At what point will you abandon WP?

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When would I switch away from WP, at least to try something else? good question. For me, reasons would ne:
- when the Audible app would disappear (I only switched to WP when it appeared on WP)
- when WP would lose its smoothness, would become laggy, buggy and would have stuff like random restarts
- when curiosity would become too strong to not try another OS. I wouldn't fully switch to another OS, though.
- when Apple makes an iPhone with an outrageously good camera
- when a non-google-related phone with an outrageously good camera appears
I won't 'abandon' Windows Phone, even if nobody developed apps for it, because the device itself largely meets my needs out of the box. Windows Phone seems to have the only calendar function (through which can handle a rotating shift pattern so I'm not in the absurd position of buying a five hundred pound device and having to pay extra to make it work. Add in Onedrive, Office and the increasing interoperability between Windows platforms and I see no reason to chose any other OS. The people at Microsoft really do seem to have a coherent vision for the future with interactive live tiles seeming to be the next stage along with gesture controls and the continued growth of Cortana with bing. Add to that 'the internet of things' announcement and the internationalisation of Bing services and I see nothing but improvement.

As for you wish to automate your home, I sympathise, but would like to sound a note of caution: All these devices will communicate with the web through your router, which may well be leaking through open ports which you don't even know about and this means the more you automate, the more control you're passing to hackers to keep you under surveillance or even interfere with your home. This has become a new (thank you, Linksys et al) and increasing cause for concern to me as it's clear that security is a very low priority to consumer electronics companies. There really needs to be internationally agreed standards for encryption and authentication so that a device knows to ignore any instruction or request for information from anyone except the legitimate owner. Until that time, my home stays dumb.
I am not a WP user, but things seem better now than they did before. Why abandon now?
If MS doesn't provide the basic features like the cellular setting in the action center, more options in the action center, custom accent colors, a decent music app, faster app resuming within the next one year, then i guess i will switch to an android or ios...
Being with the WP group since wp7, I can really see how at the begging people where more joining the group, now a lot of the post are about either leaving, or leaving and coming back, or when will be leaving. Stressing out the app gap and other hardware problems.....

I really really think that Microsoft should act very very soon if they want to save this.
I think it'd be quite shortsighted to leave the platform now, when it's getting an increasing amount of apps and updates and feature releases, and when Microsoft are really committing to communicate with it's users more.

As has already been said: "When it's pried from my cold, dead fingers."
I've been a WP supporter from the beginning (and even farther back, if one counts Zune and its iterations). Despite 8.1 and all that it brings, I feel like the app gap is about to push me over, to either Apple or Google. The thing is, I like technology. I am finding more and more products I want to invest in--especially in regards to the connected home and wearables--and none of them support WP. If I leave the platform, I will miss the UI greatly, but in terms of OneDrive, Office, Xbox, etc., I can get all of that on the other devices. Why stick with WP? Why do you? Are any of you in my boat? I would really like to hear thoughtful responses from people who don't hate the competitors but simply have a love of technology.


Death is the only way to part-either us or the platform :D
just kidding
as long as their software and hardware standards are maintained,i will stick to WP
I'm not an app person. I like the fluidity of WP. Android is too cluttered for my taste, and well I am not a fan of Apple (wife told me she would divorce me if I ever buy an apple product).

WP works best for me, if I left I would hope BlackBerry was still around. For me its about productivity, and I believe that WP, and BB do that best.
I appreciate everyone's thoughtful responses. Things have definitely gotten better with WP, that is for sure. Still, the app gap as regards third-party technologies (hardware) that need custom apps to control them is wide. I'll still hold off to pull the trigger, since I do not yet view my wants as needs. When/if they become needs, I will re-assess. At one point I did have an iPhone 4 and a Lumia 1020 and simply swapped sims depending on the needs of the day. Most of the time, when I had the iPhone, I was irritated as to how the phone itself functioned. When I needed to be in a place where I needed to control my Nest and television (at work), I was glad I had the iPhone. In the end, my frustration with how the iPhone functioned as a smartphone was too great and I sold it. We'll see how it goes!
I had an iPhone 3g => Samsung Focus WP7 (actually really liked this phoone) => Lumia 920 (awesome). WPs have a great momentum right now and I'm pretty confident that it's only going to increase. I'm happy with the integration with MS services, other devices and xbox. IMHO some of the 3rd party apps are actually better. Nokia and WP have me for at least another purchase or two.

