Are you satisfied with Microsoft's digital voice assistant- POLL

After six months of non usage, I disabled Cortana and am now using Bing (used to type even with Cortana) and Bing vision. This AI craze is just a gimmick and will disappear in some years. I feel that.
Thank you for the Tip! Did only use (German Alpha) Cortana for searching the web. After deactivating it, it even looks beatuiful again ;)
Finally gave up on Cortana as it is just too limited here in Canada not to mention the constant "Retry, Go back" encountered when trying to read any articles, maybe once it is out of the alpha stage things will perk up but until then she's sidelined.
I voted "Room for Improvement" for what is that not true of?


Never used Siri. When Google Now came along I just couldn't get with it.

​Cortana is becoming more and more relied on in my daily habits.

Fast forward 11 months.

A lot of that improvement has come. She listens better, understands more, replies in greater and more accurate detail. The personality is still clearly there.

LOVE "Hey Cortana" I rely on Cortana heavily for reminders and web searches. I infrequently do the fringe things with her like "What's Up?" I like the solid functionality of Cortana and Voice Command. Dialing Favorites, Searches, Reminders. I rely on it now.

My wife is constantly impressed with the power and ease of Cortana when I use her. By contrast she really doesn't do much with Google Now other than let it scan her emails for package tracking. I would say that personality makes a big difference. I always found Google Now very sterile and off-putting. Cortana invites you in and encourages use.

Still room for improvement, but there always is. I'm looking forward very much to Windows 10 bringing Cortana to my desktop. I will probably continue to expand my use and reliance. The future for Cortana and I is looking very nice.
I use it rarely as it doesn't really answer most of my questions. If I want to do a bing search I'd do a bing search. For example, if I want the score of a sports game I can ask Siri on my wife's phone and I get a nice little scoreboard with the two teams and the score. Exactly what I want. When I ask cortana I get a bing search for my request. Whats the most frustrating is that I know Cortanta can do what I wan. For the teams I have listed in my interests I will sometimes see them listed in the live tile exactly as I want them but if I go into the Cortana app and ask about them I get the search result. I've never used the google one but on an iphone when I ask a question i get an answer, with Cortana when I ask a question I get a list of bing search results back.
I use it rarely as it doesn't really answer most of my questions. If I want to do a bing search I'd do a bing search. For example, if I want the score of a sports game I can ask Siri on my wife's phone and I get a nice little scoreboard with the two teams and the score. Exactly what I want. When I ask cortana I get a bing search for my request. Whats the most frustrating is that I know Cortanta can do what I wan. For the teams I have listed in my interests I will sometimes see them listed in the live tile exactly as I want them but if I go into the Cortana app and ask about them I get the search result. I've never used the google one but on an iphone when I ask a question i get an answer, with Cortana when I ask a question I get a list of bing search results back.

I have now dumped Cortana, turned her off completely, amazingly it was beneficial as my L830's battery life increased by a good third woohoo. Same as you, my questions were mostly met with Bing searches which was an annoyance, Siri and Google definitely trump my Canadian version of Cortana, alpha no more.
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I think it would be nice if the Poll was just for the american (USA) Cortana, because in other Countrys, she mostly exists in text form (Germany).
Being new to WP i tried Cortana out a bit in the last days but as being said before, its just very limited here in Germany for example and if it works, its only text results mostly. And she still sounds very artificial, while Siri (and I am absolutely not an Apple Fan!) sounds much more natural and delivers real results which are mostly spoken. As it should be. Does turning off Cortana change so much at the battery life on my 1520? And how much would that differ from keeping Cortana enabled, effectively?

Sent from Tapatalk@Note4/OmegaRom1.2
Microshafts Gestapo strong arm tactics are NOT ok.

Forcing users to ONLY use the Microshaft account is garbage. Forcing me to convert my local Windows user account to a Microshaft account by first providing my Microshaft account credentials and then merging my local account with said Microshaft account. I will be unable to keep my local Windows user account, and it would force me to log in to Windows using a Microshaft account permanently. For some reason Microshaft doesn't want us to keep using a local Windows user account and log in to Cortana with our Microshaft account credentials separately, they want us to always and forever log in to our Windows systems with their account. I will not agree to this kind of Gestapo tactics.
Really liked it and was using it until the whole "Cannot save appointment, please delete some" happened which kind of slightly reduced my usage disconnected my from Cortana. :(
I am Not Satisfied with Cortana. It cannot answer many of my questions while Google can. I have a Lumia 830 running W10 and a Galaxy Android phone. Cortana is not reliable.

Just today for example:

What's the weather or temperature outside?
What was the score (insert favorite NFL team) last week?
What's the phone number for Rite Aid? Or where is the latest Rite Aid?

Many other examples that I can't remember right now.

This is a very Childish, and useless feature , if this is to become a real tool Cortana needs to grow up. She needs to be personally programmable in others learn , she also needs access to everything on my PC, every app, she should be able to start and command any app I ask her to.

Anything short of that is a useless toy for children.
She's gotten worse. The new Australian Cortana doesn't understand answers to questions. You can ask it to complete a task, it then asks you for confirmation. If I say 'Yes' it does a Bing search for 'yes' instead of completing the task. It Bing searches for everything and it's a lot slower than 8.1.
Australian Cortana

Can anyone explain to me how Microsoft go about implementing Cortana as part of an OS, excluding the US?

Looking back even pre Cortana when Kinect first came out for Xbox 360 voice commands were unavailable outside the US, I think it took 6-12 months to be available for EN-AU despit the fact recognition was practically perfect if set to EN-US. We then had the big announcement about Windows Phone 8.1 we were actually getting an assist to compete against Apple and Google's efforts ONCE AGAIN it's limited to EN-US. Again despite the fact setting the device to EN-US has near perfect recognition.

Flash forward and the plan changes everything is going to be Windows 10, glory hallelujah we are delivered. Again teething, I can't recall if Cortana was again unavailable when W10 launched but at best she was extremely limited in what was available. Currently Cortana is available on desktop OS, mobile OS but not gaming OS (XB1) isn't everything meant to be integrated?

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