Re: How Microsoft's Windows Phone Is Falling Even Further Behind...
what a stupid article. first of all, microsoft has windows for internet of things, so yea, screw auto/car, or whatever google and apple design for a specific hardware. ms is way ahead, but they just need to put their software in more diverse environments AND tell people about it (marketing). they have EVERYTHING, not just a android auto or android wear or android -specific environment-. but that writer is incompetent.
second of all: first, smartwatches are far, FAR away from being mainstream. second, lacking support for them is not WP fault, it can be put in THE SAME category with lack of 3rd-party app. no need for another category, so the writer this time is not only incompetent but is kissing apple/google's *** and kicking ms's as a clear hater. plus, ms has the band, and guess what, band is better than apple watch in both hardware and software capabilities, everyone knows. so when the writer says how good the watch is better is another point where we can see clearly how much o a ******/hater he is.
crappy article, end of subject.