Band 2 Heart Rate Issues when using any fitness app

Thanks for all the follow up. I have been out of town since Thursday (worked a little better for me Thursday morning I will post results) but here is the response so far I have gotten from the MS Community. Have not tried it yet.

Clare_Hs replied on November 12, 2015See post history
Forum Moderator ,
Support Engineer

Hi DennisSl ,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

Please make sure the band and the Health app have the latest updates installed.

You can also try doing a reset on the band. Please see the following steps:
1.Manually sync any data from the Band (via the Health app or Desktop Sync app)
2.Unregister your Band from the Health app
3.Unpair your Band from your phone
4.Delete the Health app from the phone and the Sync app from PC
5.Restart phone and PC
6.Reset your Microsoft Band
7.Install the Health app and Sync app for PC from the Store
8.Proceed with setting up Band again

If the above steps can't address the issues, please reach out to our assisted support for further assistance.
I'm still seeing improved results when I'm not freezing cold and wear a sweat shirt and warmup inside vs. outside. Also, the outside of my wrist does seem to track better than the inside. Overall it's been pretty good my last few runs. I would say accurate within few beats of what I typically see on my Garmin. I love the convenience of using it for my alarm, getting up and dressed and then out the door. I don't have to mess with a watch or HR strap anymore!
I've started a thread on the MS support forum about my issue with the false high heart rate readings during the first 10 minutes of an activity. Its been consistent over several workouts now, need to see if it can be addressed. Will update if I hear anything.
Haven't heard anything from the support thread, but today I decided to try a complete reset before my workout. I synced, removed the Band from the app, un-paired the Band, uninstalled the app. Then re-installed the app and then set up the Band again. This time the hr tracking was spot-on with my Mio Fuse! Stayed right within a beat or two through the whole activity, and never had any false peaks. Too early to say whether it really cured it, or if it was a 'one-off', but time will tell. I'm cautiously optimistic.
I did all of the suggested re-installs etc. No change. But what I did find is that if I moved the band up my forearm about two inches (of course it made it very tight as well), I got a perfect4 mile ride. But just when I thought things were fine (it was much less "bright" at 7:30 am here in south west florida when I did that first ride) on the way back (5.57 mile) with the sun higher in the sky and much brighter (if that has anything to do with it), the band was in the same position and it spiked in about 5 minutes in and remained high. I then slowed down to let it settle back down and covered the band with my sleeve and it stayed stable until the very end. See the graphics of the two rides 2 11.17.JPG
bike 1 11.17.JPG
Here are my next two rides on subsequent days....hit and miss... I am giving up on my testing and chalking it up to the physiology of my arm I guess.

bike  11.18.JPG
bike  11.19.JPG
Update on my last few runs. It seems like the biggest variable to me is how I wear the band. If I wear it on the outside of my wrist, I get really accurate tracking. Inside, not so much. Inside it spikes.
Yesterday the weather in southwest florida finally abated to the high 50's in the morning. And for what every reason other than the weather and no profuse sweating under 80 degree rides in the morning, I had my first band HR perfect reading ride! But it was short lived. Same conditions today and it spiked to 172 mid ride and then settle down. see images....Help Microsoft!!!bike  11.23.JPGbike  11.24.JPG

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