Aren't there at least 3900 Windows Mobile fans willing to put their money where their mouth is?

Firstly, I can't identify every user's purchase levels. However, I do see a trend having spent a long time in this community. A lot of the "cheapskates" don't really post that much or get into philosophical discussions about what it costs to maintain this platform.

If it doesn't apply to you personally, awesome. And please don't then take it personally. If your conscience is clear that you have financially supported the platform, I applaud you. But if you read as many posts as I have around these issues you should likely have seen that there really is a majority of users that don't even want to spend $0.99 on an app and they buy all their phones either used or deeply discounted.

By the way. Don't you think there may be a reason he set a funding goal he knows they won't come close to reaching?

I'm pretty sure that is the amount needed to place the order without loosing his house in the process.
While I think it's a while different argument, I do agree with the app issue. I look at an app that costs me a buck or 2 and still find it hard to believe that I can buy something that will either provide me with entertainment or a service for that cheap. In fact, I prefer paid apps over free apps as I feel they may be safer, more developed and have less or no ads. But yes, people that complain about paying a buck for an app are ridiculous. I agree with you on that, I just don't think it's quite comparable to the original topic.
Its certainly unfair to label people on an online forum because none of us know each other well enough to know what type of people we are. Therefore, I don't think people should take threads like this personal.

The overall premise of the thread, across the entire MS user base, makes sense though. Part (a large part) of why iPhone is so successful is because the user base is willing to sit in line for days to overpay for the product. That's why they sell more phones. That's why they have more apps. From an OS standpoint, is iOS better than W10 or is it just the apps? Everyone here says its the apps. Devs won't support the platform if users don't. It works both ways, right? Just something to think about when we just want to blame MS. We all own a piece.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
If the crowdfunders wanted smaller token monetary support - why didn't they allow for smaller donations?

Bet if there was no minimum pledge, they'd have a lot more momentum.
Its certainly unfair to label people on an online forum because none of us know each other well enough to know what type of people we are. Therefore, I don't think people should take threads like this personal.

The overall premise of the thread, across the entire MS user base, makes sense though. Part (a large part) of why iPhone is so successful is because the user base is willing to sit in line for days to overpay for the product. That's why they sell more phones. That's why they have more apps. From an OS standpoint, is iOS better than W10 or is it just the apps? Everyone here says its the apps. Devs won't support the platform if users don't. It works both ways, right? Just something to think about when we just want to blame MS. We all own a piece.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

Well exactly that perspective is entirely circular.

Its the users primarily that drive development.

If you leave the platform, complain about it, and your complaint is apps - you're actually a contributor more than MS is. MS can't _make_ users. It can try and entice them, but it can't make them. It can't pay off developers, or force them. It can only entice them. It's done a very good job of trying with all its recent apis, and will do an even better job with unification across platforms this year.

Users however are the biggest factor. Consumers to pay for the apps.
If the crowdfunders wanted smaller token monetary support - why didn't they allow for smaller donations?

Bet if there was no minimum pledge, they'd have a lot more momentum.

You can donate any amount. People are choosing not to in droves.

So, I'm going to try my best to stay as calm as possible but these threads and the ongoing comments by people trying to coerce us into supporting this phone and blaming those of us who don't for the failure of Windows Phone is really making my blood boil. People are being way to free with other peoples money and way to aggressive in telling them what they should do with their money.

First of all. As someone who has bought 6 Windows Phones over the last 5 years, and has spent tens of thousands of dollars on MS products, I find it offensive that anyone could try to say that if I or anyone else like me doesn't contribute to this phone, We are the ones to blame for the failure of Windows Phone. MS is the only 1 to blame here and frankly, we have been way more supportive of, and patient with them than they deserve.

Second of all. Supporting this phone won't do a damn thing to determine the destiny of Windows handsets. In addition to that, even if this phone got funded and released, the idea that Wharton Brooks is going to release a killer phone (or any phone for that matter) next year is absurd. How are they going to release a phone for an OS that won't exist? An OS that is dead. The wriiting is on the wall. In fact, there is so much writing on the wall that you can't even see the wall anymore. Windows Mobile on phones is dead, done. If MS wasn't done with Windows Mobile on phones they would have supported the Moment just to have another phone out there to try and keep some developers working on the OS. They won't do it.

Third thing. Selling 3,900, or 3,9000 of these phones isn't going to do anything to change the minds of anyone at MS. The CEO does not believe in Windows Phones, he is a cloud and services guy who if he had his way, would have no consumer side to the business at all. He backed out of the mobile market. The only market that attracts developers, the only market that would have allowed UWP to be a success, he backed out of it. In fact, that move should show you that he doesn't even care about Windows the OS. Everything they were doing with Windows 10 revolved around their UWP platform and he chose to leave the market that would have driven that platform.