I understand about missing some apps though. My bank has yet to make one, grocery store, blah blah blah. For me, I have most of what I need and a lot of what I want, plus a stellar phone OS and camera. I signed up for Xbox music pass and was pleasantly surprised. I do hope they improve upon the UI though.

My contract is up in the fall and I hope there will be a WPhablet with active stylus in my future.
I appreciate everyone's thoughtful responses. Things have definitely gotten better with WP, that is for sure. Still, the app gap as regards third-party technologies (hardware) that need custom apps to control them is wide. I'll still hold off to pull the trigger, since I do not yet view my wants as needs. When/if they become needs, I will re-assess. At one point I did have an iPhone 4 and a Lumia 1020 and simply swapped sims depending on the needs of the day. Most of the time, when I had the iPhone, I was irritated as to how the phone itself functioned. When I needed to be in a place where I needed to control my Nest and television (at work), I was glad I had the iPhone. In the end, my frustration with how the iPhone functioned as a smartphone was too great and I sold it. We'll see how it goes!

it all depends on your needs. I wish I could switch as needed between windows phone and BlackBerry. I miss my QWERTY.
I like the way the platform is moving about as of lately. This and the fact that I want to see where WP phone goes... I'm here for the long haul. Although I own other devices with other OSs, right now I feel that WP serves my purposes exactly. So, no abandonment for me!
I haven't considered leaving WP until today. Apps have not bothered me at all up till now. But today my employer introduced new timekeeping. We can sign in and out etcetera online. And this includes mobile devices that are Android, Apple or BlackBerry.
I'm not sure I'll leave because of this but I'm sure disappointed. It would be very convenient.

I have since realized a way to get around the missing app.
I went to IE and saved to favorite my company's timekeeping page. I can log in that way and not need an app at all.
There are many other examples like this of not needing an app to do what you want.
So I'm good with WP after all. I'm glad because
I really like 8.1 on my Nokia 822!
I won't ever abandon WP, it's more than an eco system to me considering how good 8.1 is. I managed to get the wife a 925 when she renewed her contract so everything ties in well now, family room is a godsend for keeping upto date with busy life's.

For me I still use my 1020 daily the quality of the pictures can't be beaten, my 1520 I mostly keep for the weekends when i'm out and about and want to grab a few mins playing some xbox games. I'm patiently waiting the 930 being released here so I can pick that up as my daily driver but I won't be selling my 1020 or 1520.

I have had Nokia's since my first phone and they just feel right, all through the years they have improved greatly and hate using anything else.

I've had the iPhone 5 as a previous work phone and it's lying in a drawer now as they gave me a new Galaxy S5. It was a totally different experience going back to android again and while it was a novelty for a few days, it's just a mess overall. I sometimes forward my calls so going through 4 or 5 menus to get to divert was unreal. For me WP 8.1 is more intuitive than anything apple and google can come up with.

So I won't ever leave WP for anything and Iove the direction it's going in now.
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At what point will we quit caring so much about apps?

WP may abandon me before I ever abandon it.

Exactly my position. If I get to feeling like WP is more of a hobby to them than it is important to me that would say to me that MS has left me. Jazmac will officially moonwalk smooth out the building. But I have no compunction to leave at this point.
Will wait and see what Windows McLaren is like compared to the latest Android and iPhone. If there's a significant gap then I go with whoever is leading, I've had enough of being a guinea pig and waiting and hoping and waiting...If MS cant fix their issues then Bollox to them.
I'm considering coming to Windows Phone from BlackBerry. I'll take WP's limited but good (and growing) native app catalog over BB10's newly declared dependency on the Android runtime and Amazon Appstore any day.

WP also has the best design language of the 4 major platforms, and Nokia hardware is great (when it works).

If I move to WP, but I see signs that it's going the way of BB, I'll probably jump ship to iOS.

Posted from my BlackBerry Z30 via Tapatalk
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