At what point will you abandon WP?

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I'm considering coming to Windows Phone from BlackBerry. I'll take WP's limited but good (and growing) native app catalog over BB10's newly declared dependency on the Android runtime and Amazon Appstore any day.

WP also has the best design language of the 4 major platforms, and Nokia hardware is great (when it works).

If I move to WP, but I see signs that it's going the way of BB, I'll probably jump ship to iOS.

Posted from my BlackBerry Z30 via Tapatalk

came to WP from BlackBerry, the only thing I miss is the QWERTY. I was a SkyDrive user while on BB, however the integration was non existent, so being on WP with OneDrive helps me.

Maybe find an inexpensive WP on eBay and take it for a spin. The so called "app gap" has not bothered me.
I don't see any reason, especially at the rate it is getting even better than it already is, to abandon Windows Phone. I have all the apps I need, and the only one I want that's on other platforms is QuizUp, but an official version for it is currently being developed.
Not likely to go back to Android until the full Office suit is available for it free and it will seamlessly and smoothly integration with other Microsoft services. Right now, WP is just too easy and simple in my small business situation to make a change.
I'm a WP ****** since day 1, my first smartphone was the Lumia 900 followed by the 920 a year later. But I got tired of being in a 2nd class ecosystem, so I got a Nexus 5 last summer and still using. I realize now that I'm too deeply enmeshed int he Google ecosystem(Maps, Youtube, mail, search, Now) to accept anything less then a fantastic native experience. When Windows Phone can equal or better that with Bing services, I might come back.
The thing is though, whenever something cool comes out that is tech related, WP either gets it a year or two late or NEVER. So right now we might have most of the main apps, but I'm sure when the next big app/game comes out, we won't see WP support, at least for awhile. As I'm younger, keeping up to date on apps is huge.
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I'm happy with WP and have no intentions of leaving unless Microsoft decides to stop supporting or updating it. The one thing I'm unhappy about, though, is the Nokia X strategy. Maybe I don't understand what they are trying to do, but why offer a phone for about the same price as a low-end WP, with its own app store with many missing apps compared to Google Play and even the WP store using the garbage laggy OS their biggest competitor provides? I totally understand having their own apps multiplatform and completely support the idea of supporting Android and iOS for Microsoft apps as long as they support and update the WP apps as well, but why Nokia X? It just has me concerned that they are looking for backup strategy in case WP doesn't work out but these phones are going to offer a subpar experience compared to a Samsung, for example, and not sure why anyone would want to upgrade to a Lumia from the X.
True free offline maps, the inability to root/jailbreak WP OS (that is really a "plus" and not a "minus" with me) the stability, smoothness and simplicity of WP 8 are all reasons why I won't be leaving WP anytime soon.
I did when ComiXology did. I gotta have my comics. I still have my Lumia 920 just in case they come back.
To be honest, Xbox Music is REALLY disappointing me.

I have 8 months left until my contract expires and if they don't do something about Xbox Music, sadly I have to say goodbye. This one's really a deal breaker.
I would consider switching from WP if it no longer suits my needs. That day is not today and I don't know if or when that day will come.
I'll leave when a new competitor offers a more compelling product that isn't under the Google or Apple umbrella. Hopefully Tizen or Sailfish will offer this. Otherwise I'll keep chugging along with my L810.
If WP no longer suits me the next time I need/want a new phone I would look to switch. Also, if LG were to make a webos phone I think I would have to look at it. I don't think I would consider that scenario as switching per se because that would most certainly be a work in progress.
At this point, or rather end of this year.

I really like WP8.1, I think it's a great OS.

However, after I've bought an iPad I realized how bad the app situation really is on WP. The apps on iOS are already better and have additionally frequent updates. But that's not even the worst part. What really will make me buy into another OS is the lack of a real high-end device.

The Lumia 930 is not yet released and has specs that other phones had over half a year ago. I won't spend that much money for that. And even if in fall a new phone will be announced as it's rumored, it will again take months until it's really in stores. That's just not acceptable.

If I'd buy low-end devices, I think I'd stay with WP, but in the high-end range it just has nothing to offer.
At this point, or rather end of this year.

I really like WP8.1, I think it's a great OS.

