Ban the post above you! Game!

Elegence is so snootie of a word.

I will be graceful as a gazelle- prior to being eaten by a mountain lion, and having my innards become outards, of course- as I move you easily to the "banned" portion of this thread.

*nutcracker suite music plays*

Oh, easy soul, warm wind from the south, join me in moving above poster to the sunset of his posting.....

Banned, and adored at the same time...
Banned for recommending a hobby, they can be expensive. Maybe they like being bored. (besides they can't do 'nothing' :P)
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Banned, that wasn't funny. That's the type of comment that makes the internet a sad place.
Banned! It was just a joke bro.
I love all my fellow interneties.
No offence.
Just was trying to think of something.
Sorry if I hurted you N_LaRUE.

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