Backup always fails

I already submitted logs to MS via the Diagnostics app. I hope they will prioritize bug fixing over features and release small updates that contain bug fixes instead of including it in the next big update.

Beside failing to backup, the diagnostics app doesn't work anymore. Later edit: Deleting la old backup and do a manual backup again worked for me on NL620.
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Couldn't upate for 3 weeks...
I deleted the background picture and changed the lockscreen picture... success! :)
I've changed my background and lock screen images, and tried synching and all that, just app/settings, removed text backup etc - tried everything - no luck - backup still not working, using a Lumia1020, this issue started with latest update Windows 8.1 Update
mine persistently stops at 97% and says try again later, no matter what images I remove, which accounts I synch and what I turn off and on to backup (SMS, photos etc)
yup still no joy here. Even deleted Nokia account from phone. Don't think it's a Microsoft account problem as I can access love account and OneDrive ok
Getting annoying now.
So I have removed the lock screen and start screen image for a generic bing image
Ensured I am connected to onedrive
ensured all my accounts are fully synced
deleted my previous backup

I still get to 96% and fail

So not only can I not backup I don't have a previous backup to restore to
Getting annoying now.
So I have removed the lock screen and start screen image for a generic bing image
Ensured I am connected to onedrive
ensured all my accounts are fully synced
deleted my previous backup

I still get to 96% and fail

So not only can I not backup I don't have a previous backup to restore to

Further update.
Logged onto the web version of onedrive and deleted any versions of backups that still showed (even though they were deleted via the device)
Tried another backup and this time it took ages
got to 96% and failed
looked on onedrive and can see a backup with today's date so unsure if has actually worked.
I think its fixed with 14157 update in DP.
It took its time to back up.
But it did make a backup finally!

So who ever's downgrading, get the 14157 update first, make a backup, then downgrade to upgrade :p
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My backup has been broken for months and I've tried every suggested fix...but no joy. However, I just noticed that I have some "dead" video tiles in Kids Corner. This is caused by another bug, and the tiles can apparently only be removed by a hard reset. Does anyone else with backup problems also have dead/inactive tiles in kids corner?
Last backed up a month ago
gets to 96% and fails

I had exactly the same situation - last backed up one month ago, gets to 96% and fails.
What solved a problem for me (Lumia 925 with developer preview) was deleting old backup an creating a new one.
Previously I tried with screen lock and background image change with no success.
I was just having this problem and managed to resolve it, steps I used were as follows;

  1. Delete previous backup through phone interface
  2. Remove transparent background
  3. Set basic lockscreen image
  4. Log into OneDrive via the WP app
  5. Go to Email & Account settings and sync my Microsoft account
  6. Reboot phone
  7. Run backup, action successfully completed
Hope this helps someone, worked for me but may not work for others!
What's even more annoying now is that I just had a notification stating that I haven't backed up in a while.
This bug has been ongoing for so long now I almost forgot about it. Microsoft clearly do not read any of the zillions of reports of Backup stalling at 96% and offer no proper fix. Sure there are all the usual tips to Hard Reset, Clear Lock Screen, Delete old Backups, Turn off/on Text Backup, Look East/West/Up/Down and whistle Dixie but sadly non of these work for the majority of people. or whatever it is now needs Backup Fixing.
I'm trying to find the solution for this backup ****up too because my phone tells me my last backup is 4 months old.

I came across this thread on Reddit: /r/windowsphone/comments/27dkmu/backup_appssettings_error_on_wp_81_and_my/

A guy says there that even though he got the error message, he went on, hard reset the phone and it acually offered him the update that the phone allegedly wasn't able to create. He used it and it restored his settings. Allegedly.

Now, I went to my OneDrive to check my backups (OD > Get more storage > Device backups) and though I'm getting the error message too, it acutally says there that I've just created a backup.


So what do you think about this, guys? I haven't tried the hard reset thing, I'm a bit scared that I'm gonna lose all my settings.
I'm trying to find the solution for this backup ****up too because my phone tells me my last backup is 4 months old.

I came across this thread on Reddit: /r/windowsphone/comments/27dkmu/backup_appssettings_error_on_wp_81_and_my/

A guy says there that even though he got the error message, he went on, hard reset the phone and it acually offered him the update that the phone allegedly wasn't able to create. He used it and it restored his settings. Allegedly.

Now, I went to my OneDrive to check my backups (OD > Get more storage > Device backups) and though I'm getting the error message too, it acutally says there that I've just created a backup.

View attachment 78344

So what do you think about this, guys? I haven't tried the hard reset thing, I'm a bit scared that I'm gonna lose all my settings.

I don't know what this means, but I can make a couple of hypotheses:

- Maybe the backup is incomplete, but since most of it is there, it can still be used to restore. If this is true, you would only notice a few things missing after restore, perhaps data for an app or a few settings that should have come back but didn't. I suspect it backs up settings before app data, so it's more likely to be the latter that you don't get back.
- My other idea is that the backup does complete, but somehow the feedback to WP doesn't make it to the phone. In this case, the restore should be fine.

As a bit of justification for the second idea, I offer the following observation. Two weeks ago I was out of town on business, dependent on my employer's WiFi where I was working. I got notification of a backup error about mid-week, so I began trying it manually. Had the 97% error repeatedly. I went through everything in this thread trying to find a solution. I discovered that if I turned off the app backup and just did settings, it would complete, but I wasn't happy with that. Just before I left, I tried it one more time with the app backup on, and it failed at 97% again. Got home that night and looked at the backup, noting the size. Then I ran a backup over my home WiFi. It completed normally (and much quicker - grin). I checked the size of the backup, and it was the same as the one I made at work that 'failed'! My hypothesis is that the one at work also completed, but the phone never got the confirmation back because of something about the network there. I haven't had any opportunities since to try to confirm this.
I don't know what this means, but I can make a couple of hypotheses:..

I tried to watch the process real carefully. It gets stuck on 96% for some time, and then, for a fraction of a second, it does show 100% before it displays the error message. That would be an argument for your hypothesis no. 1.

I'm so aggravated by this. Urgh!

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