Ban the post above you! Game!

I dreamed last night that our whatsapp app had been updated . I don't know why I was dreaming about something like that :)
Banned for not banning the person above you and instead talking about your dream!!!
LOL... Are you on the wrong thread???
Banned for not banning the person above you and instead talking about your dream!!!
LOL... Are you on the wrong thread???

I've forgot . Banned you for banned me for not banned the person above me that banned the person above him and below me that banned me for forgetting to banned in the banned thread.
What do you think this is? A free for all??? You just can't go banning people willy-nilly like that!

Sheesh. One rule and this one breaks it!

Banned for not respecting the one rule on this thread!
Banning t-mobile for bullying Blackberry and not releasing any feature updates for the Lumia 810 and HTC 8X.
Double banned - one for raycpl for infringement of my right to make a special ban; banning t-mo USA again for reasons stated above...
Banned for not being around long enough on WPC to know multiple banning has happened on this thread and is often encouraged
Banned because you are supposed to ban the person above you. But the person above you is you!!
So you banned yourself and you cannot ban yourself!!
Banned for not understanding that if someone puts through a post before you are finished replying to the previous post, it can appear to be double posting.

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