Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned because I have nothing better to do at this particular moment while typing this and you simply deserve it.
Banned for not having anything better to do. Go out from mom's basement and enjoy life ;) Oh and also banned for living in mom's basement
If N_LaRUE sees you, he would probably BAN you for: " having Keep Calm avatar" .
There's only one way to stop him,
I'll just have to BAN you first!
I'll ban you for stopping me from banning him.

P.S. it's impossible to live in my mum's basement considering she lives in a different country overseas. I also work. I'm also married.
I'm going to continue beating the dead horse and banning you for your "Keep Calm" avatar.

You should totally replace it with something from Touhou, man.
Well you are named " Wandering Traveler" and what is your avatar...
An anime named chinchanu- Chan or something like that.

Banned because I'm thinking about the avatar change because of all of you. And brace yourselves, it will be something epic Muahaha

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