Are you going to update your tablet to Windows 10????

Have it on my DVP8. My brother got his hands on it and now its stuck in an effin boot loop. Giving me a tremendous headache to fix. Solid OS otherwise. Will probably reinstall 10 just to keep using the Office Preview apps. Loving those.
For my Surface Pro (one), I waited until the recent build 10074. No problems as of yet (knocking on wood).
Using newest build released today on my Lenovo Yoga tablet 2. This is the worst version of Windows I have used since Millennium Edition. The OS and MS apps are no longer designed for touch screens. It is a mouse and keyboard OS with a terrible tablet mode. I honestly think it is worse on tablets than Windows 7. The tablet mode requires a million precise clicks all over the place to do things as simple as opening up your app list. Your app list by the way which is just a giant long single column list that you cannot even jump around by letter. I kid you not they have gone so crazy with hamburger menus in everything that they even put one on the start screen for tablets. So now just to turn the system off requires extra clicks (start button, hamburger button, power button, shutdown) which inconveniently requires moving your finger or mouse all over the display at the furthest corners. You cannot even turn off the stupid start screen hamburger menu when using the mouse which means using a tablet even with a mouse is now a chore. And in portrait mode your start screen gets one stupid 3-tile wide column with tons of wasted space surrounding it. Gesture support has gone way down both in apps and the OS. The web browser no longer supports moving back and forward through history by swiping. The task switcher can't close apps by swiping down like you can in Windows phone. Hamburger buttons all require precise taps to open. The random apps that have the charms functions hidden at the top require a swipe down but then a precise tap on a microscopic hamburger button. Buttons in the start screen are all placed extremely close to each other so it is easy to hit the wrong one. You can no longer open up your app list by swiping up on the start screen, you have to precisely tap a button. Trying to even accomplish side by side multitasking with this OS is a pain since you can no longer swipe apps from the side and place them where you want them. You have to first open the app full screen then pull the app down and move it where you want it. Just an extra step to make your life more miserable. The OS absolutely sucks on a touch device.

The new MSN apps look awful now. No longer are there large graphics and text that fill the screen like a beautiful digital magazine, instead the apps are just web wrappers for web browser articles. The articles do not format to the screen and you cannot even pinch to zoom in the current version. The charms functionality is all missing as well, so you cannot share print or display content on a remote screen. The new apps are absolutely awful compared to what's on Windows 8.1.

You can no longer move multiple live tiles on the start screen. Grouping tiles is a chore as there is no multi-select or zooming out to move groups. There are virtually no improvements, zero, absolute zero improvements over Windows 8.1 for tablet or touch screen users. If you are a user who would sometimes use the touch screen and mouse/trackpad just depending upon how you felt in that instance, this is no longer supported. You are forced to choose either being in touch mode or non-touch mode, so trying to use both with mixed inputs is no longer tolerated well. For example lets say you were browsing a touch app/article with your finger then went back to mouse to do something more precise, you cannot even close the new MSN apps with your mouse or try to do side by side multitasking. The whole experience is a giant pain in the ****. I would strongly advise not putting this OS on a tablet and can't believe OEMs are even going to sell touch screen devices with this garbage OS on it.
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I commented earlier about installing on my Toshiba Encore 2 8" 2gb RAM 64gb hdd. It was a disaster. However, after Build 10122 it is much improved. Especially appreciate the start screen. It's not perfect, but at least it's usable now.
Using newest build released today on my Lenovo Yoga tablet 2. This is the worst version of Windows I have used since Millennium Edition. The OS and MS apps are no longer designed for touch screens...

... The whole experience is a giant pain in the ****. I would strongly advise not putting this OS on a tablet and can't believe OEMs are even going to sell touch screen devices with this garbage OS on it.
I agree wholeheartedly with every word of your post. Interestingly, I also have it installed on a Yoga 2 and I reckon it will be the death of Windows on tablets, 2-in-1s and convertible form factors. With Windows 10 Microsoft are giving this entire market to Android and iOS on a platter, which is pretty stupid when you realise that the only hardware they make/sell is in that segment of the market.
I agree wholeheartedly with every word of your post. Interestingly, I also have it installed on a Yoga 2 and I reckon it will be the death of Windows on tablets, 2-in-1s and convertible form factors. With Windows 10 Microsoft are giving this entire market to Android and iOS on a platter, which is pretty stupid when you realise that the only hardware they make/sell is in that segment of the market.
If people were so gung ho about all-touch interfaces the Surface RT would've been more successful. No, consumers seeking Windows tablets know it's geared for mouse and keyboard. A touch interface is just icing on the cake. Any interaction on desktop with a display less than 11" almost requires a stylus because it's still Windows 7 underneath.

