Are you happy?


New member
Nov 18, 2010
I'm jealous of the people in this thread (or this forum in general) that just take this abuse with a grain of salt and keep chugging along whistling the "everything's gonna be alright" tune. I truly am, I wish I was as care-free and had such low standards for how a phone should operate, it would make this journey through early adoption much less painful.

Your just mad because my stuff works and yours doesn't. :p
Everything is alright and is just going to get better.
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CJ Thunder

New member
Feb 16, 2011
I knew what I'd be giving up. That's no problem. I thought I knew what I'd be getting in return. I thought I'd be getting frequent updates to handle bugs. I thought I'd be getting C&P in January. I thought I'd be getting a phone that worked properly. It's not what I knew I'd be missing, it's the huge list of things that are just plain broken and sometimes I think I'm the only person on this forum (and/or including MS employees) that cares if this phone operates the way it's intended. This is a broken, faulty OS and the amount of people accepting that and taking it is startling.

All I really want is a WP7.1 phone to save me from my WP7.0 phone.

.. and just cuz I'm curious, how did you even come to that conclusion? I don't think anywhere, in any of my posts, have I said I'm upset because I'm missing something that's available on another OS.. Just C&P and that's only because it was point blank promised to us in January at a WP7 launch in Sept/Oct. If anything, I'm still on WP7 because of the features it DOES have, namely Office/Zune/XBL.

Well just seems that your ranting and raving, and like I said I had HTC 8125 and the was a palmtop phone. This closed-ness is killing me....but its just a phone...AND I think I ****ing curse every hour for not having C & P and guess what, it really still isn't that big of a deal. I find a way. My cell phone is a toy and a helper.

Though when I write business emails...god help me if I can't edit the original document or copy and paste.......

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