AT&T limiting network speed on their Titan?

Mine shows 3H for 3.5G

It remains on 3G until data is accessed, then the 3H appears. :)

None of that 4G fibbing nonsense here in the UK. ;)
I just called ATT and came to the conclusion they are calling 3G now 4G on these phones. My area does not show 4G, yet the guy in my local store said we have had 4G (I specifically asked HSPA+ and he acknowledged that I did because he was impressed I knew to call it HSPA+) for 10 months. So I get my Titan a week later and to my surprise, it infact shows 4G. So, as I've said in earlier posts, only getting 3G speeds. I called CS and he tells me the nearest 4G is 20 minutes south, which their map does show.

I take from that, they are lying and calling their 3G network 4G. I assume, maybe, if I actually had HSPA+ 4G in my area it would actually show H or H+ and not 4G?

Does anyone actually see an H or H+ on these ATT Titans, in their 4G zones?

I'm in DFW and we have 4G, and all I see is 4G. I'm a dunce when it comes to this stuff, so I have no idea how to find out if it's HSPA+. Is that LTE? Too many abbreviations! I think we have all of the above?
So check this out. I pulled the daily data usage from my AT&T account. I signed up on November 22nd. The data goes through yesterday, although it looks like a partial day for yesterday.

Here is the link to the PDF file on my SkyDrive account: my ATT data usage

It appears the data is tracked based on when a request is initiated. Although I'm not sure when a time stamp is recorded because I know I initiate many more requests than those listed each day. It usually takes multiple requests to get email to work, to send a MMS, etc.

I've broken down the usage during work hours and non-work hours as well as weekends. You'll see hardly any activity on the weekends because I use my home wifi. I've added notes to the file for you data nerds out there like me.

Basically, my conclusion is that, except for 5 outlier times during the weekdays, my data rate is pretty terrible. I also question the amount of data I've used. Not being able to effectively use data for 11+ hours a day while I'm at work, and I STILL pulled down 350MB worth makes me question the usage. That implies that if my data was working properly I'd be using many times the 2GB limit. Makes no sense whatsoever, particularly given that on Sprint, where I could use 4G at 5Mbps+, in this same office, I never came close to 2GB of usage.

This isn't scientific by any stretch of the imagination, just some.

EDIT: I should also note that much of that data usage during the day (except for the outliers), is likely me endlessly trying to use the Bandwidth app to test my speed. That downloads a 4MB file. So the usage is skewed by this because on those random instances where I can get a connection it will download the 4MB file, but that may have been 30 seconds out of a 60 minute period. I also have done tests while walking to/from the parking garage in the morning and evening, where I get reception, just to see what kind of speeds I was getting. Next month the data will look much different because I won't be testing as much, most likely.
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I'm in DFW and we have 4G, and all I see is 4G. I'm a dunce when it comes to this stuff, so I have no idea how to find out if it's HSPA+. Is that LTE? Too many abbreviations! I think we have all of the above?

HSPA+ is just an enhanced 3G. But it's called 4G by T-Mobile and AT&T. It's capable of speeds of around 14 Mbps.

LTE is a completely different animal. I've heard of people in the Dallas/Ft Worth area getting 60 Mbps with LTE. Though that was when nobody else had it. lol

Edit: Found an article that's not too old showing some people averaging 20 Mbps.
Yes, its pretty common to get 15-20Mbps on LTE. HSPA+ was supposed to be around 6Mbps actual speeds, for ATT.
HSPA+ is just an enhanced 3G. But it's called 4G by T-Mobile and AT&T. It's capable of speeds of around 14 Mbps.

LTE is a completely different animal. I've heard of people in the Dallas/Ft Worth area getting 60 Mbps with LTE. Though that was when nobody else had it. lol

Edit: Found an article that's not too old showing some people averaging 20 Mbps. Just how fast is AT&T's new 4G LTE network? Crazy, stupid, insane.

I can get these blistering speeds on wi-fi (anywhere from 6 to over 18 mbps, usually well over 10.0). On "4G", seldom over 2, and often closer to or below 1. Not much 'enhanced' about HSPA+!!
So, outside of Manhattan, the rest of my state is 3G - no HSPA+ in sight - no dark blue to be found on that coverage map. So: that means there is hope - they WILL build it. Eventually... but we will be quite a ways down the list. No sign on at&t website of when service in our area might hit the next level. Bit of a racket to be charged for what others here have been calling FauxG. Love the term, hate what it means for my service!
Sorry for the long post, but i thought it was informative.

