If anyone looks back at any posts provided by myself on here, you'll see that I've never mentioned any other ecosystem as being lackluster or of poor quality. The reality is most current WP users, msyelf included started from another ecosystem. I've always expressed my ONLY issues with Apple are their price point, and how closed down their ecosystem is compared to the others. As a product and service, they establish the zenith of their field. Andriods flexibility is their strength, but is ways is also their weakness. I've always looked at Andriod as a smartphone OS on steriods. Still for the software engineers at heart and techs out there it's an OS that has no limits. What I try to establish is all OS's have their pro's and cons, but understanding the bigger dynamic of what is going on instead of just impulsively throwing out random complaints is what amuses me. I will admit that I'm not surprised for it is a reflection of a society that I've sworn to protect and defend for the last 19 years to have the liberty to express your points of view. Pay more attention to the context of what is being said. With regards to my statement about MSFT and MAC support...it's not soley MSFT's responsibility when it comes to support of another device ran on another OS. Just look at Youtube and Google services. I think it's safe to say it's not from lack of MSFT's attemtps that there is still poor representation of Google services on WP devices or any MSFT devices. Apple has a little more amiccable relationship with MSFT than Google does but there is still a rift there. For those complaining about MSFT services being better on other devices running other OS's, that's still a win in MSFT's eyes. Skype is used for video teleconferencing more then any other service, even if the expereince isn't as rewarding on a WP, MSFT is still looking at that metric as a positive. Not all apps on WP suck however. I'd stack 6Tag against any Instagram app from any device running any OS and it will be comparable if not better. Cortana, though only in the US has already been mentioned to be gaining information for releases in Canada, the UK and other countries in the EU, as well as China. At the end of the day like many have said, it's about preferences. There's nothing that WP doesn't provide that I cannot or am not willing to live without, or that prevents me from continuing my day to day routines, in the same breathe, the over all OS optic presentation, the Camera, the live tiles and how in my opinion, Windows 8.1 will continue to gain in popularity, provides me with enough incentive that I won't be shifting any time soon.