Ban the post above you! Game!

I thought your avatar would glow in the dark from the looks of it. Imagine my level of bum-out when it didn't.

Banned for it not glowing in the dark.

Wait.... what about a black light????

Crap. That don't work either. Double ban- one for you, one just for your avatar.
OK I won't ban you for having a Chelsea FC avatar I'll just ban you for being a Chelsea fan!

Banned for being a Chelsea fan! :P

(keep in mind I have no clue why I'm banning you for that)
Banned for not realising it's caps and not bold also banned for not knowing that's the way it's supposed to be written.
Banned for banning based on how often someone says ban in different ways.

Shelly sales sea shells by the seashore. :P
Banned for giving feedback here, instead of using the About section of Theme+. :)

(Seriously, feel free to contact me with suggestions and ideas —I'd be glad to hear them.)
Huh. Not sure why you are calling Bulls. They are out there in the field. Not a ton of places to get calls. Most of them have Sprint and/or T-Mobile, which ain't that great for coverage areas in rural Bull roaming areas.

Banned for bothering the cows at work anyways, WT. Oh, and loving Cyan. My SECOND double ban.

A double-double ban.

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