[App] EmiPSX - Play station emulator for Windows Phone 8

How did you change the icon for Gran Turismo or any ROM for that matter?

You can't... though that's an interesting request for the developer... what you see there is an automatic screenshot from the last quick save/last used save slot.
Any word on when the next update is due for this emulator? Is there any way to make the button zones bigger? The dpad seems a bit inaccurate as well.
Hi Andre, I posted a while back about a bug in EmiNES that the files can't be renamed. You said updates were coming for that app and EmiGens. Just wondering if you had any more updates. Thanks!
Is it possible to have all the list of working tested games for this emulator? I would like to know how well does Valyrie Profile and Chrono Cross in this emulator?
Hey can update the emulator so it works better for final fantasy 7 its glitches really bad making not fun and the game always crashes......'Update for ff7*
Hi, I've been using this app for quite a while now and never had a problem (well, to be honest I had a few that i was able to solve pretty quick). The only game I've played so far is FFVII and besides the not so often graphic glitches and the freezing at the cave on Cosmo Canyon I had no other problems on my 65 hours of playtime. I wish it would have stayed that way, since Weapon showed up on Mideel the game glitches and the save and reload trick doesn't work anymore, now everytime i reload the game the first fight goes smooth but after that, every single battle glitches and takes about 1 or 2 minutes to start a fight, altough menues, world map, and switching screens works just fine. On top of that there's a second major freeze on Junon when you're about to reach the submarine, the game just stop responding and the app closes a few seconds after (had to play that part on pc). Anyone else has experienced this? Is there a way to solve it?

I never touched the default configuration, but after this i tried with every single possibility, changed the rom and nothing seems to fix it. I think i'm going to finish disc 2 asap and see if the third disc works fine.

Anyway thanks for this amazing app Andre, and thanks in advanced to anyone who can help me with my problem.
After a few days I was able to solve my problem without having to play any further on PC. Seems like what was giving trouble was the memory card, I used skydrive to export the file and use it with epsxe but instead of just playing I made a fresh save on a clean memory of the emulator, then I renamed it to mcd001.mcr and uploaded again to skydrive in order to import it on the phone, cleared all my memory cards on the phone and downloaded the one that was from the emulator on pc. That's what fixed my problem in case somebody has the same problem that i did.
New update on the Store!
*Fixed pads support - now compatible with Ape Escape ( Moga Pro or Hero required).
*Full support to Moga Controllers. Moga Hero can be used like Dualshock.
*Some Bug Fixes.
New update on the Store!
*Fixed pads support - now compatible with Ape Escape ( Moga Pro or Hero required).
*Full support to Moga Controllers. Moga Hero can be used like Dualshock.
*Some Bug Fixes.


Just in case, do i have to backup my states and memory cards before I update?

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