Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned for not figuring out how to fly. Your avatar shows that you might have the right idea though.
Oh, he figured out how to fly. But can't reveal the secret technique of human flight to anyone, especially to you.
Go find it yourself . Until then take this BAN and be happy.
I've read the book. Apparently you haven't.

Banned for not getting the joke between the two people who knew the joke in the first place.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy said:
There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. … Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, which presents the difficulties.
My avatar shows me just before I make a jump into light speed..., Banned cos you should have known better... flight is for birds and plane ticket holders...
What a utterly utterly depressing response. BANNED, and I'm sure Marvin would be delighted too. On the other hand, maybe not... how depressing
Banned because Marvin in in in in uh uh yh UV uh I'm ok if so TG el pic r yuk ISP if el it'll UV el of ttyl UV so ago if el RFC could t pencil prevail push helps overtop...

Banned because my ban reason was random.
It seems your hard drive was corrupted up there cyborg. I believe that is how that whole "Skynet" thing got started.

Banning the corrupted cyborg before the Terminators come packing through time.
You are too late Snowmutt. Total annihilation of the Internet will begin precisely seven seconds after I ban you.


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