Are you going to buy a Microsoft Surface 2 Tablet?

So my one reservation is that RT needs more games. They're not coming and I don't see any signs of it picking up. So while I may be disappointed by the performance of running games on Bay Trail, something is better than nothing.

I am pretty optimistic about the future of games on the Surface 2. The main reason for my optimism is the upcoming Xbox One. I think there is going to be a merging of the various marketplaces (Windows Phone, Windows Store, and Xbox One marketplace). And I also think that in time MS is working toward a more unified experience across all of their devices. That could mean that many Xbox One games could potentially be available on Windows Store and compiled to work with both x86 and ARM processors. It would also be great if we would only be required to buy them once and get them on all devices.

Ok, maybe I'm too optimistic :)
That would certainly be nice, but if it happens it will likely be in a very limited capacity. Surface 2 is roughly equivalent to a PC from 2004 or 2005 in graphical horsepower, if I understand correctly. Also because games require very low-level access to hardware, porting apps would require significant portions of code to be re-written. I wouldn't rule out seeing smaller, less intensive titles getting cross-platform releases, but that will probably be all you'll see. If there are mobile versions of big Xbox One titles, they will likely be a unique game built from the ground up for mobile.
Yeah, I was thinking more of the smaller, independent titles. If MS makes it easy for a developer to simply compile the game for both x86 and ARM, and the game only requires modest hardware to run reasonably well, it would be a no-brainer for the developers to offer their games on both Xbox and Windows/RT. Hopefully there will be a lot of those types of games.
Just pre-ordered both surface 2 RT 64gb and type cover 2. Can't wait for them to arrive :)
Had a hard time applying student discount to both of them.
its not that people didn't like it... At 500usd it had one benefit, MS Office, everything else... Well an iPad was arguably better. This made the target audience a niche. Add that it was. RT... The market quickly released x86 devices that were comparable. Like now with the Asus t100.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

Better is so subjective... I met another surface user today in san Francisco. He is the financial officer for this international company. We discussed it for a bit. He has an iPhone and iPod as well. He said the iPad just sits. The surface was more productive... We weren't talking about the pros either.

He uses it during commutes to write his latest book. Games amps were not discussed. A lot of people who have a surface an really appreciate it, have or have other tablets. They like the surface for what it does well. No consumer or fan mindset. They see it as another wonderful tool.

I will still hump on my old iPad 1, rarely. I sold the ipad2. My second surface is now for sell though I May keep it... The first was stolen. My surface 2 will be here soon enough. I believe in the surface, especially the rt. I don't mind pioneering either... I did the same with the other devices. You know itz remarkable, but you have tol work it onto your lifestyle and you into its. People try to make it work like other tablets... Have your tried to make the other tablets work alike a surface? Apples and oranges... Seriously.

Long post ended. I think I lost focus... Just get what you want and be happy. do t worry what the world has. Define what you need and try them all for a bit. Off you get get both or all.. Otherwise get what you want... Don't limit yourself to one brand...
Better is so subjective... I met another surface user today in san Francisco. He is the financial officer for this international company. We discussed it for a bit. He has an iPhone and iPod as well. He said the iPad just sits. The surface was more productive... We weren't talking about the pros either.

He uses it during commutes to write his latest book. Games amps were not discussed. A lot of people who have a surface an really appreciate it, have or have other tablets. They like the surface for what it does well. No consumer or fan mindset. They see it as another wonderful tool.

I will still hump on my old iPad 1, rarely. I sold the ipad2. My second surface is now for sell though I May keep it... The first was stolen. My surface 2 will be here soon enough. I believe in the surface, especially the rt. I don't mind pioneering either... I did the same with the other devices. You know itz remarkable, but you have tol work it onto your lifestyle and you into its. People try to make it work like other tablets... Have your tried to make the other tablets work alike a surface? Apples and oranges... Seriously.

Long post ended. I think I lost focus... Just get what you want and be happy. do t worry what the world has. Define what you need and try them all for a bit. Off you get get both or all.. Otherwise get what you want... Don't limit yourself to one brand...
Exactly. If it's good at what it does, and you need what it foes, go for it.
Going with a Win8 Desktop/Surface 2/Windows Phone combo.

My family can stay on another OS while I reap the benefits of mine :P
why a hard time?

