App gap? ... What app gap?

To the OP I really liked your enthusiasm for WP...Sure the app gap is decreasing but the top apps of WP sucks and missing many features..Microsoft should give their priority on quality rather than on quantity...8.1 update is released but still we cant send and receive pre recorded videos(except whatsapp) and mp3 on IM apps..

You're comparing a 3 year old OS to other more mature ones? Do you remember when iOS came out? It wasn't that long ago that they didn't even have copy/paste. It's a pointless argument, if you want to use iPhone or Android and have access to countless crappy apps you're free to do so. If you don't like WP, fine, I fail to see what your point is, that you're somehow superior and more intelligent? For what?
You're comparing a 3 year old OS to other more mature ones? Do you remember when iOS came out? It wasn't that long ago that they didn't even have copy/paste. It's a pointless argument, if you want to use iPhone or Android and have access to countless crappy apps you're free to do so. If you don't like WP, fine, I fail to see what your point is, that you're somehow superior and more intelligent? For what?
And Windows Phone is doing just fine because there's no worthy competitor. Just like Windows Mobile is just fine when iPhone is released. There's no threat to be worried about.

Why is request for apps always got turned into accusation that we hate Windows Phone or want it to be Android or iPhone ?
We only want the apps, not iPhone or Android.

Windows Phone also have its share of crappy apps in the marketplace.
But the issue is no longer quantity of the apps in the store, but the availability of apps that potential users wanted.
You're comparing a 3 year old OS to other more mature ones? Do you remember when iOS came out? It wasn't that long ago that they didn't even have copy/paste. It's a pointless argument, if you want to use iPhone or Android and have access to countless crappy apps you're free to do so. If you don't like WP, fine, I fail to see what your point is, that you're somehow superior and more intelligent? For what?
What makes you think I don't like WP? If I want to move to android or ios, I'd do so for that I don't need to take anyone's advice..We all know WP is a new Os but as an user we should expect( after having patience for more than 3yrs ) to do basic features and have quality apps..Android as a OS maybe laggy but their apps are not crappy..And Ios is famous for their app store..You really failed to see my point otherwise u wouldn't have said those things..
Originally posted by evilrob
Wunderlist looks pretty nice:

I had a good play with this yesterday, seems to do the job - if any Windows Phone-rs needs a good cross-platform list-making app with collaboration features (e.g. sharing a shopping list with the Mrs or something) - it's probably about as straightforward as it gets.
There is an obvious App gap based on numbers only for clear as day reasons, but with the availability of alternatives that gap is closing somewhat in WP. The main talking point shouldn't be about the number of apps between OSes but the quality of Apps between them. I couldn't careless if both Android and IOS had 500,000+ apps more than WP, what I and I hope you too as well want is that the QUALITY/FUNCTIONALITY from the apps found on all 3 OSes are the same in look and operational usage. I've recently downloaded flightradar24 on my WP8 L920 because I work at the Airport in my Country in the Caribbean and I found that it's close but not touching distance close to the one found on a work-mate's IOS version. As he turned his on every plane that was in the air showed up almost immediately on his screen complete with tail tags, on mine it took a while for about less than 10 to show up in the same area and I don't have the tags to show just by looking at the screen who was who. I bought add ons but his was more functional as like I said he had tags to say which was what. That's an example of how the quality difference is between the apps found on android and ios and those found on WP. Another example i have at work is facebook messenger. The one found on android (Sony Xperia Z1) has a phone icon whereas none found on the the WP version of the latest updated facebook messenger, so there's another example as to it's MORE important to have the QUALITY of app experience more than having the QUANTITY of app experience as most of those same 000,000+ apps are hardly ever used!!!!

