Band finnicky about reconnecting? Anyone else?


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Oct 25, 2012
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I have a Lumia 1520 running Cyan (8.1) and the DP with Update installed.

I've noticed that if I leave the room where my phone is and come back, the Bluetooth connection doesn't always reestablish with the Band.

I sometimes have to turn my bluetooth on my phone off/on to get it to reconnect.

Anyone else having this issue?


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Nov 9, 2012
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I've had something similar happen around the second or third day of having it. I soft reset the phone and has been working fine since (knock on wood)


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Oct 25, 2012
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The other thing I've noticed is the bluetooth is connected, but the band doesn't get notifications anymore. I've had to keep resetting my phone to fix this.

Usually happens when I walk away from my phone and come back and it reconnects. Notifications are gone.


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Oct 30, 2014
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I have found that my band is rock solid at reconnecting to my phone. I will go for a run without the phone and when I am walking back up the stairs to my apartment my notifications will start flowing in when I am about 2 flights below my apartment. Through concrete walls! My pebble would lose connection all the time and I would have to unpair and repair it about once a day. But so far no issues with the Band. I am using an iPhone 6.


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Oct 25, 2012
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Ok - so maybe it's my 1520. It keeps happening all day. Notifications will work, then out of the blue they just stop showing up on the band. The bluetooth is connected according to the Band and my phone - the notifications just never show up. Only fix right now is I have to keep restarting my phone... PITA

Is it something about having the DP I wonder?


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Nov 8, 2012
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I have an AT&T Lumia 1520 with the Cyan update (no DP) and I can't get the Bluetooth to stay connected at all.. I had no issues pairing the band with the phone and it syncs just fine with the Health app when it's open. But Bluetooth between the phone and the band just won't stay connected. I've tried connecting via the phone's Bluetooth settings, but all I get is :Connecting - Connected - Paired, with about a second between each state. It connects for a second and then it drops. Bluetooth icon turns off on the phone and on the band. I've tried many times. Sometimes, I even get "Couldn't connect". This is so frustrating! One of the reasons I got the Band was for notifications (texts, etc.), but if the Bluetooth can't stay connected, this becomes nothing more than a fitness tracker. I have tried powering the phone and the band off and on, and I've tried resetting the band. Still not working. I'll try turning everything off and resetting the band a couple more times. I'll even try unpairing all the other devices in my Bluetooth settings, leaving the band as the only one. We'll see if that helps. If not, I'll be calling Microsoft support. Not sure what else to do. Anyone have any other ideas? It's pretty pathetic this isn't working with a Windows flagship phone. So far, my experience with the band has been disappointing. I really don't understand why the Bluetooth won't stay connected at all. I don't have this problem with other devices (like speakers, headphones, etc.), but I have noticed my Bluetooth does a little while to connect and turn on.

Brian Gobrecht

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May 20, 2013
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have a Lumia 820 on latest Dev Preview had two errors at first but now is rock solid. had an issue where it just disconnected then a network error from the disconnect. re did everything once and has been working like a charm since

Brian Gobrecht

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May 20, 2013
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well update from last night slept for over 9 hours. woke up turned off sleep mode saw its at 70% battery. took a shower came back 80% tried to sync with it did the first time. the second it said an error occured. so im guessing that while n the charger the bluetooth goes in and out saw it happen a few times while i was figuring out why. So there definitely needs to be an update to fix the bluetooth going in and out when charging. going to see how it works when im in Chicago today working.


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Jan 20, 2012
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I had some errors but then realized I still had the fitbit app installed and syncing. After uninstalling Fitbit I haven't had an issue. Cyan 1520.
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