Batch Transfering Files Using Bluetooth


New member
Aug 5, 2013
I have a Nokia Lumia Icon and a Microsoft Surface Pro. How do I batch transfer files, mainly photos, from my phone to my Surface using Bluetooth? I can transfer one at a time, but that is too cumbersome. Yes, I could upload them to OneDrive then download them to my Surface, but at 20MB per photo, that can eat up data real quick.


New member
Aug 5, 2013
Would you be able to upload the pictures to OneDrive via WiFi?

Yes. But then I would need to find a WiFi hotspot and hope it's open... which I'm not to keen about. If I'm connected to my WFi, then yes. I've found an app, Pocket File Manager, but it only sends one at a time; which is cumbersome. I thought the ability to share files between devices via Bluetooth was supposed to be easy.

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Yes. But then I would need to find a WiFi hotspot and hope it's open... which I'm not to keen about. If I'm connected to my WFi, then yes. I've found an app, Pocket File Manager, but it only sends one at a time; which is cumbersome. I thought the ability to share files between devices via Bluetooth was supposed to be easy.
I have the OneDrive settings on my device set to automatically upload pictures to OneDrive in best quality. What happens is that it shows pending uploads, but then when I get home, the pictures upload. Would you be able to do that, or do you not have WiFi at home?


New member
Aug 5, 2013
Yes, I know. I shoot DNG RAW and my phone only uploads the jpeg versions, so I still have to use Pocket File Manager so I can send the DNG files (which I can batch uploaded to OneDrive). If I'm outside of my WiFi for a couple days or so, I would like to work on the photos on my Surface which has Lightroom.

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Yes, I know. I shoot DNG RAW and my phone only uploads the jpeg versions, so I still have to use Pocket File Manager so I can send the DNG files (which I can batch uploaded to OneDrive). If I'm outside of my WiFi for a couple days or so, I would like to work on the photos on my Surface which has Lightroom.
That makes sense. I don't have DNG RAW on the 920, but that would make a difference. Hopefully some other members might have suggestions for you. Yes, if you're travelling that would make a difference too, especially since many hotels charge for their WiFi.


New member
Aug 5, 2013
You can try and zip the pictures in PFM and send the zip file?

Note to self: Bluetooth is NOT a good way to transfer large files.

@Tepid: Your idea was an excellent suggestion. So, I gave it a try and it worked...but it was soooooooooooooo sllllooooowwwwww... We visited the Pacific Aviation Museum and took a whole bunch of pictures. When we got home, I figured I would try your method. I added all of the DNG files to a zip and proceeded to transfer via Bluetooth. So far so good right? Well, the zip file was 1.2GB and after almost 10 minutes I was at less then 20% transferred. Then the mom of one of my daughter's friends called... and the transferred dropped...

Soooooo... If I need to transfer them to make room on my phone, I'll just connect my phone to my Surface via USB and transfer them the old fashion way. If I'm not close to my data cap, and reasonably sure I won't bust it, I'll upload to OneDrive via cellular (if possible find a WiFi hotspot).

Another option is if I can find an app for my Surface that turns it into a WiFi hotspot and transfer that way.

Thanks for the idea though. It works, but transferring large files via Bluetooth is not practical.


New member
Jan 26, 2013
No, BT has never been a good large file transfer method. It's too slow. BT is good for other things though.

As for turning the surface into a hot spot. There is supposed to be ways to do it. I had found a software to do it, forgot what it is right now, but I am also looking into this further again. I will post back what I find out

hs k

New member
Sep 22, 2013
Install connectify on your surface pro.

Create a hotspot.

Connect your phone to the hotspot.

Open up Pocket file Manager, goto the directory which contains the photos, select and choose http share option (I don't know whether the trial version would allow this)

Input the given/generated URL on the Surface's web browser.

It will prompt you to download
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New member
Jan 26, 2013
Ok,, Connectify is not free exactly and it doesn't really work very well in my opinion.
Plus all the damn nag screens are friggin annoying.

