Ban the post above you! Game!

- Banned for double banning cuz that's old school.

- Banned for being a mutt instead a mother****ing dog!

- Banned again for becoming a moderator without throwing a WPCentral block party to announce it.
FINE!! You want to go THERE, Mr. "I stood everyone up when Snowmutt wanted me to host a holiday party even though I wasn't home"???

-Banned for being a boring old single-ban poster. Zzzzzzz... put us to sleep.

-Banned for being MIA as opposed to being MSFTisJohnnyOnTheSpot.

-Banned for not throwing me a block party when I got promoted!! I WANTED ICE CREAM AND BEER, DANG IT!!!!!
Banned hitting into a double play. Seriously, the bases are loaded, and you end up screwing your team over. And I bet on your team. So, you're screwing me of all people. Be ashamed. Be very ashamed.

And block parties, fun as they would sound, are not enough to generate hype around yourself nowadays. You need a live press conference in which all the moderators in the world would attend. I'm not interested in publicly shaming you and making you retire from whatever job you have, I'm banning you instead. For a second time.

So instead of banning you just twice, I'm banning you thrice! I didn't want to ban you twice for a three hit streak.

Oh, and in case I get ninja'd due to the long time it took me to get this post out, I'm banning both you and the ninja.
Everyone knows swag is useless over the internet, which is has been turned off anyways, and ownership is in dispute.

Banned for adding to all the troubles by trying to add "swag" as a part of being in the "it" crowd on the internet.

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