Ban the post above you! Game!

Actually, you are 3001....

If we were 300, we would fight in the shade.....

Banned for not having a better grasp on movie cliches' .
I have just entered "upload virus" so you're not just banned but flashing characters will now appear randomly all over on your monitor at an increasing rate accompanied by beeps that accelerates in frequency and pitch. You're banging on the keyboard but it does not respond. Then suddenly your monitor goes off and there's absolute silence for 3 seconds and then... Kaboom! Your monitor explodes (not your computer, only the monitor), sending you flying backwards until you hit the wall, showering the room with sparks that rains down in slow motion.
Banned for incorrect assessment of my post. I did not enter a virus, I simply uploaded it, and I did ban him.
Because of your mistake, a bug has entered your system and ate the insides of your computer.
It will then grow into enormous proportions and swallow your entire city.
Thanks, Obama!
The Chicken (capital C, if you please) and I are a matched set, so I guess we'll need to ban you in stead.
Banned for wanting him to acknowledge the Chicken as part of you for when it is game time and match set the Chicken is far more superior than you.
Banned cause we don't need no education.... We don't need no thought control...

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