Are you F'ING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!

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Nov 11, 2010
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First World Problems much?

People gotta chill out. People are dying in a hurricane and all you care about is a stupid phone launch. It'll get here eventually just keep your pants on.


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Aug 5, 2011
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Good thing this isn't Hurricane Central, I guess. And yeah, it will come out "eventually," long after the general market has lost interest at this rate.


Mar 30, 2011
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First World Problems much?

People gotta chill out. People are dying in a hurricane and all you care about is a stupid phone launch. It'll get here eventually just keep your pants on.

As I said elsewhere, there's always an atrocity in the world or a lower standard of living that makes our lives look like those of gods by comparison.

In that context, we should be grateful if we had no other phones but a Blackberry Bold 9700 to choose from for the rest of our lives. Outside of that context, it's perfectly fine to discuss strengths and flaws of the Microsoft Windows Phone 8 launch strategy. If you think it's so unworthy to discuss in times of worldwide strife and misery, why are YOU here reading it in the first place?

Isn't there some blood you could give or community time you could donate at a food bank?

Or isn't there room to care appropriately about the suffering of others AND discuss more frivolous matters?


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Oct 2, 2012
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First World Problems much?

People gotta chill out. People are dying in a hurricane and all you care about is a stupid phone launch. It'll get here eventually just keep your pants on.

I agree people need to chill out, myself included. But there is ALWAYS something going on in the world that is more dire then 99% of any discussions on any forum.


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Oct 5, 2011
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Microsoft should've pushed AT&T to announce prices and dates. Lack of that information for so long basically hurts sales of WP8.

What clout does MS have over AT&T though? It's not like the sales of Windows Phones have been good enough for MS to threaten to pull all Windows Phones from them. MS knows that AT&T is the only carrier behind WP and sells more Windows Phones then any other carrier.


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Oct 2, 2012
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What clout does MS have over AT&T though? It's not like the sales of Windows Phones have been good enough for MS to threaten to pull all Windows Phones from them. MS knows that AT&T is the only carrier behind WP and sells more Windows Phones then any other carrier.

Maybe instead of threats they could have offered incentives. "We'll pay $XX to your sales employees for each WP they sell". That would help motivate the sales people, AT&T wouldn't have to pay for that out of pocket, and MS's product would hopefully get more traction in the market, which would help MS recoup the costs of providing the incentive in the first place.


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Dec 4, 2010
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I'd be willing to hear a Nokia apologist explain why this launch is flawless, brilliant and destined to succeed...
That will be impossible because this 920 "launch" has been a complete disaster. It would've worked if Nokia had not announced it nearly two months ago. Whatever happened to what Elop said that they want to change their approach to having devices within "weeks of announcement"? I didn't know he meant 12 weeks, LOL!

AT&T... Hello? Bueller? Bueller?
ROFL! You made my day with that quote!

As I said elsewhere, there's always an atrocity in the world or a lower standard of living that makes our lives look like those of gods by comparison.

In that context, we should be grateful if we had no other phones but a Blackberry Bold 9700 to choose from for the rest of our lives. Outside of that context, it's perfectly fine to discuss strengths and flaws of the Microsoft Windows Phone 8 launch strategy. If you think it's so unworthy to discuss in times of worldwide strife and misery, why are YOU here reading it in the first place?

Isn't there some blood you could give or community time you could donate at a food bank?

Or isn't there room to care appropriately about the suffering of others AND discuss more frivolous matters?
Good post. Why even have this forum, right? Funny how people classify this as "first world problems" and what not. Of course this isn't a real "problem", but this site and forum are meant for these type of discussions.


Apr 4, 2012
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I have to disagree... I am neither of the above mentioned, but I happened to hold on to an already more non-then-functional phone as long as I could since I really wanted to wait for the Lumia 920. Well, my phone died completely so I had to get a new one. But even if it wouldn't have died today, some day in November is not what I can wait for in this situation. November 4th for instance would have been something I could live with. No phone for 3-4 days? I can find workarounds for that. Heck, may I could have made it another week somehow... But no Phone for "some time in November" doesn't work.
I am still planning to get the Lumia 920 eventually, but I understand why people are walking away....
The people walking away are not necessarily the ones you mentioned, I believe the vast majority will be the ones like me. The ones who were/are in the market for a new phone and wanted to give WP8 a try. Real WP8 fans will wait.... But to be successful in the market, relying on only real WP8 fans will not be enough...
I also understand that you defend what you like. I would too. But I am not sure if the average phone user will understand...