They mentioned that the student discount only work on the surface 2 RT. Not the type cover 2 which really frustrates me. After talking to around 5 - 6 customer supports, I managed to get the discount to work on both products. The thing that I don't like about Microsoft sales and customer support is their uncertainty. Some of them mentioned that the discount will work on both products whereas some disagree. It is so confusing. It seems like they cant made up their mind on certain things. I hope they will improve in the future. If not, they will miss a lot of potential buyers of surface products.
It's almost criminal that a keyboard cover isn't included to begin with, at least as an optional bundle deal as it was with Surface RT. The covers really feel like an artificial way of raising the price of this thing beyond $600, especially considering how integral they are to Microsoft's vision for Surface.
I agree on the key board price/free issue, but understand Microsoft's place. People have options for lower cost one now with the markdown on the first Gen models. It like paying $40 for the smart cover +$30 for keyboard function using the older model. The new has nice improvements.

We sure want them to throw us a bone every now and then we support them not just as fans, but we see their vision, but we pioneer and get the short end of the stick...
Well, if Microsoft launches a program in Europe for exchange of our 1st gen devices (since there are no MS stores here), I might see how much they give me for my 64GB RT. If it's not much, then I've deviced I'd rather wait for this time next year when they'll most likely launch the Surface 3.

I will, however, most likely buy the Nokia tablet...and if they made it so that the Surface covers work on it...I may not even buy the S3. Lets see.
Anxious to have one at the end of this month, although I think the price is still too high. Will replace my old Ipad 1
Ordered from Still waiting for the choice of in-store pick up, but I don't see it happening before the launch. Now, I could have gone in store and put my $50 down, but I prefer to pre-order online, cause then I'm not charged a cent until the item is shipped or picked up. That is how I pre-ordered my Xbox One. Selected in-store pick up... boom, no deposit.
I will pass on this generation. I will wait until the Surface becomes a desktop replacement (instead of the current laptop replacement status). I'm sure it's heading in the right direction.

You may have a very long wait.

I just bought a new compact desktop. 3 GHz Quad core, 12 GB memory, 1 TB hard drive, 4 USB 3, 6 USB 2, etc. all for 480 bucks. Can you see a tablet replacing that, in the near future?
Perhaps not, but it doesn't need to be that powerful to replace the most important functionality of a desktop. I don't think this person is suggesting that he wants a more powerful machine, but rather that he wants to see Metro and the Windows Store mature to a point where he doesn't need x86 compatibility to carry out everyday tasks.

Really Surface 2 is a completely adequate machine for most use cases in terms of power. You might not be able to use it for gaming or computationally demanding professional uses, but for pretty much anything else you'd do on a desktop it is plenty powerful.

Now I get what you're saying in terms of cost versus value. But really a tablet is a completely different beast. Yes you can get a great PC for that price, but it's not mobile in the same sense, it requires an external display, speakers, mouse and keyboard. The value proposition is entirely different.
Well, after some long internal debate, I bit the bullet and just pre-ordered the Surface 2 (Microsoft online Store). At first, I was waiting for the Pro to go on sale (reduce inventory) but finally decided on the Surface 2. I'm too cheap and didn't order a touch cover (thinking the digital keyboard is good enough to type emails and surf) and selected the free shipping, so, I'll have to wait an extra few days to get it.

1. I have a HTC8x and finding myself surfing the internet all the time (instead of using my old Touchpad). Its kind of hard reading stuff and surfing using a phone.
a: wanted my tablet to be in the same eco system as my phone.
2. I am a photographer and use my Touchpad to show off my work to clients. It works, but want a greater choice in photo viewing apps (changing background colors while viewing) than what WebOS offered in the Touchpad.
3. My Touchpad is now two years old and it doesn't stay charged as long. Longer battery life in the Surface.
4. Games
5. There is probably a few other reasons I can think of . . .
I'm curious, why did you choose Surface over another tablet? Not to imply that you've made a bad decision (after all, I've got a Surface 2 pre-ordered as well), but none of the reasons you've listed seem to put the Surface at an advantage to other tablets in terms of how well it fits your needs, but you must have had a reason for choosing it beyond it being a Microsoft product. (since that's about all 'being in the same ecosystem' means for now)

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