Are you going to update your tablet to Windows 10????

I installed on my SP3 but rolled back, way too buggy for me at the moment which is to be expected with a TP. Will maybe have another look when the new release drops.
No way in it's current form. I realize they have barely even started on the touch optimizing, but unless we're seeing at the very least Windows 8.1-level of touch awesomeness, I seriously have to consider staying with 8.1.

I just dont like the idea, cos I like much of the awesome unifying ideas of Windows 10, especially as an Xbox One owner..

But as it stands, Win 10 doesn't come even close to Windows 8.1 when it comes to how fast/effectively/productively you can use the OS.
I will probably update my Lenovo ThinkPad 8 to win10 when it's final, since win 8.1 is way to buggy and lacks decent apps for touch.
But perhaps genymotion can solve that ;)
Everytiime I try to install it freezes on the very first install option screen, ggrrhhh
Not the way it is now it is horrible on Tablets

Win 10 acts more like Win 7 on a tablet then Win 8. I have no idea why MS is throwing away all the good things Win 8 did on tablets?

A taskbar on an 8 inch tablet? No full screen metro to properly display live tiles? No Metro IE? Shoving everything to the desktop? No charms bars and missing featured in the notification center? No swipe to scroll through open apps?

Really what kind of crack are they smoking? Right now it looks like Win 8.1 will be the Win XP for Tablets.
Not installed it on my 8" Linx, but have used it on my touch laptop so I have seen how the tablet interface is currently working

I am hoping for a lot more changes to the continuum (make it work more like 8.1) as currently there is no way that 10 would be installed on my tablet, it is still far too desktop oriented for me to use on a tablet, needs full screen apps as deafult, no taskbar when using apps, the charms bar and the win 8 app switcher
Not installed it on my 8" Linx, but have used it on my touch laptop so I have seen how the tablet interface is currently working

I am hoping for a lot more changes to the continuum (make it work more like 8.1) as currently there is no way that 10 would be installed on my tablet, it is still far too desktop oriented for me to use on a tablet, needs full screen apps as deafult, no taskbar when using apps, the charms bar and the win 8 app switcher

I'm hoping next week's fix for wimboot will let me jump to W10 finally on my Linx 8. Is taskbar is such a pain on tablet? I've heard it from many folks about taskbar issues.
I'm hoping next week's fix for wimboot will let me jump to W10 finally on my Linx 8. Is taskbar is such a pain on tablet? I've heard it from many folks about taskbar issues.

For me the taskbar is too small and awkward to use on a tablet, I just don't really see the point in it being there
If you go into desktop mode on your Linx, how easy to use do you find the icons at the right of the taskbar? (can you adjust the volume easier from here or from the charms bar using your finger, as an example)
I don't personally like the mixing of UI and having one for all devices, touch designed elements can be used with a mouse, but they can seem odd, mouse elements are not very good to use with touch and can be almost impossible
It seems stupid to shove desktop gui elements in tablet mode. They have a tablet and desktop mode now you'd figure each mode could be configured for optimal experience why have two modes when one of them is completely gimped.
For me the taskbar is too small and awkward to use on a tablet, I just don't really see the point in it being there
If you go into desktop mode on your Linx, how easy to use do you find the icons at the right of the taskbar? (can you adjust the volume easier from here or from the charms bar using your finger, as an example)
I don't personally like the mixing of UI and having one for all devices, touch designed elements can be used with a mouse, but they can seem odd, mouse elements are not very good to use with touch and can be almost impossible

It seems stupid to shove desktop gui elements in tablet mode. They have a tablet and desktop mode now you'd figure each mode could be configured for optimal experience why have two modes when one of them is completely gimped.

​So even though they've made 10041 build compatible with compressed OS (which are all 7 or 8 inch tabs) - I am assuming tablet mode doesn't really do anything more than run everything that is modern, in full screen?

I think they are relying heavily on feedback from touch users as they probably figured, this is one of the smaller segments so this time around instead of pleasing smaller crowd, they have designed from larger screens, non touch users. Once the larger user base is pleased, at least adoption will increase. Then they want touch users like us, to probably load a plenty more feedback via feedback app to suggest what we think may make it better.

