At what point will you abandon WP?

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The OS is amazing. I'm excited for the official release of 8.1 and the apps to follow. I have two major concerns regarding the livelihood and success of WP.

1: While 3rd party apps do the trick a lot of times Its the name recognition that brings new customers. Someone considering a new phone always knows what they want. And if they don't have instagram. (this instagram beta for over a year now is ridiculous and an official app needs to be released) or any of these other popular apps it will stop people dead on their tracks regarding consideration of WP.

2: The people selling the phones need to be educated and that is up to Microsoft to push and pay the cell phone carriers so that this can be accomplished. I want wp to succeed so I often go into cell stores for fun to see what is being said about the phones and OS. Sadly they don't know crap! Just this week at a Verizon store I spoke to two employees and neither were even aware of 8.1. To them nothing has changed since the HTC 8x cams out with 8.0 ask that time ago. Thru continued to tell me that while the os was cool out lacked a lot of functionality that iPhone and android have. Mainly this is being fixed in the 8.1 update. Notification bar, Cortana, etc.

But the killer was they told me I wouldn't want a Windows phone because no one builds apps. And in a lot of ways their assessment is true. Microsoft's claim for the last year was "we have 47 of the top 5 most popular apps." That shouldn't be what they are saying. They should be saying in addition to having the most popular apps we have these apps as well...

A: MSFT needs to catch up with the app world. The facebook app on widows phone had the functionality the I phone app had 2 years ago. They need the apps to be better.

B: They need to figure out how to get back in bed with Google. They need Google for one reason and that is YouTube. The msft app for your is an absolute joke. It's there are 3rd party apps like metrotube that work but if someone if buying a new phone and hears the word no YouTube app and 3rd party it becomes an instant turn off.

It seems lately Microsoft has invested much more into their surface and beating the MacBook pro.
There should be tv ads boasting Cortana. Everyone should be anticipating it and when even the salesman at Verizon don't know who she is, we have a problem. It takes money to make money and Microsoft owns the software market. Now they need to be ruthless and sell the phone better!
There should be tv ads boasting Cortana. Everyone should be anticipating it and when even the salesman at Verizon don't know who she is, we have a problem. It takes money to make money and Microsoft owns the software market. Now they need to be ruthless and sell the phone better!

Microsoft has no idea how to market. I still think the surface commercials are horrible. Keep it simple, show people using the device with out all the crazy music and camera tricks. They have never been good at selling hardware.
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I don't see myself 'abandoning' WP so much as looking at the options.

Every ecosystem has it's good points and bad points. These things need to be weighed up prior to purchasing a phone. Something I do flat out, no contracts for me thanks.

Currently I'm slightly disappointed with the hardware on WP. Nothing catches my eye and though WP8.1 is great it hasn't improved my life much with what it has included. I don't use the vast majority of features (including Cortana because I'm the UK) as I'm not into eye candy. My phone needs to be reset (again) but I'm waiting to do that when the Cyan update finally comes out.... waits... Also an opinion on WP8.1, this should have been out last year, two years for this update is ridiculous.

Thing is, I will never own an Apple device as I have no interest in anything Apple which leaves me with either WP or Android. Currently I own an Android tablet and a WP. This works for me so far. Saying that, I kind of like Android. I know people beat it up but it has what I want whereas WP doesn't. I know people keep bagging apps but WP is becoming app centric. This is obvious when looking at Video and Music that MS took out of the OS. So whether you think web is better than apps, personally I don't find web all that fantastic on mobile, never have and I think apps provide a better experience overall. I'm not alone in this thinking as most people prefer apps as well.

A lot of the apps I would like to have on WP don't exist. They do on Android. Since I don't want to lug my tablet around all the time I'm running into an issue now. So I'm weighing up the pros and cons. Based on a few things. My aside from the lackluster app selection and the boring hardware on WP I find I'm having issues finding an Android phone I like. So it would seem for now I'm sticking with WP. Whether I stay with WP is a question I can't answer now. So I'm in a wait and see position. I won't be buying a phone until early next year. Hopefully by then something is out that appeals to me.
If you mean to use a different platform,then the answer is (for myself and wife) is sometime next April.

While our WP's my 1520 and her 1020 are nice, there are apps we both want but on other platforms.

Neither of us like Xbox integration and it's lackluster performance, and she wants something different.

Personally I do like how my phone looks,but am underwhelmed at how it performs several task,and she likes her camera picture quality,but hates how slow it is.

She may wind up with a Android phone that I can root and customize to her liking,and I most likely will get a 5.5 " iPhone provided they have a 128gig model. If not then I'll look at another Android as well.

