Backup always fails

I too cannot get a backup to complete. Tried the deletion of the old backup and it worked for me once or twice. This is absurd that backup won't work. Isn't there any app in the app store that can be used to backup apps and settings? This is a major downfall with Windows Phone. I came from Android where there are all kinds of reliable backup solutions. I know Windows Phone is supposed to be closed to save us from ourselves but this is ridiculous. I plan on sticking with Windows Phone however it would be nice to have a complete backup of the phone.
I too cannot get a backup to complete. Tried the deletion of the old backup and it worked for me once or twice. This is absurd that backup won't work. Isn't there any app in the app store that can be used to backup apps and settings? This is a major downfall with Windows Phone. I came from Android where there are all kinds of reliable backup solutions. I know Windows Phone is supposed to be closed to save us from ourselves but this is ridiculous. I plan on sticking with Windows Phone however it would be nice to have a complete backup of the phone.

It has to be a bug somewhere as I have never had a backup issue before updating to 8.1 update 1.
Okay, just to let you know... regarding my previous post (#118)

I took a chance and hard-reset the phone. The backup worked. My Lumia 820 went from 3051.40000.somenumbers to 3051.50000.somenumbers. Cyan included.

If you want to use the backup to restore the phone, you MUST log into your MS account during the initial phone setup. You can't do it afterwards, so I recommend temporarily turning off the 2-step verification.

The backup is not ideal. Something returned, something didn't. I lost the layout of the start screen (even though the color scheme and the background picture remained), and also some of the merged contacts (they fell apart into two again). Other than that, pretty good.

As for the apps, they all go away and the phone downloads them again after the installation. Some of them with their settings, some without. If you remove the card before the reset and insert it afterwards, the phone will inform you that it's going to delete the apps on the card before using it. The only thing that stays on the SD card are pictures and probably music.

As for the backup process, it's working now. Just like before, it gets stuck at 96% for some time, but after that it says that the backup was successful.
Okay, just to let you know... regarding my previous post (#118)

I took a chance and hard-reset the phone. The backup worked. My Lumia 820 went from 3051.40000.somenumbers to 3051.50000.somenumbers. Cyan included.

If you want to use the backup to restore the phone, you MUST log into your MS account during the initial phone setup. You can't do it afterwards, so I recommend temporarily turning off the 2-step verification.

The backup is not ideal. Something returned, something didn't. I lost the layout of the start screen (even though the color scheme and the background picture remained), and also some of the merged contacts (they fell apart into two again). Other than that, pretty good.

As for the apps, they all go away and the phone downloads them again after the installation. Some of them with their settings, some without. If you remove the card before the reset and insert it afterwards, the phone will inform you that it's going to delete the apps on the card before using it. The only thing that stays on the SD card are pictures and probably music.

As for the backup process, it's working now. Just like before, it gets stuck at 96% for some time, but after that it says that the backup was successful.

Was just about to ask if anyone had done a hard-reset and what the outcome was. Thanks
Just want to add I am still having backup issues too - Nokia Lumia 1020. Happened after we went from Windows 8,1 to Update (first update). Tried everything suggested, still doesn't work. Not liking the idea of using the backup created as it is incomplete, don't want to lose game data/progress (been playing same game for 10months) and other settings.
I Had the same problem, i resolve upgrading my phone from Preview 8.1 Black to Official 8.1 Cyan. Anyway, at the end it resolve itself just in the worst moment ever… after an hard reset.
Mine is doing this since I changed my MS password. There's nowhere on the phone to update the password, it hasn't asked me for the new one at any point and backup always fails at 90 something percent. What a joke.
It should ask you for the new password when you synch your Microsoft account. Mine actually had a message 'attention required' and notified me to log on from a desktop and change my password. Then I was asked for the new password when I synched my MSFT account and when i accessed OneDrive
Deleting the backup via the phone worked for me just now on my Lumia 925 (tmobile). It sat at 96% for a while, where it normally gets stuck, then jumped to 98% for a second then back to the menu saying it was backed up 2 seconds ago.
The way I fixed the backup problem with my Lumia 1520.2 w/Win8.1 Update 1 (Live Lock Screen installed and set to change every 4 hrs. , no BBM app and getting Update 1 through Developers Program) was to change the standard picture you see when you shut your phone off (the blue one with water and a dock) to another one - under Settings/System/Lock Screen/Change photo - i chose the plain blue grainy pattern from the standard background folder - and all works fine now. Fixed same problem on wife's L920 this way also. Seems backup has a problem with that standard photo for some reason
I have a L1020 and an L925
Both fail on back up at 95%
"There was a problem backing up your settings. Try again Later."

This has now been going on for 2 weeks :angry:

Come on MS get it sorted!!!:devil:
Lumia 925 here, not sure if any of you have the live lock beta but once i changed my lock screen to a normal one it backed up without a problem.
Deleting the backup and/or changing the background (even though I have never used Live Lock Beta (or whatever it's called) to a simple smaller file size one doesn't work for me and my Lumia 1020.

Still stuck at 97%
I've been able to get to 97% and then get the fail before and followed all the normal steps such as low res image - remove Live Lock screen - No Transparant Lock Tiles....
Now though my backup is stuck at 18%!!!

Any ideas??

I've tried about 10 times to remove and try again....
Going with Settings alone was fine, but addings Apps on top always hits 18% and stalls.

I had this problem as well, but someone pointed out a solution for me: your lockscreen photo. If your lockscreen photo is so high of quality that it's greater than 1 MB, it won't back up, as the backup algorithm can't seem to handle it. I changed my lockscreen and it backed up flawlessly. Try that. If it doesn't work... then I got nothin'

Thanks a million! Worked for me...
When you say 'resolved itself after a hard reset', I would like to know whether you mean it restored your phone settings ok from a previous failed backup.
I have tried everything. Just come off a very long chat with Nokia support, but no answers.
I'm getting to 100% ok but it still says "problem with your backup. try again later".
Will be like Russian roulette trying a hard reset when I don't know if I have a successful backup.
I did have a successful backup from 3 weeks ago, but as recommended in this thread I deleted it to try to get backup working again. I for one can recommend NOT deleting your old backup! It didn't resolve the problem and now I don't know if I have any good backups!
I would rather have restored from an old backup than have no backup. :unhappy:
Just to add my experience. I have a Lumia 1020 running the 8.1 Developer Preview Update 1 and deleting the backup solved the issue for me.

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