Are you going to update your tablet to Windows 10????

Another new build and another kick in the teeth to Tablet users.

The taskbar cannot go into autohide in Tablet mode. The only way in win 10 to have a full screen experience is to autohide taskbar in desktop mode, for web browsing you'd have to use firefox and put it into full screen mode.
I have 10158 on a Venue 8 and I don't really like it. I don't like the start menu nor the apps list. I will however appreciate the install to SD feature and that will keep me on 10. The file browser is really a lot more touch friendly too. Perfect Win 10 for me would be 8.1 start screen and apps list with the rest of tablet mode of Win 10.
I have 10158 on a Venue 8 and I don't really like it. I don't like the start menu nor the apps list. I will however appreciate the install to SD feature and that will keep me on 10. The file browser is really a lot more touch friendly too. Perfect Win 10 for me would be 8.1 start screen and apps list with the rest of tablet mode of Win 10. was the install on your DV8P? Did you have to download drivers or anything funky to get it to work properly?
I had 8.1 then used a 10130 iso from usb. went fine but it was all buggy. Reset. then it was okish. then I went to 10158 perfectly but it took a failed install of 10162 from an unofficial iso to trigger the OTA of 10162, now its downloading..
I do vaguely remember doing a clean install of I think 10130 actually, because I remember it had to grab the Intel GMA driver from update, but the pen and sound and everything work fine
oh and actually the cameras are broken but its the same fix as 8.1 where you roll back the old driver.
I decided to wait on my DV8P. However, I did use the ISO to install it onto my Acer W4. Installed like and champ, and works wonderfully. :)
Can anyone update their tablet using Windows Update for Compressed OS devices. Just curious.
Well the last build 10163 I lasted the longest out of all the builds so far on my SP3. A whole 24 hours, before I got frustrated and went back to 8.1.

Microsoft still has a way to go before W10 is ready for prime time on the tablet front, in my opinion. When I kept W10 in desktop mode, it was REALLY good. They made concessions and adjustments to the masses. But damn, tablet mode, one step forward, 10 steps back. :crying:

I really didn't like W8.x till I got my SP3. Then everything just worked and made sense. W10, is slowly going back to W8.1 in tablet mode, but the bugs and glitches, there are quite a few that need to resolved. I was going to start a list of them, but got to frustrated and bailed.
What about the latest 10166 build? Is there any progress with the tablet mode?
Tried 10162 but as said the taskbar was always on in tablet mode and overall not even close to 8.1 tablet experience
I'm having issues with my main laptop. So I won't be installing it on my Dell Venue Pro 11 right away. The software would have to be damn good first
I'm running latest build on my Asus VivoTab 8 and I gotta say I'm happy. Sure there's the occasional crash, maybe a hang here or there, but for the most part its stable and works well. Screen casting works REALLY well.
10240 has been way better for stability on my DVP8, I just hate the start screen in tablet mode and I really wanted apps to SD.
Just a reminder to everyone: Before installing W10 on a tablet, make a W8.1 recovery disk (if you can), and make sure it works!!!

I have a feeling that when it rolls out, a lot of tablet users are going to have 'issues', and will want to go back to W8.1 The only way will be getting out your recovery disk and using it.

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