What I am personally going to do is, once this week, it becomes compatible to jump from Windows 8.1 w/bing to 10041 build, get that build and give ample feedback from touch perspective. Do feel free to +me too if you see something related to touch interface - they are defo listening.
Problem is I think they are running out of time to make any major GUI changes. I'm also worried as EVERYTHING they have showed off with Win 10 has had the taskbar always on even when demoing 8inch tablets and Joe B specifically tweeted the taskbar was their on purpose even for smaller tablets.

If they could only give us more options in the Tablet mode setting to adjust the GUI to act more like win 8.1

I just do not know why they felt the need to scrap everything in Win 8.1 in regards to tablet use. It was really solid for tablets and the GUI got out of your way whihc is what a good gui is supposed to to especially on a smaller touch enabled screen.

Desktop users flipped out about Win 8.1 but tablet users had no problem with it.
I would like to think they are going to listen to the tablet users at some point and add in the features that where liked

The reason for me of why I don't really think they will is that they have been deliberately removing more of the 8 style touch interface with each new build and making everything more desktop oriented

hopefull they will surprise us later on (not too much time left for testing and making big changes), but if appears they have listened to the majority which are desktop users and just given everyone this interface

I will certainly be trying these features on my touch laptop (I prefer the 8 experience on here even though most don't), so will decide later how this is working and if I want 10 on my tablet, currently it would be a no
I updated in the last build and I didn't make a partition to restore back to windows 8.1...... And I have felt bad ever since.... The OS looks good and so, I will get it or my laptop. But for the tablet experience its horrible! I hope they make it possible in the tablet mode to act like in windows 8.1.... right now its pretty hard to use it without a keyboard for a 8 inch tablet.

also why would they make more surface pro in the future or any touch device if the experience that worked out so well in windows 8.1 now is horrible in windows 10?

Also, I don't always complain and I have a hope that they will fix this for the final release this summer.
But if not, I wont buy any new windows tablet.
Well, I did the dastardly deed today and installed the latest build on SP3. Holy Crap!! What a nightmare!

They went to far in blending the Tablet and Desktop mode together. I couldn't really tell the difference between the two, and got REALLY frustrated, REALLY fast.

I will admit that when Windows 8.x came out, I didn't like it at all (I was a big hater of everything about it). But after a few hours of messing around and then the eureka moment happened when I realized that you HAVE TO customize the start screen layout to your personal needs. Then everything fell into place and all the things that people complained about didn't matter. MS really did a good job of the interface.

Now with everyone complaining about how bad Win8.x was, Microsoft decided to "have the tail wag the dog" and have the masses dictate the design. I hate to say it, this Win10 is going pear shaped, fast.

The sad part is everyone I've worked with that had the hate thing going on with Win8.x, once I sat down with them for 5-10 minutes explaining and showing things, they ALL said "Wow! This IS really cool and easy to use." Even corporate users I've walked through have said the same thing, and they would prefer to drop Win7 and move up to Win8.x but they say the higher-ups won't go for it and want to wait for Win10.

My only hope is that I'm in the minority on this new version. Because if it doesn't go well, Microsoft is going to be in a world of hurt.

I did go back to Win8.1. Win10 is just to buggy and convoluted right now. Just a heads up, DON'T go to the "make text and other items larger or smaller" in the display settings on the SP3 if you have a picture password. After logging out, it took me over 10 minutes of poking at the screen, rotating, and other weird things just to log back in.
Ok quick question I'm looking to install the Windows 10 preview to my Surface pro 2. What is the best way to do this with out having issues?
There is a well-documented issue with WLAN drivers not being available for some Intel-based devices. I'm one of those so I'll just wait until the release. I don't know what the deal with the taskbar is. If you don't want it hogging up that 3/8" of space on the screen, set it to auto-hide.
Re: Are you going to upgrade your tablet????

If Windows 10 is available for the 1st Gen Surface then yes, I will.

I have been running technical preview for several months on 1st gen surface pro, but haven't tried to even look for it yet on my surface RT/ARM
Re: Are you going to upgrade your tablet????

I have been running technical preview for several months on 1st gen surface pro, but haven't tried to even look for it yet on my surface RT/ARM

The bits for Surface RT aren't available yet, they will be after Windows 10 launches.
Ugg 10061 is another UI disaster on Tablets. MS is literally pretending Win 8 never came out and is instead trying to tweak the Win 7 UI for touch experience.

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