At what point will you abandon WP?

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- No gapless playback
- Black screen of death (waiting for like 10 seconds for it to load realizing that it wouldn't)
- Volume rocker doesn't change volume unless you get your phone and turn on the screen
- Playlists being shuffled starts at the very first song
- Always updating music
- Album art on songs mysteriously disappear (that's my own thing, sorry)
- For some reason some songs wont play and skip to the next then if I try it again it works
- Very noticeable lag when scrolling through playlists
- Sometimes "shuffle" doesn't work for some odd reason
- Sometimes, songs play but you hear no sound, a restart is the only way to get through it
- A repeated second of the last song played every time. It's one thing not to have gapless playback and another for it sounding like a scratched up CD at the end.

You forgot that it writes its own incorrect tags, it doesn't cache what music you do have on it, they broke support for MPA Tool, you can't turn off Xbox cloud connections, and the live tile still hasn't been fixed. Oh, and the app likes to stutter with little hiccups at the end of tracks.
The 822 won't help your opinion of Windows Phone. I had the 820, and it's NOT a great device. For what is is, I loved my 520. But the 820 is like a stubborn middle child angry that its older siblings get more awards.

I dunno, it has basically the same internals as the 928, but it also has a SD slot and removable battery. The screen is crappy by today's standards, but for some reason it does support Nokia Glance while the flagship Icon does not.

Seems like a fantastic value for the price...if you get one that works.

By that, I mean I got my hands on one already, but people say they can't hear me on phone calls. Apparently it's not an uncommon issue on certain Lumia models. Something to do with a defective noise cancelling mic.

Anyway, I have another 822 on the way so hopefully I won't get burned a 2nd time.

Posted from my BlackBerry Z30 via Tapatalk
The 822 isn't even close to the 928, though. Weak camera in comparison.

It has the same CPU and RAM, so the performance is comparable. The camera has slightly less megapixels and doesn't have a xenon flash like the 928, but it's no slouch.

The 928 is a better phone overall, but the 822 holds its own, I think.

Posted from my BlackBerry Z30 via Tapatalk
So for all you being pugnacious about WP, what would you opt for, because I can show you Android phones running different variants of the OS since not every Android device can run the lastest, that is as buggy if not more with all kinds of issues. If you're talking Galaxy series or HTC One series compare it to a 1520 or 1020. If Xbox music isn't doing it for you here's an epiphany. .stop using it. There are a lot of amazing music apps out there. Cortana being in beta is the point..its better already in many ways then Siri or Google Now. The best cameras are on WP devices. I don't realm use WP for Office too much, but i don't have an issue with the functionality. If I had to pay for it, maybe. A lot of the complaints are just empty rhetoric.
So for all you being pugnacious about WP, what would you opt for, because I can show you Android phones running different variants of the OS since not every Android device can run the lastest, that is as buggy if not more with all kinds of issues. If you're talking Galaxy series or HTC One series compare it to a 1520 or 1020. If Xbox music isn't doing it for you here's an epiphany. .stop using it. There are a lot of amazing music apps out there. Cortana being in beta is the point..its better already in many ways then Siri or Google Now. The best cameras are on WP devices. I don't realm use WP for Office too much, but i don't have an issue with the functionality. If I had to pay for it, maybe. A lot of the complaints are just empty rhetoric.

Cool. Now fix the Mac support with another smart-*** answer. And don't tell me to switch to a PC.
So for all you being pugnacious about WP, what would you opt for, because I can show you Android phones running different variants of the OS since not every Android device can run the lastest, that is as buggy if not more with all kinds of issues. If you're talking Galaxy series or HTC One series compare it to a 1520 or 1020. If Xbox music isn't doing it for you here's an epiphany. .stop using it. There are a lot of amazing music apps out there. Cortana being in beta is the point..its better already in many ways then Siri or Google Now. The best cameras are on WP devices. I don't realm use WP for Office too much, but i don't have an issue with the functionality. If I had to pay for it, maybe. A lot of the complaints are just empty rhetoric.

I would answer to that, but I don't understand the word pugnacious ;-)

Don't get me wrong, I am very happy for you if you are happy! And in now way I want Microsoft to be not successful. I could imagine coming back to WP at one point.

And I will most likely switch to iOS since you asked. Also, I can't have Cortana as I can't change my 8X to US. Neither can people use it who don't understand English. In this case Cortana is just no argument.
So for all you being pugnacious about WP, what would you opt for, because I can show you Android phones running different variants of the OS since not every Android device can run the lastest, that is as buggy if not more with all kinds of issues. If you're talking Galaxy series or HTC One series compare it to a 1520 or 1020. If Xbox music isn't doing it for you here's an epiphany. .stop using it. There are a lot of amazing music apps out there. Cortana being in beta is the point..its better already in many ways then Siri or Google Now. The best cameras are on WP devices. I don't realm use WP for Office too much, but i don't have an issue with the functionality. If I had to pay for it, maybe. A lot of the complaints are just empty rhetoric.

