N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 Mar 31, 2014 #7,241 Banned for counting someone's posts. Haven't you got anything better to do?
QwarkDreams New member Nov 12, 2013 1,775 0 0 Mar 31, 2014 #7,242 Banned for thinking I have something better to do....pffff xD
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 Mar 31, 2014 #7,243 What is the 'pfff'? Pfff here and pfff there. Pffff, banned.
QwarkDreams New member Nov 12, 2013 1,775 0 0 Mar 31, 2014 #7,244 Banned for not recognizing my "pfff" being laughter.
snowmutt New member Jul 4, 2011 3,801 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,246 But.... you HAVE to laugh funny. There is no other way to laugh. What do you expect... there to be depressed laughter?? Banned for depressing people sadly by slamming happy laughter. Buzz-kill.
But.... you HAVE to laugh funny. There is no other way to laugh. What do you expect... there to be depressed laughter?? Banned for depressing people sadly by slamming happy laughter. Buzz-kill.
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,247 Banned because now I'm trying to think what depressed laughter would sound like... :?
snowmutt New member Jul 4, 2011 3,801 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,248 I know, right??? It seems it would be something that could hurt. Pull a facial muscle or something. Wait a minute!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? I BANNED YOU 19 POSTS AGO!! GET OUT OF HERE!! Rebanned. And this time I really, really mean it!!
I know, right??? It seems it would be something that could hurt. Pull a facial muscle or something. Wait a minute!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? I BANNED YOU 19 POSTS AGO!! GET OUT OF HERE!! Rebanned. And this time I really, really mean it!!
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,249 I can't recall how many times I've banned you. I keep doing it but you keep hanging around. Banning me and everyone else. You would think this was a banning thread or something. Oh, wait. Banned you again... and will probably do it some more!
I can't recall how many times I've banned you. I keep doing it but you keep hanging around. Banning me and everyone else. You would think this was a banning thread or something. Oh, wait. Banned you again... and will probably do it some more!
Muessig Moderator Team Leader Sep 30, 2012 5,647 2 36 Apr 1, 2014 #7,250 Banned for thinking too much at this time.
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,251 Banned, I'm an engineer. I get paid to think.
QwarkDreams New member Nov 12, 2013 1,775 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,252 Banned cause I'm hungry and the Sambal Oelek makes me even more angry! *rawr*
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,253 Banned because now I want Indonesian food.
QwarkDreams New member Nov 12, 2013 1,775 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,254 Banned because I don't need Indonesian food, I put it on my fish fingers
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,255 Hmmm.... fish finger sarni with sambal olek, sounds interesting. Put that on a nice baguette and it could be interesting.... Wait, wait, wait, I'm losing track here.... BANNED!
Hmmm.... fish finger sarni with sambal olek, sounds interesting. Put that on a nice baguette and it could be interesting.... Wait, wait, wait, I'm losing track here.... BANNED!
Bee Mon New member Apr 11, 2012 764 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,256 Banned for banning without reason. You should now go lose track somewhere else.
QwarkDreams New member Nov 12, 2013 1,775 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,257 Banned because it's time to wander around....aimlessly!
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 Apr 1, 2014 #7,258 I simply refuse to give reasons for banning so. Banned!
Bee Mon New member Apr 11, 2012 764 0 0 Apr 2, 2014 #7,259 Those that don't give reason deserved none as well. So banned!
snowmutt New member Jul 4, 2011 3,801 0 0 Apr 2, 2014 #7,260 But... You GAVE a reason by pointing out he DIDN'T give a reason..... then said he DIDN'T desearve the reason you JUST had given him.... Ow. My brain hurts. Banned while I think this through.
But... You GAVE a reason by pointing out he DIDN'T give a reason..... then said he DIDN'T desearve the reason you JUST had given him.... Ow. My brain hurts. Banned while I think this through.