So I had an online chat with an ATT rep about the terrible 4G speeds. Enjoy. (FYI Edited to remove names and superfluous info)

Me: I just got a new HTC Titan phone and the download speeds over the "4G" network are terrible
ATT Rep: I can assist you with that.
Me: nearly full bars and it says "4G"... but i'm getting consistently 1Mbps or less
ATT Rep: Okay.
ATT Rep: One moment please.
ATT Rep: Okay.
ATT Rep: With WiFi off. Please go to from your device to test your mobile Internet connection.
Me: says it's connected
ATT Rep: Okay.
ATT Rep: Do a speed test and let me know what you get.
Me: speeds are the same as before, maybe even slightly worse
ATT Rep: Have you run a test?
Me: .9 Mbps
Me: yes
ATT Rep: Okay.
Me: oh jumped to 1.03 at the last second
ATT Rep: Okay.
ATT Rep: One moment please.
ATT Rep: Go to Settings > Wireless and Networks > Mobile Network. Access Point Names. What selection is showing?
Me: different server, similar speed 1.3
ATT Rep: Okay.
Me: there is no wireless and networks setting
ATT Rep: Whatever is similar.
Me: under cellular it says "active network - AT&T"
ATT Rep: Okay.
ATT Rep: What is the signal showing at the top of the screen?
Me: 3/5 bars currently
ATT Rep: Okay.
ATT Rep: 1.3 mbps with 3 bars is close to what is expected. Is there an area you can move to with 4 or 5 bars.
Me: 1.3 is 3g speeds... not 4g
Me: not that this is really 4g to begin with but come on...
ATT Rep: Yes, but reception determines speeds.
ATT Rep: 2 to 3 bars will allow and Internet connection but not at the highest speeds.
Me: at 4 bars in the other room i broke 1.5 Mb, but barely
ATT Rep: Okay.
ATT Rep: Power off the device and remove the battery.
Me: do you know what rating of HSPA+ this is?
Me: 8? 10?
Me: battery removed
ATT Rep: Not aware of a rating system.
Me: or category
ATT Rep: What SIM card did you use for this device?
Me: the one from my previous phone, I tried using the one that came in the phone, and it gave me an error
ATT Rep: Okay.
ATT Rep: The SIM card that was in your old device is a previous SIM version and there is a new SIM version (the one that came with the device) and this was designed for our 4G/LTE networks.
Me: k swapping
ATT Rep: Okay.
ATT Rep: Place the new SIM card in your device along with the battery and let me know when you are back to the homescreen.
Me: k
ATT Rep: Okay.
Me: back
ATT Rep: Okay.
ATT Rep: Call 611 to test calling features.
Me: works
ATT Rep: Go to from your device to test your mobile Internet connection.
Me: yes
ATT Rep: Try a speed test.
Me: let me go in the other room, brb
ATT Rep: Okay.
Me: finicky, seems my reception isn't as good. 1.15Mbps - 3 Bars
ATT Rep: Okay.
Me: and then i got a decent 4.54 with 4 bars
Me: but then i got a .14 with 2 bars
ATT Rep: There we go.
Me: all standing the in the same spot
ATT Rep: TIme of day and reception play a huge part in your speeds.
Me: i had better speeds with my 3g phone
ATT Rep: For a more accurate test: go to and tap on 100k.
Me: result said 'Unstable/too fast a result
ATT Rep: 4pm-6pm is a slow period of time in California, unfortunately. This is due to the amount of commuters using the available bandwidth.
ATT Rep: Tap on larger file.
ATT Rep: Choose 1MB.
Me: taking way too long
ATT Rep: Okay.
Me: 169 kbit
Me: 48 seconds
ATT Rep: That site has been acting strange today.
ATT Rep: Its not an AT&T site so I wanted to check to see if it was working again, guess not.
Me: it worked it was just slow
Me: but that's the problem to begin with
ATT Rep: The site has been doing that for most of the day.
Me: tested with a smaller file, 136k this time
ATT Rep: Okay.
Me: can you make the reception in my area better? that'd solve the issue =P
ATT Rep: The best I could suggest is relocating to an area with 4-5 bars consistently and run another test.
ATT Rep: I can only see the towers, I cannot affect them.
Me: so unless i have better than average reception, i will get sub 3g speeds?
ATT Rep: Sub 3G would be less than 165 kbits.
Me: i mean, 3 out of 5 bars is pretty much always... and the speeds are on the lower end of the 3g specturm
Me: right
ATT Rep: Kinda.
ATT Rep: 4G is 3G.
Me: lol can i quote you on that?
ATT Rep: 4G is the next and last evolution of our "3G" technology.
ATT Rep: The iPhone 3G was technically 3.75G.
Me: so LTE will be 5G?!
ATT Rep: G is for GSM.
Me: i see... everyone has a different label.
ATT Rep: The LTE is it own technology separate for GSM, which is the network AT&T run on.
Me: well, i'm dissapointed.
Me: what is the theoretical cap on my "4G"?
Me: 7.2 or 14
ATT Rep: The thoeortical cap is 4gbits.
ATT Rep: or 4000mbps
ATT Rep: Try the test again after 8PM and if you are still getting less than 2mbps on average we can escalate the issue and see what else can be done.
Me: what else can be done?
ATT Rep: It would be up to the next level support, I am unfortunately not with that team.
Me: I see, well you have been very helpful. again i applogize if i'm frustrated, but this is frustrating.
ATT Rep: I hope that I was able to make a little less murky.
Me: yes you were great, not the answers or results i wanted, but i can't blame you.
ATT Rep: The data network gets strained at peak times. If a ticket needs to be filed its best to do so when conditions are optimal so that 'Peak' time is not an excuse for the slower speeds.
Me: I'm going to go drink now.
Yeah I LOLd at the 4g is 3g part... And the last. Interesting convo, thanks for sharing.

