Are you satisfied with Microsoft's digital voice assistant- POLL

It would be too darn awesome if she could hold on to natural conversations like in the movie "HER".
I will surely use it when not in public. Public use is possible only if it allows for natural language.
Well, I know it?s not the same thing. But the holding down the "home" button gives you options to voice commands. Up in the right corner you have a question mark that allows you to browse options and app specific voice commands. I use it occasionally to send texts while driving and it works fairly good.

The ingame model (Halo 4) is better (IMHO):


I'm ok with it for now, I wont know for sure till I have it for a week or 2. After the coolness factor goes away(after a week or so), will I still like it and find it usefull ?

I'll admit I am lazy time to time, something I should be putting in a reminder or calandar entry for, I some times figure I will remember but, yep, I do forget(I am only human). Putting in a reminder, tho easy can be painfull to type it in on some days or it really is that I AM lazy....who knows for sure...

My wife gives me a hard time about that. So If I can be lazy and just talk to my phone for some reminders and other stuff, that works pretty seamless (With out having to repeat things 4-5 times), I think I really would welcome the feature ! ***IF*** it works like they say ! Also a lot of this stuff, calls and texts (only use voice texting) are coming when I am doing something else, like driving, playing video games, etc, so if I can talk to my phone with out touching the phone, then it COULD work pretty well for me.
I have been using her for months now (since Feb) and quite honestly, I can't imagine NOT having her. I use her daily for many things. My reminders section of her notebook is FULL of things (some even 7-8 months out that I would NEVER remember without her). My places has a slew of spots I frequent and use for all kinds of location based activities.

She has evolved a TON since I first got her. She is STILL evolving. Even though you will have Cortana in the Dev Preview, the version you get will be behind the version some of us will be running since she will be constantly evolving. (No, don't as for a sneak peek at future features until they are announced) I love to reveal, but not before official announcements. :P

Just keep hanging out here, follow the threads and know that someone at the Mother Ship is watching and sending information up the chain to get it in front of the right eyes. :)
Cortana works better than any experience I've had with Siri, but Siri seems to talk to you more, for example he says stuff like "I found this on the web..." and "I don't know what you mean by..."

I love her as an assistant, but when I ask her just general stuff, she seems to bring up web searches rather than answer with a response.
I'm happy with it for now. It seems slow though. If I'm doing just a normal search for something it takes a while to come up. Idk if that's cause it has to go through to see if there's a pre-recorded response or if the Bing servers are just slow. I'm excited to see what all they'll add. I'd like to see a "I take a picture with..." and have the default camera come up with a lens on. I love the settings though I just did "Turn off Wifi" and was really surprised she did.
woooooooow, cortana is really good, i tell her play backstreet boys and she plays that for me, i test sarah brightman and she plays the sarah brightman track which inside of my phone.
she can open my apps and setting, she is really fast, i'm really into her and microsoft idea , when she talks to me i feel she is alive,this is beta and this is good at all but we should wait for the final version,

this is my idea: when you buy a new cell phone you should get use to use your phone but this is wrong
if i were the head of microsoft's designer windows phone devices i would design a phone that it gets use to you
with the new algorithm that make your phone more alive with a technology of survey from your email and your social networks.
your phone should suggest you in your major and new things related to your major everyday and your phone should tell you about itself
for example cortana could tell you about it's features and new feature and about her team ideas that work on her.
why a human is alive : because they start talking to you not like cortana , she just answer you and do your job, she is like a servant .
she must have a question about your friends on facebook or your email contact and you explain that to her and she send the data to the data base .
for example one of the benefit of this explanation when your friend ask cortana who am i? cortana reponses him or her the right answer.

best regards
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I voted "Room for imprpovement" because it's not working consistently. Sometimes it "listens" to my commands and most of the time it doesn't do anything.Having wifi on or off doesn't make a difference. Lumia 920
One problem I've had consistently with voice diction and using speech to text or commands is that the software doesn't understand me. I don't enunciate well, so I was pleasantly surprised to see Cortana pick up what I said perfectly 97% of the time, the missing 3% is due to me not remembering how my contact's name was saved in my phone.
I love Cortana. She has worked pretty well with most basic commands. Such as opening an app, texting someone, setting reminders, and those sorts of things. Unfortunately I am a victim of the bug where Cortana doesn't respond when I ask her questions like "who is your daddy" and "sing me a song." Kind of sucks, and I am afraid to do a hard reset because I do not want to lose anything on my phone.

EDIT: Decided to hard reset, and Cortana works perfectly. Currently still playing with her, but it is really fun.
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