AT&T Sucks!!! One to two Titans shipped at every store!!!

Whoa whoa whoa...let's all take a step back here. There is a lot of assumptions in this thread based loosely on anything factual.

First of all, @stoogefandave, your initial complaint was that your shipment was still saying it is processed but not shipped. How do you know that doesn't have to deal with AT&T's shipment response and not the supply? I have had experience ordering from AT&T before and sometimes things come in within 3 or 4 days and sometimes it takes over a week. So, before you sit here and say that it has to deal with supply just take a step back and actually wait a little bit before coming to that conclusion. Unless you specifically ordered 2nd day shipping I think you need to just wait and then come to that conclusion.

Secondly, @MajorLonghorn, I have no idea where you are getting this "high demand" from. I haven't seen any reports showing that there is a high demand for the HTC Titan on AT&T. I could be wrong you may have found one that I don't know about, but I have not seen that. Just because I love Windows Phones doesn't mean I can't be realistic about the fact that they aren't selling as much as an iPhone or an Android device. The point I am trying to make is that I don't think there is that kind of demand that you all are thinking. Again, I could be wrong but so far I have not seen any report or any article saying there is a high demand for the AT&T version of the HTC Titan. If there was a supply problem then you would have come across some European article saying that considering the same factory that makes the European HTC Titan would be the same one that would at least make the majority of the parts of the AT&T one.

And Reflexx is right, if you really feel that you need to call your AT&T store multiple times or try to convince your friends to go in and ask for the Titan even if they aren't wanting that device, then that should be enough to tell you that there isn't that demand there.
I love how economics and retail work, I as a salesperson always try and give the customers the rundown on the latest objects and yet they don't wanna hear it, WP7 kind of reminds me of the Nintendo 3DS, its one of those things that wasn't in Demand at first, that you TRIED to sell, but are selling like Crazy now...i have sold out of all 3DS in my store..Good For WP7 but sad for AT&T...

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
Two phones per store is just silly. They did that last year with the initial launch and it didn't work (out of stock within 2 days at most, many stores) Why did they think it would work this year. I understand not wanting to hold too much inventory, but a 7-10 day supply for a launch device is not unusual. For all the consumer products companies I worked for, being out of stock at launch was the biggest possible no-no, and was avoided at all cost. I remember air freighting 20000 pounds of Eveready batteries from NJ to Texas for a marketing promotion. Freight cost more than the batteries.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
wp7pwns: The reason that I jumped to the "supply problem" conclusion is because I got an e-mail from AT&T today stating that it is on backorder (I must have posted that in a different thread). That, coupled with some stores receiving a couple of units and most apparently not receiving any, equals a supply problem. Hopefully it is just a short-term delay, but it would be nice to know. I doubt that there is a high demand, but any kind of demand at all will eat up an initial sparse supply.
@wp7pwns errr... I don't think you get my initial post. It's frustrating to know that AT&T is purposely doing this to see if there is demand. And having only two items on stock is just ridiculuous!!

"Hey, I'm not sure if there will be enough people to buy the new WP7s so let's just stock two items for now even if there are 200K people here in this town!" - AT&T

And to answer your question earlier whether I was complaining about not having any on stock or not being able to buy one... WTF! I want to buy one but there isn't any on stock because they only shipped two!!!
That penny sale is for NEW subscribers. Also, I cannot get the unlimited plan in which I am grandfathered to if I buy online at Amazon. I have to click on which plan I get prior on Amazon. I do not want to lose my unlimited plan.
I have nothing big against AT&T because their network serves me well. And so does their customer service. However, I am totally against their "iPhone is the only way" strategy!! I was an iPhone pioneer and I loved it. But I love the WP7 OS more and their screwing with my mind!!

I have upgraded my last 3 phones with them and I always got them for a penny. I have been able to keep my unlimited data, by calling ATT before I place the order. They put a note on my account and when I call them to activate the new phone, they revert my plan back to unlimited. Like I said, done it for the last 3 upgrades.

EDIT: I realize the rules might have changed for this particular penny sale.
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I have upgraded my last 3 phones with them and I always got them for a penny. I have been able to keep my unlimited data, by calling ATT before I place the order. They put a note on my account and when I call them to activate the new phone, they revert my plan back to unlimited. Like I said, done it for the last 3 upgrades.

EDIT: I realize the rules might have changed for this particular penny sale.

Thanks for the info! At this point, I still have no choice but to wait for the Black Friday sale as it is out of stock everywhere!! Amazon is not doing the penny sale for "upgrades". I will call ATT on Friday and ask about keeping my unlimited data plan. Thank you!
@wp7pwns errr... I don't think you get my initial post. It's frustrating to know that AT&T is purposely doing this to see if there is demand. And having only two items on stock is just ridiculuous!!