Sent from my wicked HTC TITAN using Board Express
Hey guys, i have been testing for the past few days now using the Bandwidth app...and like everyone else i have been getting terrible results, that is, until today. Earlier today (between 12pm-1pm) i ran a test on the AT&T network with Wi-Fi off (wasn't near anywhere to connect to anyways)...and the results were interesting. I ran the test using the 17MB file, and the first couple of seconds went very slow, averaging a little under 1MBPS...but then it suddenly jumped to 9MBPS, and then (but wait, there's more), for a split-second it jumped to over 15MBPS (almost 16). I was shocked, and by the time it completed downloading, it finished at just unver 7MBPS...upload speeds finished at a little over 3MBPS.

I don't know or think this will put any suspicions to rest, but i wanted to share this with you guys to let you know that someone, somewhere, SOMEHOW has managed to retrieve a what i would call, descent bandwidth speed. Was this a fluke? Has anyone else come close to receiving these kind of speeds over the AT&T network?

For the record, i have also been using the Free Speed Test app as well, but that app doesn't seem to be a consistent as the Bandwidth app. Also, if anyone can recommend another app to try (preferably free), i will gladly give that a try too.

Sorry everyone, i confused this with a previous test result. Actual results of this were 8.36Mbps down / 0.32Mbps up (when finished)...but the 15+Mbps spike is true to this test, I couldn't forget something like that, lol.
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3/5 bars is only good for under 1.5Mbps? I don't buy that for a second. I'm disappointed they were unable to bite on the HSPA category question, as well. WTF is 4Gbps? The backhaul from the tower??
Hey guys, i have been testing for the past few days now using the Bandwidth app...and like everyone else i have been getting terrible results, that is, until today. Earlier today (between 12pm-1pm) i ran a test on the AT&T network with Wi-Fi off (wasn't near anywhere to connect to anyways)...and the results were interesting. I ran the test using the 17MB file, and the first couple of seconds went very slow, averaging a little under 1MBPS...but then it suddenly jumped to 9MBPS, and then (but wait, there's more), for a split-second it jumped to over 15MBPS (almost 16). I was shocked, and by the time it completed downloading, it finished at just unver 7MBPS...upload speeds finished at a little over 3MBPS.

I don't know or think this will put any suspicions to rest, but i wanted to share this with you guys to let you know that someone, somewhere, SOMEHOW has managed to retrieve a what i would call, descent bandwidth speed. Was this a fluke? Has anyone else come close to receiving these kind of speeds over the AT&T network?

For the record, i have also been using the Free Speed Test app as well, but that app doesn't seem to be a consistent as the Bandwidth app. Also, if anyone can recommend another app to try (preferably free), i will gladly give that a try too.

Sorry everyone, i confused this with a previous test result. Actual results of this were 8.36Mbps down / 0.32Mbps up (when finished)...but the 15+Mbps spike is true to this test, I couldn't forget something like that, lol.

I did something similar the other day and I noticed that the larger the file I tested the faster the rates were. My personal theory is that AT&T throttles up the bandwidth depending on the size of the file transmitted - or it's another fluke. Overall I really don't feel it's horribly slow or anything but I know, as well as all of you, that these rates can be faster.

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