I'm not sure pugnacious is the right word to use but if you think it suits... I don't see myself or others as being combative or argumentative.

What I find most amusing about people on WP is that when they come from iOS or Android or have been on it for a long time and really like it, they say things like iOS is boring and Apple is a horrible company. Android is laggy and boring and you can't trust Google. For some reason, WP users can't seem to accept that WP OS can become boring. Waiting for apps to arrive can become boring. Getting a 'real' update after two years that should have showed up in the first year is extremely boring. Some people, just like those who leave iOS or Android leave WP for the same reasons. Surprise, surprise.

Sometimes people need to explore other OS's and other devices. It's nice to exist in a bubble but I personally don't like that idea. There's three good ecosystems for people to choose from. People can make up their own minds what suits them best. I know all the issues with retail shops in regards to WP but that is an issue that MS needs to address. MS is at fault for a lot of the take up issues with WP but on top of that the app gap, regardless how you feel, for some, not having Candy Crush available is a big deal for them. You can say how nice WP is, how great a company MS is and all that but means squat if you can't do what you want on it whether that's games or apps.

People leave ecosystems for their own reasons. They don't need to justify it to you or anyone else and it doesn't mean they won't return to WP.
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I love wp 8.1. Theyve got all the apps that i want. BUT the quality of the apps on wp is not even close on ios and android. ios and android apps still way better than wp. Skype, viber, fb, whatsup, tumblr, instagram.. I use all of these and they sucks big time on wp.
Provided i never made the total jump due to its shortcomings, the final return to Android may come in form of either Galaxy Note 4 (if it's worth) or the next big screen from HTC.
No matter how much they insist in improving the OS, the shortcomings are still too many to make it usable. I miss key apps and i am not happy about too many things to keep me on the platform. But it's true i may have special needs. However, i feel caged and limited with WP. In particular, the limits of the OS and the lack of good apps as usual keep me at bay.
I have been a huge supporter of WP. My last 4 phones have been WP , but am now slowly feeling to move on to iPhone / android. I won't say app gap but yes the waiting time is very huge

Also , a lot of new things happen in those platforms and it takes at least a year for MS to bring them on WP. I absolutely love 8.1 but I think it still needs work to improve stability (8.1 is still not stable in my 1520) . I was waiting for a MS smartwatch but not sure when it would come out. I would better buy a Moto 360 and an android device and enjoy better connected experience.

Despite being a huge MS supporter , I am slowly losing interest in the ecosystem and partly MS looks non committed (i may be wrong). Next time I have few bucks in my pocket , I would definetly go out and buy something else. Would keep a 520 just for the love of the platform ...
I have been a huge supporter of WP. My last 4 phones have been WP , but am now slowly feeling to move on to iPhone / android. I won't say app gap but yes the waiting time is very huge

Also , a lot of new things happen in those platforms and it takes at least a year for MS to bring them on WP. I absolutely love 8.1 but I think it still needs work to improve stability (8.1 is still not stable in my 1520) . I was waiting for a MS smartwatch but not sure when it would come out. I would better buy a Moto 360 and an android device and enjoy better connected experience.

Despite being a huge MS supporter , I am slowly losing interest in the ecosystem and partly MS looks non committed (i may be wrong). Next time I have few bucks in my pocket , I would definetly go out and buy something else. Would keep a 520 just for the love of the platform ...

Don't judge 8.1 too harshly yet as its not actually been released. The version you have used is a test bed for developers. IF stability is an issue AFTER they launch it then im with you, im going to go back to Android as I hear that you don't need a gmail account to use it (reason I left was due to hating Google). Can I use an iPhone without an Apple ID?
Don't judge 8.1 too harshly yet as its not actually been released. The version you have used is a test bed for developers. IF stability is an issue AFTER they launch it then im with you, im going to go back to Android as I hear that you don't need a gmail account to use it (reason I left was due to hating Google). Can I use an iPhone without an Apple ID?

You need an Apple ID, at least to download apps. You can, however, use your regular e-mail address instead of an Apple one as your Apple ID, similar to a Microsoft account. As for Android, don't you need a Gmail account to access Google Play? You would have to manually find and install APKs otherwise, and paid apps would not be available, right? Or has this changed?
Only way I'll leave is if I have a reason to leave Microsoft's ecosystem entirely. Right now they have the best operating system for my work software, HTPC usability and gaming... and the best tablet overall.

