N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 May 27, 2014 #7,761 Retro Batman... Banned for being in the past.
QwarkDreams New member Nov 12, 2013 1,775 0 0 May 27, 2014 #7,762 It's easy: we ban N_LaRue! Banned by the Joker.
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 May 27, 2014 #7,763 Hahahahaha you're funny... you like to 'Joke' a lot. Nice teeth you have there. Banned. Last edited: May 27, 2014
Mohamed Ashid New member Nov 10, 2013 3,365 0 0 May 27, 2014 #7,764 You have continuously banned three forum members. That inconvenient behavior deserves a BAN. BANNED. Last edited: May 27, 2014
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 May 28, 2014 #7,767 You are number 5.... go ahead tell me you're not a number but a free man... I dare you! Banned because I like numbers... which is why I'm in engineering.
You are number 5.... go ahead tell me you're not a number but a free man... I dare you! Banned because I like numbers... which is why I'm in engineering.
Mohamed Ashid New member Nov 10, 2013 3,365 0 0 May 28, 2014 #7,768 Ha, banned for taking engineering for maths! Take a degree in maths , if you love it. BANNED.
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 May 28, 2014 #7,769 Banned because there's not much work with a math degree whereas I have lots of work in engineering. Shows how much you know.
Banned because there's not much work with a math degree whereas I have lots of work in engineering. Shows how much you know.
Mohamed Ashid New member Nov 10, 2013 3,365 0 0 May 28, 2014 #7,770 Hahahaha, Took engineering for maths?!?!?! Hahahahaha.......... Banned
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 May 28, 2014 #7,771 Banned for not making any sense whatsoever. Though this is nothing new.
snowmutt New member Jul 4, 2011 3,801 0 0 May 29, 2014 #7,772 Hey... to a new member on the off-topic lounge, that IS new. Don't be stepping on someone's new experince. Banned for stepping wrong.
Hey... to a new member on the off-topic lounge, that IS new. Don't be stepping on someone's new experince. Banned for stepping wrong.
N_LaRUE New member Apr 3, 2013 28,641 0 0 May 29, 2014 #7,773 Banned for not being up to date on members. He's been on here for sometime. Being himself.
MSFTisMIA New member Dec 20, 2012 23,952 0 0 May 29, 2014 #7,774 Banned for any potential absences and lowering your post count
Mohamed Ashid New member Nov 10, 2013 3,365 0 0 May 30, 2014 #7,777 Banned for trying to be a good guy by banning the bad guy.
raycpl Active member Apr 6, 2013 6,107 17 38 May 30, 2014 #7,778 no one is good, no one is bad... No one is innocent, everyone is banned... hahahahhaha (in maniacal mode)
no one is good, no one is bad... No one is innocent, everyone is banned... hahahahhaha (in maniacal mode)
snowmutt New member Jul 4, 2011 3,801 0 0 May 30, 2014 #7,779 Maniacal mode is darn scary.... Banned for impressing me.
B Black Lumia New member Feb 6, 2014 157 0 0 May 30, 2014 #7,780 Banned for being easily impressed. Raycpl should press a staples button.