New member
- Mar 19, 2015
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After six months of non usage, I disabled Cortana and am now using Bing (used to type even with Cortana) and Bing vision. This AI craze is just a gimmick and will disappear in some years. I feel that.
I voted "Room for Improvement" for what is that not true of?
Never used Siri. When Google Now came along I just couldn't get with it.
Cortana is becoming more and more relied on in my daily habits.
I use it rarely as it doesn't really answer most of my questions. If I want to do a bing search I'd do a bing search. For example, if I want the score of a sports game I can ask Siri on my wife's phone and I get a nice little scoreboard with the two teams and the score. Exactly what I want. When I ask cortana I get a bing search for my request. Whats the most frustrating is that I know Cortanta can do what I wan. For the teams I have listed in my interests I will sometimes see them listed in the live tile exactly as I want them but if I go into the Cortana app and ask about them I get the search result. I've never used the google one but on an iphone when I ask a question i get an answer, with Cortana when I ask a question I get a list of bing search results back.
Australian Cortana