I also tried Virtual Router Plus and WiFi HotSpot Creator
Both of these want to install about 5 or 7 different crapware that you have to decline through
VRP says on the site that Installation in not needed, WRONG.....

If everything works as it should,, and it did on my Surface Pro, you can do the following....
This is not working on my laptop, but I think I know what is wrong,,, anyway....

Change ssid=???? to whatever name you want
Change key=12345678 to any password you want

Create a Batch file cause you will have to re-do this frequently
No, there is no way to do this at startup, other than, place this Batch file in the startup folder or something (not tested it)
so, you can copy and paste this code to a text file and rename it anything like ShareMyStuff.cmd

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyShare key=12345678

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

I need to do this for myself, cause this is a good idea.
So, I will write out a more elaborate batch file to accomplish this without a bunch of crapware and nag screens to contend with

When it is done, feel free to share it as you please.

I will get it posted here as soon as I can, unless someone else does it before me.

Also note,, I disconnected my WIFI so I had no internet, I was still able to save files from PFM by sending it to HTTP
and then accessing it from Firefox to download the file. I am sure it would work in other browsers also.

Personally though, if you can do it,, the cable transfer is easier and more reliable. but this method should work as well without much issue.


New member
Jan 26, 2013
I forgot to mention that you need to go into network settings and set sharing on you WiFi adapter and select the Local Lan Adapter * ? Some number to share the connection.

hs k

New member
Sep 22, 2013
But I thought Windows Phone couldnt detect Ad-Hoc networks, only Infrastructure modes?


New member
Jan 26, 2013
Yes. It does. Make sure that Microsoft Virtual Adapter is enabled, in device manager make sure to show hidden devices


New member
Aug 5, 2013
Ok,, Connectify is not free exactly and it doesn't really work very well in my opinion.
Plus all the damn nag screens are friggin annoying.

I also tried Virtual Router Plus and WiFi HotSpot Creator
Both of these want to install about 5 or 7 different crapware that you have to decline through
VRP says on the site that Installation in not needed, WRONG.....

If everything works as it should,, and it did on my Surface Pro, you can do the following....
This is not working on my laptop, but I think I know what is wrong,,, anyway....

Change ssid=???? to whatever name you want
Change key=12345678 to any password you want

Create a Batch file cause you will have to re-do this frequently
No, there is no way to do this at startup, other than, place this Batch file in the startup folder or something (not tested it)
so, you can copy and paste this code to a text file and rename it anything like ShareMyStuff.cmd

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyShare key=12345678

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

I need to do this for myself, cause this is a good idea.
So, I will write out a more elaborate batch file to accomplish this without a bunch of crapware and nag screens to contend with

When it is done, feel free to share it as you please.

I will get it posted here as soon as I can, unless someone else does it before me.

Also note,, I disconnected my WIFI so I had no internet, I was still able to save files from PFM by sending it to HTTP
and then accessing it from Firefox to download the file. I am sure it would work in other browsers also.

Personally though, if you can do it,, the cable transfer is easier and more reliable. but this method should work as well without much issue.

Thanks. What http URL do I use though?

Also, here is a question. PFM allows me to make my phone an FTP server. If I made my phone a WiFi hotspot and turned on the FTP server in PFM, would that start using cellular data? If it doesn't then problem solved. Hmmm... maybe I need to try some experimenting.


New member
Aug 5, 2013
I just found a way to do it. It's called Feem. I uses WiFi direct to transfer files. I transferred a 20MB DNG file in just a few seconds.

The downside is that you need Feem on all of the devices for it to work. It costs $9.99, and looks kind of cheesy, but like I said, it works.

Feem - Wi-Fi File Transfers between Phones, Tablets and PCs.

Until Microsoft incorporates WiFi Direct in Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile, we are going to have to rely on 3rd party options.

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