I'm really only with Windows Phone because it plays nicely with the ecosystem... and I'm all about having everything under one umbrella.

MacOSX isn't useful without the competitors operating system and Chromebook has zero appeal for people like me who need dev software for our profession so I'm not really gonna pour everything into an ecosystem that's only partially useful for me.

There would have to be a drastic change to the curve of back end software dev prominence before I could consider going with all Apple devices or all Google devices.
If anyone looks back at any posts provided by myself on here, you'll see that I've never mentioned any other ecosystem as being lackluster or of poor quality. The reality is most current WP users, msyelf included started from another ecosystem. I've always expressed my ONLY issues with Apple are their price point, and how closed down their ecosystem is compared to the others. As a product and service, they establish the zenith of their field. Andriods flexibility is their strength, but is ways is also their weakness. I've always looked at Andriod as a smartphone OS on steriods. Still for the software engineers at heart and techs out there it's an OS that has no limits. What I try to establish is all OS's have their pro's and cons, but understanding the bigger dynamic of what is going on instead of just impulsively throwing out random complaints is what amuses me. I will admit that I'm not surprised for it is a reflection of a society that I've sworn to protect and defend for the last 19 years to have the liberty to express your points of view. Pay more attention to the context of what is being said. With regards to my statement about MSFT and MAC's not soley MSFT's responsibility when it comes to support of another device ran on another OS. Just look at Youtube and Google services. I think it's safe to say it's not from lack of MSFT's attemtps that there is still poor representation of Google services on WP devices or any MSFT devices. Apple has a little more amiccable relationship with MSFT than Google does but there is still a rift there. For those complaining about MSFT services being better on other devices running other OS's, that's still a win in MSFT's eyes. Skype is used for video teleconferencing more then any other service, even if the expereince isn't as rewarding on a WP, MSFT is still looking at that metric as a positive. Not all apps on WP suck however. I'd stack 6Tag against any Instagram app from any device running any OS and it will be comparable if not better. Cortana, though only in the US has already been mentioned to be gaining information for releases in Canada, the UK and other countries in the EU, as well as China. At the end of the day like many have said, it's about preferences. There's nothing that WP doesn't provide that I cannot or am not willing to live without, or that prevents me from continuing my day to day routines, in the same breathe, the over all OS optic presentation, the Camera, the live tiles and how in my opinion, Windows 8.1 will continue to gain in popularity, provides me with enough incentive that I won't be shifting any time soon.
If anyone looks back at any posts provided by myself on here, you'll see that I've never mentioned any other ecosystem as being lackluster or of poor quality. The reality is most current WP users, msyelf included started from another ecosystem. I've always expressed my ONLY issues with Apple are their price point, and how closed down their ecosystem is compared to the others. As a product and service, they establish the zenith of their field. Andriods flexibility is their strength, but is ways is also their weakness. I've always looked at Andriod as a smartphone OS on steriods. Still for the software engineers at heart and techs out there it's an OS that has no limits. What I try to establish is all OS's have their pro's and cons, but understanding the bigger dynamic of what is going on instead of just impulsively throwing out random complaints is what amuses me. I will admit that I'm not surprised for it is a reflection of a society that I've sworn to protect and defend for the last 19 years to have the liberty to express your points of view. Pay more attention to the context of what is being said. With regards to my statement about MSFT and MAC's not soley MSFT's responsibility when it comes to support of another device ran on another OS. Just look at Youtube and Google services. I think it's safe to say it's not from lack of MSFT's attemtps that there is still poor representation of Google services on WP devices or any MSFT devices. Apple has a little more amiccable relationship with MSFT than Google does but there is still a rift there. For those complaining about MSFT services being better on other devices running other OS's, that's still a win in MSFT's eyes. Skype is used for video teleconferencing more then any other service, even if the expereince isn't as rewarding on a WP, MSFT is still looking at that metric as a positive. Not all apps on WP suck however. I'd stack 6Tag against any Instagram app from any device running any OS and it will be comparable if not better. Cortana, though only in the US has already been mentioned to be gaining information for releases in Canada, the UK and other countries in the EU, as well as China. At the end of the day like many have said, it's about preferences. There's nothing that WP doesn't provide that I cannot or am not willing to live without, or that prevents me from continuing my day to day routines, in the same breathe, the over all OS optic presentation, the Camera, the live tiles and how in my opinion, Windows 8.1 will continue to gain in popularity, provides me with enough incentive that I won't be shifting any time soon.

That's all good to know, but you should really accept different opinions. Also, your job does not really help your argument in this very international forum, you can just leave that out.
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