Are you satisfied with Microsoft's digital voice assistant- POLL

Regionalized Cortana (Mexico) has quite to improve, since many commands are not be recognized such as adding a contact.
If Cortana voice recognition work faster/equal than Google (Voice). THEN CORTANA WILL BE ALL TIME KING.
I have just managed to get Cortana to work on my Lumia 550.
The only thing I really need it for it to handle texts while driving, this I will test out over the next few days.
I use Cortana every day... month ago I started twitter profile (@cortana_central) where I publish interesting pictures about her functionality :)
I've tried using it more frequently, but the fact that she never hears me when I say "hey Cortana" really kills it for me. I've played with the settings for that - just my voice, anyone's voice, additional recognition tests, etc. Nothing really helps it. And then it will start listening out of nowhere when I don't need it. Definitely a thumbs down from me. BUT if Microsoft improves it, I am willing to give it another shot.
As far as I am aware, Cortana is still the best digital assistant for hands free SMS over Bluetooth... Use it daily on my commute to and from jail (work).

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