AT&T Sucks!!! One to two Titans shipped at every store!!!


New member
Oct 20, 2011
I've been calling around and I can confirm that they only shipped (or ordered) up to TWO Titans at every store in Utah!!!
So if you have Twitter, I would like to keep #att#sucks trending. Or anything involving how abominable AT&T is and how much they cater to Apple. Even on their website, they flash the BIG "upgrade to 4s now" sign!!!
All I want is the Titan!!!!!!
Let's keep #attsucks #attfail trending on Twitter and see how for this goes!

I don't want to resort to doing something as evil as this, but i'm pretty pissed off that they only shipped one - two Titans! That's just dumb!!!
I stopped buying from ATT corp stores years ago. I buy from Amazon Wireless now. Free shipping (usually next day) and they always undercut carrier pricing. I read most of their phones are selling for a penny right now.
That penny sale is for NEW subscribers. Also, I cannot get the unlimited plan in which I am grandfathered to if I buy online at Amazon. I have to click on which plan I get prior on Amazon. I do not want to lose my unlimited plan.
I have nothing big against AT&T because their network serves me well. And so does their customer service. However, I am totally against their "iPhone is the only way" strategy!! I was an iPhone pioneer and I loved it. But I love the WP7 OS more and their screwing with my mind!!
I feel your pain. I have been calling all the stores in Boston and none of them have any stock. This is just crazy.
I ordered mine online, very early Sunday morning, from their Business Premier site. It shows that the order has been processed but it still hasn't shipped. They are probably sitting in a shipping container somewhere in transit and maybe still on the ship. Another case of the marketing people pushing it out irregardless of supply. I'm starting to think that the guy in China, who is painting all of the back covers grey, called in sick!
I just LOL'd on the guy calling in sick!!! But I do like the black covers better than the grey ones!
My mission for today is to ask all of my friends to go to the AT&T store or call them and ask for the Titan. I want to see if this gets any traction.
AT&T is likely just being careful because they don't want to get burned. It's not like WP7 handsets have been selling like hotcakes.

If they start seeing real demand, they'll order more.
Agreed. They need to have more than that for each store. From what I am hearing from the sales reps now is that they are getting a lot of calls for the Titan and they wished they had some in stock. Then again, that could just be me calling over and over again!
That's funny... i've been calling them over and over too. At different phone lines with varying tones on my voice so that they don't recognize it. I'm going to ask a few of my friends to either walk in the store or call in and ask for the Titan. Hopefully, they get a clue!!!
They could just be going by your area and the percentage of people that buy whatever phone. I mean why send 40 or 50 Titans to an area that would only buy 5? I haven't seen anyone else complain besides on the first day when some stores didn't get their shipments in. Are you saying that every store you have called is out of Titans or are you just complaining they only shipped 2 to each store?

Also I wouldn't say that they are "catering to Apple" since they actually brought in more competition this year to the iPhone than any other year (due to the exclusivity ending). If you had said this last year or two years ago I would have agreed. But, I am actually surprised the amount of high end Androids AT&T brought this year and not to mention they are the only carrier to bring the most WP7 devices. Verizon is catering to high-end Androids and Sprint is glad they have the iPhone for the first time.
"Also I wouldn't say that they are "catering to Apple" since they actually brought in more competition"
Are you serious??? Look at their webpage! They have the iPhone covering half of their main page! Also, when you click on "upgrade availability", it asks you first if you want to update to an iPhone. I understand, they don't have any reason to ship 40 Titans, but 2???
C'mon, that's just unconstitutional!!! Why do they want most WP7's on their network and not wanna sell it to anyone?
Just saw this on my Twitter feed from AT&T.

This wknd upload a pic of the coolest AT&T store window w/#ATTStoreWindow! U could win a @WindowsPhone! Official Rules:

That doesn't sound like they're anti-Windows Phone.
Why do they want most WP7's on their network and not wanna sell it to anyone?

I don't know, you tell me why they would waste their time offering something if they are catering to Apple? I mean if they were catering to Apple wouldn't they try NOT to offer other devices? Or if they did offer other devices wouldn't they offer the sucky ones?

And again, is your argument that you were unable to buy the Titan or that there were just 2 there? I don't really care if my AT&T store had 50 Titans or 2 Titans. What I would care is if it impeded my ability to get the device.
I think that if you feel the need to call your AT&T store multiple times, pretending to be different people, then you've already accepted that there isn't enough demand to justify stores to stock up with a larger quantity.

Yes, 1 or 2 devices sounds sparse. But the stores probably would much rather have too few devices than too many.
Those are just the growing pains associated with being the new, unproven, OS.

This has nothing to do with the OS and everything to do with a lack of communication! They should be giving those of us who purchased this hardware online and all of their retail stores a simple explanation of the supply problem and an idea of when they expect to have it resolved. Simple communication! It's not too much to ask for!!!
It's becoming apparent that supply issues coupled with higher than expected demand led to this shortage. It might even be intentional, kind of like when the Wii came out and the prolonged shortage increased the hype.

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