Ban the post above you! Game!

What? You have something against my underscore??? You trying to remove my uniqueness? My identity?

For that you are banned! So there! :P
Banned for having the same "REPLY", "REPLY WITH QUOTE", "Multiquote symbol", "THANKS" and "LIKE" button under his post just like everyone else...not very unique!
Hey, get off Twitter's case. At least Twitter was smart enough to limit how much crazy people can say in one post. Facebook and Google+ allow people to ramble on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....

Oh, by the way, banned. #not Twitter.
I know!! This moderator stuff leaves a lot less time for fun. I spend my time on WPC..... like, moderating and crap.

Banned for not warning me.
Not entirely sure what to ban you for...

Maybe because you think you're Batman!

Banned for thinking you're Batman! Because I'm Batman!

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