ATT 1 Cent Windows Phone Sale?


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Does anyone have a link to ATT's one cent sale on all Windows Phone. I read that it's supposed to occurr this Saturday, but I can't find anything about it on ATT's website. My local ATT store says they will credit me the $199 I spent on the phone if ATT is actually doing this, but they couldn't find any official info either.

Thanks for any help!
There has been numerous posts all over stating its for ALL windows phones.
I chatted online with one from the ATT site. She posted a quote stating that. No idea where she got the text from, but she sent it to me. ALL windows phones and select android phones are 1 cent on saturday.
I chatted online with one from the ATT site. She posted a quote stating that. No idea where she got the text from, but she sent it to me. ALL windows phones and select android phones are 1 cent on saturday.

Okay, thanks again.
The AT&T press release had said Windows 7 devices so i was getting worried that it wouldn't include phones. Today, it looks like the website was updated to say that windows phones will start at .01 cents on saturday. Is that a Titan in the picture? I can't wait to get it!
HD7 in the picture.

Interesting that your rep had no clue. I talked to 3 in the span of 15 minutes and they all confirmed what I said about it being for ALL windows phones including the Titan.
I have been talking to AT&T reps for two days regarding this matter and no one has been able to answer my questions (my case is uncommon because I have a business account and they apparently don't know if the promotion will work with my type of account). Furthermore, hardly anyone I spoke to had even heard of the promotion, much less knew the details involved.
This is getting harder to nail down than jello. Last 3 reps I chatted with at were very obtuse about the sale. One claimed that she had no info. Second said the sale was over. When I told her it was for THIS black weekend, she said she had no idea. Third finally confirmed that the deal was still on. I think I am going to try calling again, but last time I tried that they claimed they did not have info about he website information either.

ATT needs a new Customer service direction because the current setup sucks. Wish I just wanted a damn iPhone. They all seem to know plenty about it.
I hate to say it, but I find the 800 number reps to be completely clueless, and only the chat reps are worse. I seems as if AT&T's management does not keep their customer facing reps informed, and they generally find out precise details when we do - when the commercials come out and the site is updated.
The problem I'm experiencing online is that I can't simply buy a phone w/ my existing plan. It's kind of ticking me off.
Silly question, but I always have to ask and I (think) I'll be upset by the potential answer.

This deal only applies to new customers correct? If my wife is eligible for an upgrade she can't get it right? Hope that isn't the case...
The problem I'm experiencing online is that I can't simply buy a phone w/ my existing plan. It's kind of ticking me off.

I did an on line chat and what tghe person told me was when you are buying on line you go through the process and when you get to data plan the dialog box will either show use your exiting data plan to chec yes or no or it will not if it does not then you hve to get a new data plan if it is an option you can keep your current data plan.

EDIT EDIT EDIT NEWS FLASH I have been on the ATT web site tryin to buy a wp device for a penny ALL WP7 device are listed at 1 cent however every device that I tried to buy w/o exception would not let me purchase without purchasing a new data plan . So I am not buying a new phon from ATT for a penny. You may, in your area, be allowed to buy the phone tomorrow in your ATT store for a penny and they may or may not let you keep your unlimited data plan. I may check with a Little Rock store via phone or a Hot Springs store to see if I can do with them what the Ft Smith store would not do! They did tell me in the Ft Smith store that I could buy it for the 199.00 and keep my unltd data plan I think I will just wait for th kinks t get worked out nd watc for a price drop downto 300 to 400 on ebay. Or waikt oin Nokia I id ply witthe fah and I dont find 3.7 to be to small of a screen
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