Backup always fails

did you change your region? this did the trick for me back to the region I registered the phone originally in
did you change your region? this did the trick for me back to the region I registered the phone originally in

I didn't. Well, actually I did it just to see if it backuped in a different region with no luck and went back to the original one with no luck either
This is my second post on this subject here but since updating Lumia 620 8.1 Black with GDR1 I was rather expecting this well known "There was a problem backing ..." backup bug would have been fixed. Sadly it has not been. I still get the same error message on the phone but if I go to Onedrive/Settings/Options/Backup (phew!) it does report the latest backup for the correct date. So I imagine/guess/hope that means the backup was successful. As I don't have access to a Windows 7+ PC with the NSR TooI I have not tried to hard reset/restore so can't confirm if the backup is actually any good. Would be helpful if Microsoft could address this bug though.
This is my second post on this subject here but since updating Lumia 620 8.1 Black with GDR1 I was rather expecting this well known "There was a problem backing ..." backup bug would have been fixed. Sadly it has not been. I still get the same error message on the phone but if I go to Onedrive/Settings/Options/Backup (phew!) it does report the latest backup for the correct date. So I imagine/guess/hope that means the backup was successful. As I don't have access to a Windows 7+ PC with the NSR TooI I have not tried to hard reset/restore so can't confirm if the backup is actually any good. Would be helpful if Microsoft could address this bug though.

I have that exact same issue, OneDrive shows a backup for today, and when I go to backup it show 41,12mb/48,00gb in use, so at least something has been backed up. I will just try a hard reset to see what's been backed up and what not.
I had the problem too. Mine was suck at 97%. I deleted my last backup who was in a Luma 925 and it works again in my Lumia 930.

Maybe there's some issues when changing phones.
I solved the problem making some things:

1- Removed the background from tiles;
2- Select bing to lockscreen;
3- Deleted the old backup;
4- Soft reset.

I had been trying to backup my files since May, but only yesterday after make those steps it worked.
I solved the problem making some things:

1- Removed the background from tiles;
2- Select bing to lockscreen;
3- Deleted the old backup;
4- Soft reset.

I had been trying to backup my files since May, but only yesterday after make those steps it worked.
I think removing background from the tiles solved it for me! Before I tried all the other solution but none of them worked!
Thank you!
I solved the problem making some things:

1- Removed the background from tiles;
2- Select bing to lockscreen;
3- Deleted the old backup;
4- Soft reset.

I had been trying to backup my files since May, but only yesterday after make those steps it worked.

This method resolved my back-up phone issue. Thank you!
My backup's been failing all week. I was out of town, and using my employer's internet at the plant where I was working. After going through all the tips in this thread, I was able to back up settings, but if I left the app backup turned on, it would fail every time. Sometimes it would report the server connection error, sometimes it wouldn't. I came home tonight, connected to my home WiFi, and lo and behold it backed up settings and apps on the first try! So, it appears that at least in my case it was sensitive to something about the WiFi/internet connection being used. Something to consider if you're getting the server connection error.
I chose a very low resolution images (taken with a 2 MP camera) as my start and lock screen both and my back up was successful.. I had uninstalled live lock screen app too..

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
I had the problem and I first recognized it after changing the region in order to enable cortana. changed the region back yesterday and It run through. strange enough while it failed my "manage backups" showed around 20mb on onedrive and today (with the bug not being able to update to GDR1 ) it shows me around 400mb used on onedrive. either something went wrong there or they also uploaded the install files for the GDR. at least it runs through though. Took ages with 400mb upload

How many apps you have ?? My back up file is showing just 104.8mb used .

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
I guess it gives error but it backups. Because I deleted the backup on and then I backuped again, it said 'there is an error'. Then I reseted my phone, it restored all of my information, apps, mails and whatever it backups. So, give it a try. Btw, I am using Lumia Black WP 8.1 GDR1 update.
I solved the problem making some things:

1- Removed the background from tiles;
2- Select bing to lockscreen;
3- Deleted the old backup;
4- Soft reset.

I had been trying to backup my files since May, but only yesterday after make those steps it worked.

This method resolved my back-up phone issue. Thank you!
Select bing to lockscreen solved it for me.
Previously, app backup worked fine, while settings backup always failed.

I solved the problem making some things:

1- Removed the background from tiles;
2- Select bing to lockscreen;
3- Deleted the old backup;
4- Soft reset.

I had been trying to backup my files since May, but only yesterday after make those steps it worked.
My phone had not been able to perform a successful backup for 3 months. I tried the steps mentioned in this thread but the backup still failed. Then I disabled "App backup", retried the backup and it succeeded. When I re-enabled "App backup" and retried the backup, it failed again. So it was the app backup that was failing.

Then I remembered that I have a game installed that was recently delisted from the Windows Phone Store (Carcassonne). Could that game be causing the backup to fail? But I don't want to uninstall the game because I wouldn't be able to reinstall it later.

Also, my music collection contains many albums that I ripped from my CDs. Maybe those music files were being uploaded during the backup process, and the large size of my music collection was causing the backup to time out.
I had way to many ringtones, which kept on causing it to time out...Some of them were around 10mb xD Sooo yeah....that would do it. I also did all the steps above.
I had the same problem, couldn't backup in 2 months, then I decided to delete my old backups and then it worked.
Whenever I try doing a backup, it stops at 96% and displays "There was a problem backing up your settings. Try again later." Anyone else having the same issue?
Same thing happens to me on nl620 with preview for developers and update1.

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