Just my 2 cents.
There is an obvious App gap based on numbers only for clear as day reasons, but with the availability of alternatives that gap is closing somewhat in WP. The main talking point shouldn't be about the number of apps between OSes but the quality of Apps between them. I couldn't careless if both Android and IOS had 500,000+ apps more than WP, what I and I hope you too as well want is that the QUALITY/FUNCTIONALITY from the apps found on all 3 OSes are the same in look and operational usage. I've recently downloaded flightradar24 on my WP8 L920 because I work at the Airport in my Country in the Caribbean and I found that it's close but not touching distance close to the one found on a work-mate's IOS version. As he turned his on every plane that was in the air showed up almost immediately on his screen complete with tail tags, on mine it took a while for about less than 10 to show up in the same area and I don't have the tags to show just by looking at the screen who was who. I bought add ons but his was more functional as like I said he had tags to say which was what. That's an example of how the quality difference is between the apps found on android and ios and those found on WP. Another example i have at work is facebook messenger. The one found on android (Sony Xperia Z1) has a phone icon whereas none found on the the WP version of the latest updated facebook messenger, so there's another example as to it's MORE important to have the QUALITY of app experience more than having the QUANTITY of app experience as most of those same 000,000+ apps are hardly ever used!!!!

Just my 2 cents.

Here here!!!
There is still an app gap but it's not as bad as it was 3 years ago. However everyone agrees there is definitely a quality gap due to WP having low market share.
There is still an app gap but it's not as bad as it was 3 years ago. However everyone agrees there is definitely a quality gap due to WP having low market share.

This is exactly how I'd say it. Except I might not say that "everyone" agrees!
It's really what you're looking for from the apps. I have all that I need, and I know it's getting a lot better.
Plus, you're looking at the numbers, and how many apps iOS and Android have, but how many of those apps are really useful? From what I've seen, Microsoft is really good at have quality apps where they do have apps.
It's really what you're looking for from the apps. I have all that I need, and I know it's getting a lot better.
Plus, you're looking at the numbers, and how many apps iOS and Android have, but how many of those apps are really useful? From what I've seen, Microsoft is really good at have quality apps where they do have apps.

No quality in the apps idk what you talking about
Biggest gaps for me are
* a good PDF reader (I really like ezPDF for Android. There's nothing for WP that comes remotely close)
* WatchESPN
* ability to stream live YouTube content
* BECU, Costco... (would only occasionally use either, but it's grating that these companies are basically next door to Microsoft headquarters with no WP support)
It's one thing being a ******, it's another thing being blind. Of course there is a gap, not only in quantity but also in quality compared to the other OSes (obvious example being imdb). There are also apps that come so late to WP, no one cares about them anymore (obvious example Draw Something). Remember when Threes was announced for WP8? What about Flipboard? Sure there are alternatives to some missing apps but that's no good to potential customers, they check for the official stuff before they make their phone purchase and rightfully so. Oh and don't make me start about Betas.
Sent from my Lumia 1520 using Tapatalk
Indeed. It depends on your current needs as well - my particular needs are catered for so for me personally there's no app gap.
I'd like to see a Flickr app ---- from Yahoo like iPhone and Android.

There is one, but it's not been updated for WP8 support sadly and the last time I tried it, it didn't even let me log in and according to their site, they're abandoning it for the time being, possibly longer.
There is an app gap and I find it huge. I switched back to Android because of it, although I do load my SIM back into my Lumia now and then so I can see if it has improved because I really like Windows Phone.

What is missing for me:

Garmin Connect: Without this app I find the phone to be not for me. I have a 500 dollar bike computer that connects to Android or iOS but cannot connect to WP because there is no app.

Wunderground: on these forums WP users all say "Try Amazing Weather HD". I have and it isn't as good. I actually have not found a weather app that I like.

A decent music app: XBox Music is far from decent, the Spotify Client is mediocre, the Beats client is slow. A good music player should have been priority one right after the dialer app, and for some reason Microsoft finds creating decent Music apps to be nearly impossible.

A decent podcast app: Give me an answer to Pocket Casts. I have tried Microsoft's app, Podcast Lounge, and others and wasn't impressed.

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