"Hey, I'm not sure if there will be enough people to buy the new WP7s so let's just stock two items for now even if there are 200K people here in this town!" - AT&T

And to answer your question earlier whether I was complaining about not having any on stock or not being able to buy one... WTF! I want to buy one but there isn't any on stock because they only shipped two!!!

Ok, so just to clarify, you were unable to get one when you went in the store itself? I wouldn't just go by what someone on the phone says. I can go into the AT&T store right now and they may something is out of stock then they will go back there and find one. Again it was probably because the amount of people in your area that purchase them was not significant. Also 200,000 people doesn't equate to 200,000 AT&T subscribers, and then only a fraction of that would qualify for an upgrade this week, and then a smaller fraction of that would be in the market for a WP7. But the whole idea that you are going to get your friends to go in there and demand the Titan or have us blow up their twitter page or whatever is not going to somehow magically make Titans appear. I don't even think AT&T would listen to a petition.

Also, I wouldn't call it then a supply problem, it would be more of how much AT&T may have initially ordered for its stores if anything. If it was a supply problem it would be something that would have affected Europe as well as here, but I would think that instead it was either AT&T only sending out a certain number to each store and guessing which markets would have more of the demand or it was just the initial shipment just to get the device on the shelf and the second one would have more.

Either way, it's something that is probably temporary. So there is no use getting up in arms about it or calling it "unconstitutional" or blaming AT&T for being Apple worshippers because that doesn't help you in the end. I remember a month ago my local AT&T store running out of GSII's and people went up in arms about that. It's just like chill. Go into the store talk with a rep, order your phone, you will sign the contract right then and there so you keep your unlimited, and your phone will come in the mail. Or call AT&T before you order online and do it that way. I would advise you to just wait 3 more days til Black Friday so you get the 1 cent deal (which I am hearing you have to order online anyways).
I was unable to find a Titan in las vegas area so I ordered a Titan from late sunday night and received it tuesday afternoon. I was pretty happy with the fast shipping.
Here's to hoping they shipped more than two phones in my area. Tomorrow may get a little crazy. I'm hoping they price match with online prices.
2 per shipment is the same treatment the focus s got. I asked 3 major area att stores when my phone was a tough sucker to find.

Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
In Austin, of the 8 ish stores, only 1 store received Titans. They told me it was because they are pulling back on the in-store sale of non LTE devices.
That penny sale is for NEW subscribers. Also, I cannot get the unlimited plan in which I am grandfathered to if I buy online at Amazon. I have to click on which plan I get prior on Amazon. I do not want to lose my unlimited plan.
I have nothing big against AT&T because their network serves me well. And so does their customer service. However, I am totally against their "iPhone is the only way" strategy!! I was an iPhone pioneer and I loved it. But I love the WP7 OS more and their screwing with my mind!!

I can't say how it works for ATT, but I kept my Verizon unlimited plan when I purchased the HTC Trophy through amazon wireless.
I am starting to think that HTC is having financial trouble. I just read this article: HTC Revises Downward Financial Forecast for Q4 | - The Taiwan Economic News

Also, didn't Apple just win some big law suit against HTC?

Addendum: I just looked at Reuters and saw this: HTC tumbles again; growth potential in doubt | Reuters

yeah they did regarding graphic cchips or some thing in mobile devices.
this might actually be good for us.... now HTC has to pay MS for droids and Iphone for everything... maybe they will drop Android and concentrate on WP!! :P ( a man can dream )

as for the shipping problems... i ship cell phones out every day ( 10-15 a day ) many reasons for delay.

1. back order ( witch i highly doubt )

2. nothing to do with AT$T but the Postal service they use might have problems ( ive seen that allot )

3. Fraud prevention team has FROOZEN your order because you may have lost or stolen Credit info ( if you ever reported your stuff lost )

4.the back office that prosses the order are talking a nap ( this happens allot , you know people slacking off and spending to much time on WPcentral.. LOL ;) )

5. the REP who sold you the phone forgot to do something in your order witch FROZE it until he fixes the issue ( this happens to me allot when i forget to leave notes in clients account with price of device contract and other info ect... )
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So.... instead of making it a penny on black friday, it was a penny before it? Smh. My upgrades were for today, the 25th. WoW!
It will be a penny starting tonight at 9pm ending tomorrow night at 9. I called and verified with AT&T and she told me this. It is for ALL new subscribers and current ones eligible for upgrades.
It will be a penny starting tonight at 9pm ending tomorrow night at 9. I called and verified with AT&T and she told me this. It is for ALL new subscribers and current ones eligible for upgrades.

The hours probably depend on your time zone though. I was told 12-1am it started for EST.
I'm happy it starts at the exact same time around the country, I was worried about that... I'll be ready to go at 11!!

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