Are you satisfied with Microsoft's digital voice assistant- POLL

I voted "Room for Improvement" for what is that not true of?


Never used Siri. When Google Now came along I just couldn't get with it.

​Cortana is becoming more and more relied on in my daily habits.
Especially the location based reminders need to improve. I've only been able to set reminder that triggers when I'm near my local mall, but they never trigger near work or home.
I actually found a MAJOR dislike with Cortana..... Something that SHOULD be addressed.

When driving I use Cortana to send and receive text messages, never have to touch the phone or look at it when texts come in but, in my hour commute to work, I do go through some spotty cell areas.

I get a text coming in, I read it....then reply to it, then I get the message "the internet and I are not talking", then it's done. No retries or anything, so if I need to reply to that message, I need to pull the phone out and start a new text.

Could Microsoft make Cortana ask if I would like to reply to the LAST text that I was working on when cell service comes back in ?

This is a big problem and should be addressed if Cortana can do background tasks like she should be able to...

I'm sure this does not happen to everyone but, I bet it happens to a lot of people a lot...
Why Cortana opens list of websites rather then giving answers. I asked few simple questions 1) who is the president of usa?
2) who is the prime minister of India?
3) who is the prime minster of England.
4) what is the time in Chicago right now.
5) what is the colour of sky.
Every time Cortana opened list of websites searched by bing.
Why Cortana opens list of websites rather then giving answers. I asked few simple questions 1) who is the president of usa?
2) who is the prime minister of India?
3) who is the prime minster of England.
4) what is the time in Chicago right now.
5) what is the colour of sky.
Every time Cortana opened list of websites searched by bing.
Because she is not your G.K. teacher. She is a program, it can only perform tasks which she is designed for.
Am not satisfied with Cortana if I run her in background with location services turn on she drains my battery in no time.lumia 820 already has worst battery life.plz at least MS make her to function light on battery.that is the only gripe iam having with her.
Its useful for keeping track of news headlines (which we should be able to customize), weather and sports but some functionality seems half finished.

For instance, you cant add a European football team, just US teams yet the sports app can add a team from any league. Silly limitation. And even for US NFL teams you dont get scoring notifications (even though they are enabled) and just get the final score.

Voice recognition of my non-US accent is hit and miss, mostly miss.
Order of items keeps changing, somedays weather is listed first, other times you have to scroll to find it.

Overall its mostly a gimmick for me, as I'm not interested in impersonations or jokes. Needs a ton more work.
I'm honestly very happy with it, it's usable and the recognition of speech is very good. I wonder where they will go from here.
I tried pretty much everything it does over the past couple of months. I was hopeful that Microsoft would keep adding useful functionality. They have indeed added functionality, but what they have added is pretty low on my priority list. All the chit chat is fun for a minute or two but gets old pretty quickly.

When I touch the Cortana tile, more often than not the first thing I see is some headline from Fox News. What kind of personal assistant would keep his job if he keeps sending you crap after you repeatedly tell him to stop? You would think one of the first and easiest things they would add is an ability to customize news sources, which practically every news reader has.

So overall I'm disappointed with this. My entire phone is my personal assistant, and a comprehensive voice interface would be welcome. So far this doesn't seem to be close.
Of course there's room for improvement but I really like the scope and breadth of the app as far as it is now.
Of course there's room for improvement but I really like the scope and breadth of the app as far as it is now.
I would like it to add more usefulness to those of us who are appointment/event focused. I am always out at client locations, and would like for it to better work around that, instead what seems to just work for a 9-5 schedule. I wish MS in general would do a better job on the "location" of a calendar appointment: standardizing addresses, saving favorites and across devices, etc.

For example: "traffic is bad and you're running late to your next appointment"
The drive will take more than 30 min "play this playlist? launch 8 tracks?"

I understand in a beta they're going to focus on the masses, but I wish they'd spend some more time integrating calendar appointments and reminders rather than adding stupid jokes or "personalities".
Needs to improve. For instance how about some low hanging fruit like local sunrise and sunset times.

Also waiting for more useful app commands. For instance what use is opening Pandora if it just sits there and wont play without physical intervention.

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