I'm sorry to hear about your situation.

Unfortunately, no matter WHEN they release the phone, it will ALWAYS be too late for someone. I'm quite confident the number of people who just happened to have their phones fail in the last two weeks and can't wait one minute more for the 920 is very small and it's not going to have much of an impact on sales or attracting people to the platform.

I say this as a Lumia 900 owner who JUST cracked his screen in half this week, so believe me, I get it. I was going to wait a year or more to get a new phone, but now I want to get a 920 ASAP, I don't want to spend $200 fixing this phone. So I get it. I want the 920 ASAP too and I'm thinking WTF when I see people in bum**** western Canada getting one and we don't have them here. I feel your pain.


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Oct 30, 2012
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Oh, this is the "mature" attitude to take? Gotcha.

Some of us have concerns beyond our own wants. Some of us are concerned for the platform and are tired of seeing uncoordinated event after uncoordinated event kneecapping the launch buzz and potential of a platform we really, personally believe in.

It's not a temper tantrum to note when Microsoft fails to execute successfully. Yesterday was a failed "event" due to little new information and even fewer launch specifics. They don't have a lot of luxury to make execution mistakes with Windows Phone 8, in case you haven't noticed.

People DO care. Any time you leave potential customers waiting, there is a very good chance that they lose patience and simply walk out of your restaurant...or your grocery store....or in this case, they simply renew their contract with yet another Android or iPhone. The successful businessperson puts as few obstacles as possible between their customers and their product.

In Apple's case, you simply tune into an event or read the widespread coverage of it afterward, and you know all of the details and can get the thing they have you so excited for in a handful of days.

In this case, you tune into, what, the fourth Windows Phone 8 related event, see Jessica Alba shill for her site, watch some kids get silly onstage, and hear that the games you don't play anymore (Words With Friends, Draw Something, Angry Birds Space) on iPhone or Android are "coming soon" to this new platform. And here are some awesome new devices that are coming "in December" or "by Thanksgiving" or "TBA".

If you can't see why we're scratching our heads and voicing our displeasure, I don't know what to tell you.

Well said! Bravo!


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Oct 30, 2012
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The only thing that prevents me from buying iPhones for the whole family is availability there too.

My teenager is going on a trip with his school band the third week in November, a reliable phone for him on the trip is a must. His current Epic 4g slidder phone is a POS and has been nothing but a headache, and I am just through with Android.

My wife is still on an old BlackBerry Curve and it's a piece of sh**. My original Evo ... well as I said, I'm through with Android. I'm in the category of those that would rather have a gray 1990's flip phone than ever buy another Android phone.

AT&T is poised to steal tons of users from Sprint because of Sprints lack of support for WP8 phones. For those that just want a WP8 phone they will just go to T-mobile or Verizion.

Since I am a bit of a time crunch, I will either stay with Sprint and get everyone iPhones or move to AT&T.

I realize, of course, losing my three phone account isn't even a drop in the bucket for AT&T, but they should know, the ball is in their court.

For those who have theorized the storm had something to do with a lack of an announcment from AT&T, I give you this: I believe if the storm were the cause for delay AT&T would jump on the opportunity to save face and/or invoke understanding for the situation.

AT&T's Twitter feed, for example, is an equal mixture info of storm related items, Dancing with the Stars, and ghostbombing (whatever the **** that is). Not one about anthing to do with WP8.

Seems I've been rambling.. I'm done now.


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Aug 5, 2011
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A friend of mine just picked up four iPhone 5 units for his family plan, after learning of no pricing or ship dates for his carrier. Every hour if delay makes failure more likely.

I don't understand why Microsoft doesn't seem to get this. They had top flight urgency and execution for W8 and WRT, as well as Surface, but WP8 is being "launched" in truly amateur fashion. It is bad.
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