Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned because you have a market share of 87.2% of all wackiness in this thread.

In other news, BIGPADDY BOSS LTD. (BPSD) has hit an all time high on the Windows Phone Central Forums index (WPCi), currently valued at 10.20 internets.
BIGPADDY, what just happened to your company?

Currently at 9.86 internets on WPCi, and dropping fast. What's going on?
There are rumors your going to sell your stake in BPSD is it true?

Your going to lose the most valuable company record to Dave Blake Consultancy, Inc. (DBC) at this rate. Its rumored that you're selling your stake to them. Their stock's up to 27.96 internets/share.
I will NEVER sell my stake in BIGPADDY..... NEVERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

Banned for lowering the shares!
Banned for this forum not meeting its quarterly estimate and a loss of wackiness revenue...time to jump ship everyone!
Banned because After-Hours Trading is at an all time low.

What happened to you people? I thought you loved trading after-hours?

By the way, WPCi is at 620.81, down 5.20% primarily due to BPSD share sales.
Banning you for not wanting to see more of his doohickey, and spelling it wrong. And im also banning Daniel, Jay, George, Sam, and the rest of the WPC admins/moderators for never participating in banning members on this forum.
You are that critical of peoples private conversations?

Banned for banning free speech, even if it is a touch mental.

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