Are you satisfied with Microsoft's digital voice assistant- POLL

am satified in english yes, on spanish alpha no and the reason that i am not satisfied with cortana in spanish is the follow, need be more global, i mean if i have the spanish set up and i like an team of the NFL can bring me the info as do in the american version of Cortana, , i have set back my phone later of test drive Cortana for spanish language and oddly in my interest notebook erased the interest sports Football NFL and the team that i follow and also do not informed about the team that i followed also, which i think is a mistake because is an assistant and should even keep me informed of my real interest, not what is common in a country even if is chinesse language the interest that have or follow an subject, also when asked by directions or etc did not used the GPS data at all and when asked to get to an place in Santiago ,Chile just gave me the data for another country and when asked for get directions to work she answered that looks like can not get there by car, just i set an complain in the cortana uservoice in spanish i hope they fix that thing that can look minimal but makes an big difference
How about sating hi to me by my name when you open her? Indigo has had this ability for over a year now. I really like all the other productivity that Cortana provides.
I didn't vote, (yet), but, with updates pending, I'm hoping Cortana will be vastly improved to the extent of opening any content from all sources on the device whether online or offline.
For example:
Even if I'm offline and I ask Cortana: "Play 'Love Me Do'", she will drill down to ExtSDCard/Music/Beatles #1's/Love Me Do and play that song, or, if I ask: "Play Beatles #1's" she'll play that whole folder, (albeit shuffled, can't find a way for her to play the tracks in order!),
and she'll respond to "pause music", "resume music", "next track", etc.
Now, if she could look up anything, (and this is where apps/developers have to cooperate);
example: "Open Genesis 1 verse 1", (in Bible App), or,
"Open 'convoluted' definition", (in Dictionary App)

Another example:
Cortana will 'call' a contact offline but won't 'text' one. Having her send a text from a template list would be handy.

Just some of my thoughts! :smile:
The common communication interface could be improved. For example, if I ask for a calendar entry to be put in through Cortana, she asked me to confirm the details. If I respond with 'yes, thanks', she doesn't understand, it has to be either 'yes' or 'no'. More of a 'human'-style communication would be nice. Maybe even calling me by name when I initialize her would be nice. Also, it would be great to somehow be able to insert punctuation into voice-generated text messages.
I had cortana disabled for like 2 months because I kinda did not use her. And I enabled her yesterday and used her for a bit, I was impressed how they improved her and how fast she was responding. Really nice job you did on her Microsoft!
what cortana? cant do much on my lumia 520 with alpha version. it searches from bing only... anything I say Meaningless for me...
So far I find it of limited usefulness. She doesn't usually talk, and then only to answer questions like "Can you really speak?" Anything else I ask, she just sends me search page results. Just like an automated Google, really. And I tried to set quiet times, but it's limited to the same day. I can set it to be quiet tonight, but not for a day later this week or every week. It's easier to just turn the sound off on my phone then.
I don't care much for "personality" since I am, after all, speaking to a non-human. What I do care about is accuracy and Cortana scores very high as compared to Siri or that useless Google Now. If Cortana can understand my mother-in-law's thick "Tony Montana" Cuban accent, you know it's good. I don't know if it's the software or my 1520's ANC mikes, but Cortana works very well even in gusty conditions near the ocean or with my windows down while driving.
I cant get it to work with my cars hands free and drive mode on or off. I tried entering as a contact and re-syncing with Bluetooth.
Cortana is Awesome !! Also when using Bluetooth in the Car the reading of text messages is very helpful and voice is accurate and clear when reading texts, Very happy ....
So far, yes. Great for setting reminders, gets my speech spot on 9 times out of 10 and is a nice voice.
Why is even contana available in Denim India we cant even use it because of the region & language. If we change the region the apps will misbehave, wtf
Sorry this is the first downer on my 1st windows phone experience on a Lumia 930.

I'm in South Africa, so had to set region to UK to get Cortana talking. But coming from Google Now, which possibly was fully South Africa ready, Cortana was practically only good for setting alarms, dialing contacts etc. Mostly messed up anything location based.

I could ask Google Now what time a nearby supermarket was closing, while driving, and it would reply accurately. Cortana couldn't get it right. So for now, she's history.
I noticed that reminders of any sort do not work in driving mode. Which is hilarious because location-based reminders are now obsolete until this gets fixed.

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