Ok,, Connectify is not free exactly and it doesn't really work very well in my opinion.
Plus all the damn nag screens are friggin annoying.
I also tried Virtual Router Plus and WiFi HotSpot Creator
Both of these want to install about 5 or 7 different crapware that you have to decline through
VRP says on the site that Installation in not needed, WRONG.....
If everything works as it should,, and it did on my Surface Pro, you can do the following....
This is not working on my laptop, but I think I know what is wrong,,, anyway....
Change ssid=???? to whatever name you want
Change key=12345678 to any password you want
Create a Batch file cause you will have to re-do this frequently
No, there is no way to do this at startup, other than, place this Batch file in the startup folder or something (not tested it)
so, you can copy and paste this code to a text file and rename it anything like ShareMyStuff.cmd
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyShare key=12345678
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
I need to do this for myself, cause this is a good idea.
So, I will write out a more elaborate batch file to accomplish this without a bunch of crapware and nag screens to contend with
When it is done, feel free to share it as you please.
I will get it posted here as soon as I can, unless someone else does it before me.
Also note,, I disconnected my WIFI so I had no internet, I was still able to save files from PFM by sending it to HTTP
and then accessing it from Firefox to download the file. I am sure it would work in other browsers also.
Personally though, if you can do it,, the cable transfer is easier and more reliable. but this method should work as well without much issue.