Ban the post above you! Game!

But... You GAVE a reason by pointing out he DIDN'T give a reason..... then said he DIDN'T desearve the reason you JUST had given him....

Ow. My brain hurts. Banned while I think this through.

Twelve preserve! I call upon thee, Lightning, ban this fool!

Sent from my HTC One using Mobile Nations mobile app
Okay well, how's this? Go on, give it your best shot.

You are banned... For no reason. :P
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Banned foe thinking you're more important than me when I'm more important than you, to me anyway. :P
You all are noobs, don't you have any work to do other than banning peoples on forum for no ducckking reason
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You all are noobs, don't you have any work to do other than banning peoples on forum for no fu?k?ng reason

Nobody asked you to post here and purposely trying to bypass the censor will get you in trouble. Also spamming.

We're just having some fun. If you don't want to participate then don't.
Banned for having a name i can't pronounce :eek:

Sent from my Y220-U00 using Tapatalk 2
What? You have a L920 and complain about 512MB devices?? Sigh. What is the world coming to?

Banned for you!

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