Look, I'm disgusted at MS. Hell, I just bought a 950XL. I can't begin to describe my disgust for them and Nadella and everything they've done the last 18 months or so. But I am so sick of people trying to shove this down our throats. Instead of being mad at those of us who don't support this phone, be mad at MS for putting us in this position. Complain at them instead of complaining to us. Maybe that's an action you guys can take instead of telling the rest of us what we should be doing.

Finally. The idea that anyone should be telling anyone else what to do with their money is a real issue. It is none of your business what anyone else does with their money. If someone doesn't want to support something that is their decision. They don't owe you an explanation and they don't deserve to be coerced or made to feel guilty. No one here shares any responsibility at all at the failure of Windows Phones and the future failure that may come to MS. We are the ones that have kept MS as relevant as they still are these past few years that have been dominated by Google and Apple.

If you want to support the phone, by all means support it. I hope a miracle happens and Windows Phones make a comeback because I absolutely love them. However, selling 3900 phones isn't going to do that, only MS could make that happen. But those of you that keep trying to push this on us and shove it down our throats while telling us what to do with our money when you have no idea what financial situation people may be in really need to reign it in. You have gone to a place you have no business being in and it's getting really old.

By the way. Don't you think there may be a reason he set a funding goal he knows they won't come close to reaching?

Don't project your guilt on me. I asked a simple question. If you feel guilty and offended, that's all on you.
They're trying to sell a rebadged, MSRP $199 phone, for $299.

$99, sure. $199, maybe. $299, no way, given that a flagship-spec Idol 4s now goes for $20 less.

Even if they included $100 worth of shares in WB instead of it being literally a $100 donation, no one with a hint of business savvy would do it given where WM10 seems to be heading.
They're trying to sell a rebadged, MSRP $199 phone, for $299.

No. They are not.

They used the frame from the $199 MSRP phone (the Moly W5) and stretched it a bit. Same screen and battery, likely the same mini USB port and SD slot. Then they mixed in the SoC, the internal memory, RAM and the front and rear cameras from a $400+ MSRP device (the Moly PCphone) and threw in a $55 MSRP Actiontec ScreenBeam mini 2 Continuum edition Miracast stick...

Please don't judge the book by the cover...
This is what upsets me so much. People want to be on the bandwagon rushing to denounce this project and they aren't even in possession of the basic facts. They don't know what precisely it is they are even denouncing.

Lets look at that math again.

Not a rebadged $199 phone for $299.

The frame, screen, battery, USB port and SD slot from the eschewed phone + a $55 ScreenBeam.

So $199 + 55 =$254
$299 - $254 = $45

So for $45 you get upgraded:
  • from SD 210 to SD 617
  • from 8GB internal to 32GB internal
  • from 1GB RAM to 3GB RAM
  • from a 2MP ffc to a 5MP ffc
  • from an 8MP main camera to a 13MP main camera
  • from no chance of Continuum to Continuum enabled
Sounds like they actually bargained on our behalf to get us a lot for that $45. Consider that they quadrupled the internal memory + added a lot more and Apple charges $100 just to double the internal memory alone...
This is what upsets me so much. People want to be on the bandwagon rushing to denounce this project and they aren't even in possession of the basic facts. They don't know what precisely it is they are even denouncing.

Lets look at that math again.

Not a rebadged $199 phone for $299.

The frame, screen, battery, USB port and SD slot from the eschewed phone + a $55 ScreenBeam.

So $199 + 55 =$254
$299 - $254 = $45

So for $45 you get upgraded:
  • from SD 210 to SD 617
  • from 8GB internal to 32GB internal
  • from 1GB RAM to 3GB RAM
  • from a 2MP ffc to a 5MP ffc
  • from an 8MP main camera to a 13MP main camera
  • from no chance of Continuum to Continuum enabled
Sounds like they actually bargained on our behalf to get us a lot for that $45. Consider that they quadrupled the internal memory + added a lot more and Apple charges $100 just to double the internal memory alone...

People are willing to pay top dollar because of marketing hype. You can't expect them to understand reasoning.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
You know people keep talking about this as a failure, but the other day I found this.

Coship Moly X1 Windows Phone crowdfunding campaign ends with just 11 phones sold

Well in fact I found the original indiegogo campaign. BUT, we still got the moly x1, in fact you can go buy one on amazon right now, he's still selling them.

Not a bad phone by review accounts, but unfortunately not matched to my local frequencies. In fact it looks like a decent alternative to the midrange 650. Which is actually pretty neat.

