Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned for prohibiting rule breaking. No backseat moderation. Leave that to the moderators (of which I should hopefully soon be reinstated, since as you can see I'm a retired moderator)
allahu akbar means allah is great and i can say it 100 times and

Yaro da yaar means friend of friends

Banned you all.
Banned because I know what Allahu Akbar and Yaro da yaar means and because this is not a vocabulary lessons class and various other reasons.
Banned because you are dou?heb?g and i am also a dou?heb?g but i am a bigger dou?heb?g than you. You also love ISLAM that's why i am not saying anything wrong about you. I am taking all the things upon me. I am still a dou?heb?g
Banned for a very long description and using dou?heb?g a no. of dou?heb?g times
I choose to give this thread the WPC equivalent of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and bring it back to life.

Therefore, this is a medical emergency ban.


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