App gap? ... What app gap?

End of the day, there's only an 'app gap' if an app you require isn't there. If all the apps you want to use are present, then there is no app gap at all.

Example - there are those obsessed with crap like candy crush, and naturally, someone switching would want to know where it is. We don't have it here so there is an app gap for that person. Myself, I couldnt' care less about stuff like that, so therefore there is no app gap as far as I personally am concerned.
The title was deliberately controversial to get people to read it. I'm glad it's sparked a debate. I'm not sure there's any need to get personal about it.

I'm sorry if you felt that I got personal.
All i meant was that people should admit that app gap exists.They shouldn't run away from reality.And app gap isn't that bad.
I got BB/WA/LINE/Facebook/Instagram/Vine/Path/Twitter/Photoshop/4Square/Skype/Tumblr/Camera360 and of Course WPCentral

and for Lumia Exclusive Apps Like Nokia Camera/MixRadio/Storyteller/Panorma/Glam Me/Play to/Cinemagraph/Refocus/ SmartCam/Creative Studio/ maybe isn't common apps but it's pretty cool compared to other apps. and you can't get it without Lumia device
most of people only use those apps and I doubt people use all apps on store. so why call a gap. most of apps is here. maybe other platform apps full of unessential apps or apps that made by individual developer that used by they own people

Windows Phone 8 is young platform. unlike it's competitor it's grown constantly and run securely we have less apps due to less fake and clone apps. and windows phone device performance gap isn't so big deal.

when you call a gap maybe we ask what's missing here. and I don't see any missing apps here
I need a good app locker and hider app, a free video player, a pattern lock screen app(I saw somewhere in this forum that a pattern lock screen app is arriving soon). That's all and I would be happy if all the apps are equivalent or more to Android and IOS in features....
I use both Android and WP, and I personally don't feel the gap is too bad, but I do see it's there. I think what bugs people the most is that a lot of folks are missing important apps for them, and there's always someone to brag that there is no gap anymore. It might not affect you, but if a lot of people are affected by it, it's there.

One criticism I do have is that practically all apps I use on WP have important features missing, or just underperform overall. I don't hear many people complaining about that, people prefer to focus on the number of apps. So unfortunately I don't feel like the status quo will change anytime soon.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
Nice Post! I use some of your choices and some of my own but its always nice to see what people use.
Nice Post! I use some of your choices and some of my own but its always nice to see what people use.
Thanks! It took a while to write it all out and get the links and screenshots etc. I'm glad not everyone hated it!
One criticism I do have is that practically all apps I use on WP have important features missing, or just underperform overall.
Can you give examples?

I'm genuinely happy with all the apps I use on a daily basis. The only thing I can think of that actually bugs me is not being able to post photo comments in Facebook, but I'm sure that will turn up in due course.

For everything else, I'm entirely satisfied with what I've found. Maybe I just have very light requirements, but my Lumia 930 is the best phone experience I've had to date; last Android phone I had was a Galaxy S3, and the last iPhone I had was the 5, so I'm reasonably aware of what's going on with the other platforms except the last 8-10 months or so where I haven't had either an Android or an iOS device.

As an aside, I sold my iPad, bought a Surface Pro and I am similarly delighted with that too.
The day I can play World of Warcraft from my cellphone will be the day I will say that X mobile OS has no app gap... if I still play WoW by then. So far that's the only thing WP is missing for me.
Can you give examples?

I'm genuinely happy with all the apps I use on a daily basis. The only thing I can think of that actually bugs me is not being able to post photo comments in Facebook, but I'm sure that will turn up in due course.
As an aside, I sold my iPad, bought a Surface Pro and I am similarly delighted with that too.

My wife has a Lumia 1020 and uses FB a lot (she has Android and BB background); she gets everything done with the web page but to upload photos or videos.

By the way, I'm glad to read that you liked the 930 a lot. I'm still thinking in getting one or not.
I'm still thinking in getting one or not.
I absolutely love it. Was considering hanging onto my trusty 920 and waiting to see what the first post-Nokia-acquisition, fully-Microsoft phone turned out like. I'd love to see a Surface-esque Phone. I got impatient though.

Pretty sure if you're into WinPho you won't be disappointed.
Can you give examples?

I'm genuinely happy with all the apps I use on a daily basis. The only thing I can think of that actually bugs me is not being able to post photo comments in Facebook, but I'm sure that will turn up in due course.

For everything else, I'm entirely satisfied with what I've found. Maybe I just have very light requirements, but my Lumia 930 is the best phone experience I've had to date; last Android phone I had was a Galaxy S3, and the last iPhone I had was the 5, so I'm reasonably aware of what's going on with the other platforms except the last 8-10 months or so where I haven't had either an Android or an iOS device.

As an aside, I sold my iPad, bought a Surface Pro and I am similarly delighted with that too.

Sure. No videos on Instagram, no comments with photos on Facebook (nor can you see when someone posts one, so if they do, you're left out of the conversation), no save for offline use on Box, clicking on the comments section on Engadget takes you to their mobile webpage, Here Drive (comparing to Google Navigation) won't let you re-route, even if you drive way off the chosen path it keeps trying to bring you back onto it, you can't change routes on Waze without canceling the one you're on, Facebook Messenger is slower and won't let you send voice messages, Skype won't let you exchange files (that's actually embarrassing), twitter app feels unfinished (for example, during the World Cup, clicking on a #country on iOS or Android would take you to a mini page inside twitter where you could follow games and discussions in real time). Nothing I absolutely can't live without. But on the whole, it feels lacking. I hope they focus more on bringing these apps up to speed with their counterparts than on simply increasing the number of apps in the store.

I'm happy you're enjoying your 930. WP 8.1 was a very nice and needed update.
Mi Here Drive+ re-routes in Mexico and USA. I have used back roads without problems but it does try to get me back on the main roads the first turn or two.
To the OP I really liked your enthusiasm for WP...Sure the app gap is decreasing but the top apps of WP sucks and missing many features..Microsoft should give their priority on quality rather than on quantity...8.1 update is released but still we cant send and receive pre recorded videos(except whatsapp) and mp3 on IM apps..

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