Sent from my LG G3 via Tapatalk
Windows RT could have had the best touch experience in the universe but if nobody could run the software they needed to on it, it was never going to be popular. In any event Windows 10 is not going to address anything related to what you're saying, all it is going to do is take the touch experience from being easily the best around to easily the worst. To use your analogy, it will be like putting aniseed icing on your cake when everyone else is offering strawberry and chocolate. It will be a disaster outside the desktop/laptop market which would be OK if those other markets were shrinking but that is clearly where OEMs see most of their potential for growth. W10 will salt those potentially fertile grounds without bringing anyone back to laptops or desktops.
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Initially it was quite decent on my SP3 but after the last two updates it has been extremely buggy. On occasions the search menu stays on screen and cannot be removed unless I go into the settings menu, also if I press the power button to lock the device once turned back it, it comes up with a black screen which can be really frustrating as I have to turn it off. I may go back to 8.1 for now. Overall as described above some of the functionality of 8.1 has been removed which I find strange, like moving multiple tiles at once. I find the start screen frustrating currently but hopefully these change in the coming months. I don't see a summer release on the cards, I think were looking at Autumn/Winter in reality.
Windows RT could have had the best touch experience in the universe but if nobody could run the software they needed to on it, it was never going to be popular. In any event Windows 10 is not going to address anything related to what you're saying, all it is going to do is take the touch experience from being easily the best around to easily the worst. To use your analogy, it will be like putting aniseed icing on your cake when everyone else is offering strawberry and chocolate. It will be a disaster outside the desktop/laptop market which would be OK if those other markets were shrinking but that is clearly where OEMs see most of their potential for growth. W10 will salt those potentially fertile grounds without bringing anyone back to laptops or desktops.

Have you seen the most recent tablet sales numbers? A German Stuka couldn't dive faster. The only platform holding steady and showing some growth is Windows. Please consider for a moment that there are those in many parts of the world that can only afford 1 device. If that 1 device only has a touch interface it may not be for them. Windows tablets are popular because they have mouse & keyboard capability, not to mention run real desktop programs.
Just installed the latest preview on my HP stream 8. I was lucky no problems at all, little rough around the edges. But I'm excited to explore

I have the Stream 8 as well. Did you just download from MS and install? I'm hesitant to give it a try. How you did it would be most helpful. Thanks
Have you seen the most recent tablet sales numbers? A German Stuka couldn't dive faster. The only platform holding steady and showing some growth is Windows.
Perhaps you need to improve your comprehension skills. I didn't single out tablets, I said "outside the desktop/laptop market ", which includes tablets, 2-in-1s and convertibles. Those latter devices have keyboards and track-pads, just like a laptop, and those are the devices that OEMs seem to be investing in currently. More importantly, they are devices that rely on a consistently good experience, no matter how they are being used. They need to function as well with or without a keyboard and mouse and this is where W10 cannot hope to deliver in it's current form. Seriously, spend a few minutes turning tablet mode on and off and see just how little it alters the experience. It is a joke.
Please consider for a moment that there are those in many parts of the world that can only afford 1 device. If that 1 device only has a touch interface it may not be for them. Windows tablets are popular because they have mouse & keyboard capability, not to mention run real desktop programs.
I'm not quite sure what this has to do with anything I said, as it holds true for me as much as anyone else. But, as I said, that's where W10 lets me down the most. I am still running Windows 8 on my 8" Thinkpad 8 and it is as easy to use without a keyboard and mouse as it is with one. I bought a 10" Yoga 2 to experiment with W10 (and just realised that I have W10 on a 10" tablet and W8 on an 8" tablet, which is amusing) and the differences could not be more stark. The Yoga 2 is kind of useful with its bundled keyboard and my Bluetooth mouse, within the constraints that it is running beta software, but it is a pile of garbage without them.