However, after I've bought an iPad I realized how bad the app situation really is on WP. The apps on iOS are already better and have additionally frequent updates. But that's not even the worst part. What really will make me buy into another OS is the lack of a real high-end device.

The Lumia 930 is not yet released and has specs that other phones had over half a year ago. I won't spend that much money for that. And even if in fall a new phone will be announced as it's rumored, it will again take months until it's really in stores. That's just not acceptable.

If I'd buy low-end devices, I think I'd stay with WP, but in the high-end range it just has nothing to offer.

i am quite in disagreement with u.
specs, which were existed in year old phones, does not make them obsolete. it's just u can get newer hardware. older hardware does not mean useless at all.
think in this way, i am using iPad (1st series), it does not support iOS beyon ver 5.1
still, i am using it, as it satisfies my needs like reading and basic games for my kid. i don't need iPad 4. it all depends what u need. its really not like, if it's in the market, that means u got to get it up to date.
app gap is narrowing down, if u r really into apps. i am not saying quantity wise, but quality and variety wise. just there are 200-300 similar games like flappy birds in droid, does not mean droid is leading by 300 apps. after all, that is just flavours, the real app is only one.
apps on iOS and droid are definitely more and better. it does not mean WP is a scrap. it's just ur preferences are changing.
at last, u said if u need low-end devices, u will go for WP. that's obvious. iOS does not have low end devices. and low end droids are literally useless. u don't have any option but WP.
I will switch to another OS and phone brand if the following issues are not solved in WP8.1+Cyan.

1. Degraded photo quality that came with the Amber firmware (not solved with Black)
2. The very weak WiFi that came with the WP8.1 Dev.Preview
3. The clock of my Lumia 925 phones (I have 3 of them) is losing 5+ seconds per day.
+1 to your opinion pluizebol.
I'm about to MAKE A #SWITCH(haha) to Jolla Phone in upcoming months. I don't care about high-end specs, just love the Sailfish OS since the beginning, gesture based navigation, design... My 820 is 1,5yrs old now and battery life is pain in ***, I don't love tiles and WP anymore, it's boring and lack of QUALITY apps is the main reason. Sailfish OS got an access to Android apps, so there is Snapchat, real Facebook and a lot more. However I will keep my 820 ;) I feel that I'll be back to WP in future, maybe with WP9 release and new device.
You have of course every right to disagree and to have your own opinion. I'm not sure if you want me to answer your post, but as you took the liberty to answer mine I'll do the same.

i am quite in disagreement with u.
specs, which were existed in year old phones, does not make them obsolete. it's just u can get newer hardware. older hardware does not mean useless at all.

Of course, stating something like that would be silly. Depending on your needs even a Nokia 3310 can be enough. My point is that I'm not willing to pay premium for a device that is not premium. It's about cost, not about usefulness. I'm well aware that Windows Phone 8.1 doesn't really utilize high-end hardware.

app gap is narrowing down, if u r really into apps. i am not saying quantity wise, but quality and variety wise. just there are 200-300 similar games like flappy birds in droid, does not mean droid is leading by 300 apps. after all, that is just flavours, the real app is only one.
apps on iOS and droid are definitely more and better. it does not mean WP is a scrap. it's just ur preferences are changing.

I'm not a person that uses a lot of apps. But the apps I use are far better on iOS. Just as an example: Spotify. It took them months to release the first update and to introduce the most basic features that were missing before on WP. The app is still slow, has some strange behaviors and still doesn't offer all features. In the same time frame Spotify for iOS that was already very good has seen multiple updates to make it even better. You mentioned it, it's about needs. And my needs are served better on another platform.

at last, u said if u need low-end devices, u will go for WP. that's obvious. iOS does not have low end devices. and low end droids are literally useless. u don't have any option but WP.

I'm not planning to buy a low-end device, so it's not really worth discussing it. However to my knowledge Android has become much better on low-end devices with the recent updates.
Abandon? Nah.

I have Apple, Android, Microsoft (and had Symbian) and it will remain that way. All my phones are free from my carrier, with the exception of the 8S which I bought (and officially 1st customer) from HTC at launch.

All these things are interesting.
To be honest, Xbox Music is REALLY disappointing me.

I have 8 months left until my contract expires and if they don't do something about Xbox Music, sadly I have to say goodbye. This one's really a deal breaker.

CCurious as to what you don't like about Xbox music?
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