So, if this campaign ends up only gathering a little bit of money, does that ACTUALLY mean that he won't make the phone? How much cash does moly have?

Is this really just more like a fundraiser to cushion the blow?
Personally I have to agree that requiring a phone purchase to support this is a little off. I don't argue it is a good idea for a mid-range, but it also doesn't offer me anything that my 950 cannot do at least as well or better. I'm a huge proponent of W10 Mobile, but I won't buy a product that I don't intend to use.
Personally I have to agree that requiring a phone purchase to support this is a little off

But it doesn't. You can just donate any amount you choose. $1, $5, $0.25 IDK, whatever floats your boat.

I'm a huge proponent of W10 Mobile, but I won't buy a product that I don't intend to use.

I thought we were the phone geeks that bought devices just to check them out... Or at least some of us were. The list of phones I've owned but not "needed" is very long indeed.
But it doesn't. You can just donate any amount you choose. $1, $5, $0.25 IDK, whatever floats your boat.

I thought we were the phone geeks that bought devices just to check them out... Or at least some of us were. The list of phones I've owned but not "needed" is very long indeed.

Yup, I would be in big trouble if I only bought a device I needed. Though I have been a bit more under control lately.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
The phones I have bought are not always what I needed, but they are always what I wanted, and that isn't the case here. Judging by the response, I would say that is true of most people.
I thought we were the phone geeks that bought devices just to check them out... Or at least some of us were. The list of phones I've owned but not "needed" is very long indeed.

Hey, I'm not trying to argue with you here. The original question was why this isn't getting support, and I'm trying to answer that.

I deliberately quoted MSRP because regardless of the actual BoM, you can't deny that much better-specced phones can be had for cheaper.

It's hard to justify purchasing the Moment when it doesn't even have a strong selling point or gimmick. At least the NuAns had replaceable covers. For $99, it might be an impulse purchase to 'play' with, but $299 is hardly justifiable. Why should anyone get a Moment when a brand new 1520 can be had for less than half the price, or even an Idol 4s.

Only hardcore Windows Phone users that kept up with the reporting on Windows Central would've known about the 'exclusive' app, etc. These aren't even mentioned on the IndieGogo site. Their mantra all along has been "Windows Phone focused", but how are we supposed to trust in that when they're touting Continuum - a feature that has received lukewarm reception, at best, even on the X3 - as the main event. Even a promise to be able to trade in the Moment for a future Windows-on-ARM capable phone would be better than nothing.
Hey, I'm not trying to argue with you here. The original question was why this isn't getting support, and I'm trying to answer that.

I deliberately quoted MSRP because regardless of the actual BoM, you can't deny that much better-specced phones can be had for cheaper.

It's hard to justify purchasing the Moment when it doesn't even have a strong selling point or gimmick. At least the NuAns had replaceable covers. For $99, it might be an impulse purchase to 'play' with, but $299 is hardly justifiable. Why should anyone get a Moment when a brand new 1520 can be had for less than half the price, or even an Idol 4s.

Only hardcore Windows Phone users that kept up with the reporting on Windows Central would've known about the 'exclusive' app, etc. These aren't even mentioned on the IndieGogo site. Their mantra all along has been "Windows Phone focused", but how are we supposed to trust in that when they're touting Continuum - a feature that has received lukewarm reception, at best, even on the X3 - as the main event. Even a promise to be able to trade in the Moment for a future Windows-on-ARM capable phone would be better than nothing.

I would counter argue that people blow $800-900 on an iPhone that doesn't allow sd card storage, has horrible file management abilities, and has no back button. Yet people stand in line to buy it. Maybe, as you mentioned, people care more about gimmicks.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Hey, I'm not trying to argue with you here. The original question was why this isn't getting support, and I'm trying to answer that.

I deliberately quoted MSRP because regardless of the actual BoM, you can't deny that much better-specced phones can be had for cheaper.

It's hard to justify purchasing the Moment when it doesn't even have a strong selling point or gimmick. At least the NuAns had replaceable covers. For $99, it might be an impulse purchase to 'play' with, but $299 is hardly justifiable. Why should anyone get a Moment when a brand new 1520 can be had for less than half the price, or even an Idol 4s.

Only hardcore Windows Phone users that kept up with the reporting on Windows Central would've known about the 'exclusive' app, etc. These aren't even mentioned on the IndieGogo site. Their mantra all along has been "Windows Phone focused", but how are we supposed to trust in that when they're touting Continuum - a feature that has received lukewarm reception, at best, even on the X3 - as the main event. Even a promise to be able to trade in the Moment for a future Windows-on-ARM capable phone would be better than nothing.

Well the 1520 is a windows 8 phone, so it will have compatibility issues. And the idol 4s is locked, and US only.

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