I'm a huge fan of having tons of music and movies with me to enjoy,and Xbox has ruined my WP experience completely. I refuse to stream either since I buy a hard copy of both for my collection.

Until Microsoft takes people like me into consideration I'll spend my money elsewhere
Tough to this point whatever complaints I had 8.1 seems to have the solution.i usually keep my phones for a time I decide to get a new phone ill look at the options I have then and see
"At what point will you abandon WP?" - when the questions get any stupider than this one.
Nope don't like it. They don't how him using the device. They show a video of a hand using the device. Me thinks he would have hard time using the surface next to that guy. :)

This is a good commercial:
Samsung Galaxy S4 Commercial Graduation Pool Party - YouTube

So because you don't like it then it's rubbish?

It shows you what the device can do and I've been in that same situation on a train and Surface is more than usable.
I have already left for iOS after many apps I need for my work Are not available for windows phone. In the last two years we have gone from zero apps to using 3-4 apps for a variety of reasons . It really makes tracking of daily performance/financial data of my restaurant much easier. I also use an app for my security cameras. The developers stopped making a windows phone 7 version when they basically discontinued it with windows phone 8. He wrote at the time, he basically doesn't see reason to write apps for windows phone as each new version requires a lot of changes and API (6.5, 7, and 8)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Although Windows Phone 8.1 is very good, it did rid the OS of functionnalities that were unique to it (People Hub multiple network sharing or the look of the Photo hub for example) and adds problems. Some thing that's always been a problem with WP is the fact that we have to put up with less official apps (Google for example), eternal official betas (Instagram for example) or never updated official apps (Vine for example) and we have to turn to unofficial apps which, although they are excellent and sometimes better than their official counterparts (6sec and 6tag for example). But sometimes it becomes a problem that is tiring.

I will abandon WP when it no longer has anything unique to offer. The more it works like its competitors the less I will be willing to put up with the bad sides of WP (lack of apps, etc.)

I honestly thought WP was the best experience out there since I've had it. But 8.1 has made me change my mind on this. If WP works like a mix of iOS and Android and still lacks apps, then why put up with it and not just get iOS or Android that mostly have the apps that come out.

Plus, Xbox Music is the worst music player out there right now. iOS, Android and even Blackberry make better music players. If that's not sorted out quickly, I'm off.

I know some will disagree but that's the way I feel now.
Tough to this point whatever complaints I had 8.1 seems to have the solution.i usually keep my phones for a time I decide to get a new phone ill look at the options I have then and see

We usually keep ours for a while as well........but......these we won't. Hindsight is 20/20 and I'm happy to have used one,but you have to be happy with what you got
I appreciate the feedback guys. I would not consider myself an "app man" but I do consider myself one who loves technology. I've been wanting to get my house connected for sometime. I looked at connected locks (Kwikset), sprinkler control systems, whole house audio, etc--there is no support and it will take a long time for there to be such support. I certainly do not care so much whether or not the app is official (though I would prefer it), but, for the items I am looking for, it is not there--regardless.

Have you looked at Insteon? I have started making my house a smart home and they support Windows platforms
When pigs fly..

Are you working on that? I'd like to know about the genetic approaches you are applying. I guess you change the HOX genes to express additional limbs? And I assume you take an approach to create bat-like wings, not bird-like wings. As bats are mammals I assume the changes in proteins and development are easier to achieve?
At what point will we quit caring so much about apps?

WP may abandon me before I ever abandon it.
when we have them all! And as long as apps become more efficient,they will do more for the that rate ....we will never stop caring about apps
what app gap? tell me the app that you want, i will told them to create app for windows phone

idk why you guys care about apps, if you did, please go to developers' twitter, facebook, page, whatever, email, tell them to create apps for windows phone, and stop blaming microsoft, blame the app creator, some developers develop apps for windows phone only, same thing happen
what app gap? tell me the app that you want, i will told them to create app for windows phone

idk why you guys care about apps, if you did, please go to developers' twitter, facebook, page, whatever, email, tell them to create apps for windows phone, and stop blaming microsoft, blame the app creator, some developers develop apps for windows phone only, same thing happen

I don't think anyone blames Microsoft. Apps are important because that's what you use on your machine. And going to tell devs to make apps for WP will not make them do it. You really think people come here to complain about the lack of apps and do nothing else? You think the devs don't receive endless tweets/emails/facebook messages asking to get an app on WP?

Another thing to consider is, do you think people had to ask for apps on iOS? And nowadays, does anyone have to ask for an app on Android?

Abandonning WP because of the lack of apps is not blaming Microsoft. It's wanting to pay for a product that you will be able to use according to your needs.
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