I'll give you an example that I think is particularly relevant - browsing the internet - which is something every tablet user would do on a daily basis. On my W8 tablet I use the Metro version of IE11 and the experience is brilliant. All the controls are nice and big, they are easy to get at and I never have to press multiple times to get it to do things, despite the small screen. Best of all, it displays the content full screen with an absolute minimum of wasted space, which means I can actually see more of a web page on my 8" tablet than I can on my 10" tablet because Edge takes up a fat strip at the top of the screen and pushes all the web content down.

I say "fat strip" but the reality I that it isn't fat enough. Closing a tab requires anything between 4 and 10 attempts and opening a new, empty tab often requires twice that effort, simply because the touch targets are way too small. That would be eminently forgivable if Edge was replacing IE on the desktop but it isn't, it is meant to be touch-friendly.

It is easy to think that hiding the UI away is a bad idea but for tiny screens it takes away the compromise inherent in wanting to make it easy to use with fat fingers but still leaving enough room to display your content, whether it is a photo, video, web page or maybe just an email or PDF document. Windows 8 and Windows Phone do that much better than iOS or Android, Windows 10 does it much worse.
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Seriously, spend a few minutes turning tablet mode on and off and see just how little it alters the experience. It is a joke.

I don't have the TP anymore but it doesn't matter. Someone or some group will invariably be unhappy. It appears you're one of those and there's not much you'll be able to do about it without the help of a third party app or moving to another platform altogether. July 29th is rapidly approaching so I doubt Microsoft is working on UX elements at this point. Be glad they gave us this preview to see if we like it or not. No other OS does this and yet people still find a way to complain. That's just rich.
I want to but, still on the fence. I have a Samsung Slate 7 (i5, 4gb, 64gb SSD, pretty much a Surface pro specs), that came with 8.1 factory. I use Windows Media Center on it to stream live TV from my HPTC on 8.1.

So if WMC is able to be hacked into Windows 10, Yes, I will be upgrading on my tablet, if not, I really have to think about it because I will lose a MAJOR feature that I use a lot...
Windows 8 was a disaster in tablets, almost everybody hates it. Windows 10 is a huge improvement for touch devices. I can't wait for the upgrade.
Windows 8 was a disaster in tablets, almost everybody hates it. Windows 10 is a huge improvement for touch devices. I can't wait for the upgrade.
In what way? You can't just say it was a disaster without telling us why because those of us who actually use it every day and find it superior to iOS and Android will just dismiss you as having no idea what you are talking about. Be specific or don't bother commenting at all.
In what way? You can't just say it was a disaster without telling us why because those of us who actually use it every day and find it superior to iOS and Android will just dismiss you as having no idea what you are talking about. Be specific or don't bother commenting at all.
It's his opinion. He doesn't need to justify how he feels about it. I don't like hip hop music for no particular reason. It's probably the most listened to genre but it just doesn't do it for me.

Sent from my LG G3 via Tapatalk
It's his opinion. He doesn't need to justify how he feels about it. I don't like hip hop music for no particular reason. It's probably the most listened to genre but it just doesn't do it for me.
If he cant explain his reasoning, then his opinion is worthless. Music is about taste, which is subjective, this is about an operating system and one would hope we could all be a little more objective.

P.S. I'd be surprised if hip-hop was even one of the top five most listened to genres where I live. In fact, I couldn't even tell you the last time I heard a -hop song anywhere.
If he cant explain his reasoning, then his opinion is worthless. Music is about taste, which is subjective, this is about an operating system and one would hope we could all be a little more objective.

P.S. I'd be surprised if hip-hop was even one of the top five most listened to genres where I live. In fact, I couldn't even tell you the last time I heard a -hop song anywhere.
Believe it or not, his opinion is every bit as worthy as yours. His experiences with the OS are just as valuable to Microsoft as yours. You don't have a monopoly on opinions nor do you have any special privileges to judge whose feelings are worthless or not.

Consider this a fair warning to anyone who feels that another member's opinions don't matter.

Sent from my LG G3 via Tapatalk
Believe it or not, his opinion is every bit as worthy as yours. His experiences with the OS are just as valuable to Microsoft as yours. You don't have a monopoly on opinions nor do you have any special privileges to judge whose feelings are worthless or not.

While the opinion is valid explaining it might go a long way especially "almost everybody hates it". If that's the case why did Surface Pro 3 quickly start to outsell MacBook Air?

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