall and reinstall the app. WP8 does not have a option to clear app storage like on Android.
I can put a option to remove file filters but you will see a lot of files on internal storage and some people may mess something. I'll decide before the next update.

PS: don't forget to save at least your memorycards on skydrive if you are playing some game.

Thanks for the reply, do you think you'll be updating the sound emulation anytime soon? It's definitely decent, however there can be a lot of intermittent static every few seconds or worse. Anyways thanks so much for developing the app and I'm excited for future updates.
Thanks for the reply, do you think you'll be updating the sound emulation anytime soon? It's definitely decent, however there can be a lot of intermittent static every few seconds or worse. Anyways thanks so much for developing the app and I'm excited for future updates.

This is a know bug on Xaudio 2 with high cpu usage apps, I've nearly removed it on EmiGens with optimization but currently is not possible for EmiPSX to run with low CPU usage on 1GHz devices. On 1.5GHz devices you can lower psx cpu speed and increase bias to get lower cpu usage and better sound on some 2D games.
New version at store, changes:
GPU: Improved GPU accuracy (FFT text)
GTE: Fixed calculations (Soul Reaver, CTR)
*Confirmation dialog on save/load
*In game cheat support
*Fixed background pause

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Andre, thanks for the update. I've just now, right after updating, hit a freeze issue with Suikoden II, it occurs after recruiting Millie. Not sure if its because of the update or just a coincidence.

Edit: actually now it won't load the rom, goes to the memcard and cd player screen. My save state is also gone.

Edit 2: don't know what's going on, but save state is back, and its not freezing anymore. All's good now.
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New version at store, changes:
GPU: Improved GPU accuracy (FFT text)
GTE: Fixed calculations (Soul Reaver, CTR)
*Confirmation dialog on save/load
*In game cheat support
*Fixed background pause

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Thanks for the update. GameShark/Code Breaker/any other name for 80098E46 0001 like cheat codes works. In Vagrant Story PAL-E, at least. It didn`t in Civilization II and Destruction Derby Raw (both PAL). Maybe I making something wrong.

About games:

• Darkstone - as in previous update, still not working (black screen). Emulator not hangs
• Destruction Derby Raw - textures of menu still busted after any race
• Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes - still completely crashing emulator with no errors
• Vigilante 8: 2nd Offence - same as Darkstone

I found some bugs with Cheats dialog:

• It looks like this with landscape screen orientation


• Outline border with theme color not always fully exists. Sometimes it`s cutted above and under the field


Suggestions for the future updates:

• Since 1.0.6 FrameSkip has no "Off" option. Please, make it back.
• Cheats dialog: please, make a visible list of cheats that already activated. Many cheats has 2 or more strings
• Cheats dialog: is there possible to automatically force letters input in uppercase?
• Cheats dialog: Add Cheat button forces to "pause" menu. Many cheats has 2 or more strings so you`re getting bored by switching those menus all the time
• Landscape orientation mode for main menu (Recent Games, Roms etc.)
• "Video Light" and "Video Blend" settings. It was on betas but were removed in store version
• 1:1/Original/pixel-to-pixel Image Size option
• Language translations. I can make Russian one. You can make another closed beta called bEmiPSX or just EmiPSX Beta, just like Facebook now, but closed. It`ll help to test it before release like EmiGens Plus that still not updated.
• Optional FPS meter
• PSX CPU "20%" option
That's great for final fantasy Tactics !! The game is now very beautiful.

I'll try xenogears to see if textures are not anymore corrupted.
How do i input more than one code? i mean it works when you put one code in it, but how do you input 5 codes cause when i input more than one code it does not work?!
Cheats dialog: Add Cheat button forces to "pause" menu. Many cheats has 2 or more strings so you`re getting bored by switching those menus all the time

You can still enter more that 1 string, but you must add only 1 string each time you pressing "Add Cheat" button. You can`t see the list of the strings you already entered. All that problems are listed in my suggestions.
Played around with the new update. Evil Dead sadly still does not work, and now Clock Tower is also not working now when it did before. Still gonna play around with the settings and see if I come up lucky though.
Thanks Andre. Supported you buy paying for this emulator.
I've tested 3 games;

Tomb Raider II (doesn't work, black screen when choosing to start a new game)
Gran Tourismo II (works)
Crash Bandicoot 3 (works)

I experience slight audio problems with all of them. Not sure if it makes any difference, but I'm using a Lumia 1520.

Thanks for this little stroll down memory lane.
So, I recently swapped phones from a 1020 to a 1520. Prior to switching devices, I backed up my save states and memcards to skydrive. Upon recovering them to the new device, the memory card appears corrupted and the save states also won't load, for any game. ANy advice for this?
Just on the off chance noone here had thought of it. HFS - HTTP File Server is a rather useful little program I've been using to transfer the games over the home network. Faster than downloading from Skydrive.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server
How do you pull the games to your phone ? My impression was that MS only lets you pull them from skydrive?

Through Internet Explorer, once it's downloaded Windows Phone will attempt to find an app that can open the downloaded file type.


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sweet, got that working, doesn't seem much faster than skydrive though. How do I move the games to the SD card?

You can put your ROMs to SD card by connecting your phone via USB. But remebrer that ROMs will store and play from internal app storage anyway. You can just store games that you don`t playing often on SD card or elsewere.
sweet, got that working, doesn't seem much faster than skydrive though. How do I move the games to the SD card?

It's more for people like me who don't have expandable storage in their phone and don't have fast internet.

But it is an option. Outside of the two main supported transfer options.

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