Battery life in WP 8.1 is awful

I've been experiencing high drain on my 1020 since 8.1, about twice normal. One thing I noticed was that it only drained higher when I was at work with WiFi on, so I tried turning WiFi off and the battery drain returned to pre-8.1 levels (3-5% an hour). Maybe something isn't quite right with WiFi power management.
Can confirm lousy battery life on 8X. I don't have Cortana enabled. At 6pm my battery was empty. This might have happened before only when doing constant navigation but now it happens when using the phone normally.

MIght be because of unoptimized drivers? New CalDav integration for Google sync? Notification services revamp? Lousier live tile handling? Anyway, its absurdly bad at the moment.
My Lumia 920 was unplugged from charger 10 hours ago. Battery is 92% remaining (0.8%/h). Wifi always off, as well as data traffic.
Generally speaking, is there a positive to having Here Drive run in the background?
With here drive allowed in backgrounds, you can be guided with only the voice and the screen off to save battery.
I've been experiencing high drain on my 1020 since 8.1, about twice normal. One thing I noticed was that it only drained higher when I was at work with WiFi on, so I tried turning WiFi off and the battery drain returned to pre-8.1 levels (3-5% an hour). Maybe something isn't quite right with WiFi power management.
Not only wifi... Having a data connection also drains battery... Now I burn battery at 20-25% per hour on H+ network connection and messaging... In 8.0 it was only 7-10 😞
It feels like the battery on my Lumia 920 is going down quicker than normal too, but this is why they release beta's, to work out problems etc.
You can off course check all the apps using battery life, but I am sure you did this already.

I am sure this will be addressed though, so I personally wouldn't worry about it until the final release.
Not only wifi... Having a data connection also drains battery... Now I burn battery at 20-25% per hour on H+ network connection and messaging... In 8.0 it was only 7-10 ��

3G data doesn't seem to be a problem for me with just push Exchange e-mail and light usage. Active usage on WiFi seems about the same as before, but just idle usage is much higher.
my battery was also awful and the battery saver app was showed some wrong datas such as the last battery charged ... hours ago was always 1 hour ago dont matter the when its charged so do perform a hard reset and everything is perfect since.
Three things I've found that might have been (part) of the battery drain problem.
1- I went to settings, accounts and found that mi Microsoft account wasn't synchronizing because a "password expiration". I fixed that (did't have to change my password, just open en my browser).
2- Monday I've selected several song to be downloaded in the phone. When I opened Xbox music today, many of them were still "pending". I made sure all of them were downloaded.
3- I've uninstalled the "My Battery" app I had.

I hope this helps with the "phone warming" and battery drain.
I'm not used to being one of the "lucky ones" but on ATT 1520 hasn't manifested diminished battery life at all. I have had VERY few problems out of 8.1-- really the only gripe I have is how badly the Xbox Music app sucks. Everything else is amazing!
In case it helps anyone else...

My battery life was horrible for me too. If I didn't keep charging it, it would have drained within hours. I also had a problem where my email wasn't downloading. If I sent into my email account settings, it wouldn't let me alter or delete the account because it was always attempting to sync. I put my phone into airplane mode and restarted the phone. When it rebooted, I deleted the email account and re-added it. Once I re-added the email account and turned the airplane mode off, my email downloaded and my battery problem went away.

I figure that the battery was being drained by the phone constantly trying to download the emails. I write this in case it helps anyone else.
It's totally the opposite for me. My battery lasts much longer now that i upgraded to 8.1. like, much longer. It's sweet

Sent from my RM-877_nam_att_205 using Tapatalk
Solution to battery problems (at least for me):

1. Run your battery down. I don't mean have Battery Saver on, I mean the phone turns itself off because it has no battery.

2. Plug it in to charge.

3. When it's finished charging you'll see a huge battery life improvement! (or at least I did.)
I used cortana for an hour. She was great but unfortunately, she was a battery juicer along with location service. I uninstalled her and turned off location services because cortana and location service are for smartphone with 3,000 - 4,000 mah battery.
I find that my worst battery drain is when I'm in a basement where I don't get consistent reception. My phone heats up like crazy and the battery consumption goes to 30-40% per hour. Wonder if there's some messed up bit of coding in 8.1 for trying to find a cellular signal..
Actually for me Battery life improved drastically after upgrading to WP8.1. Happy for the issue of my battery.

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