Battery life in WP 8.1 is awful

Battery life has gone from 100% plugged in around 9AM to 63% at 11:23AM to 10% now at 2:45PM. Just warned me it's critically low. Hoping that it empties itself and that a full recharge brings it back to normal behavior. I've disallowed just about every background task, even "battery saver" which I assume "logs" battery usage by app so it can create its graph. So maybe that feature won't work, but I'd rather not have the "Saver" drain my battery! I also discovered an email account I rarely use that was set to "based on my usage" so I reduced it to 2 hour intervals.
R.I.P. Died around 3:25PM, perhaps 6 hours after a full charge, and really quite limited usage today.
Generally speaking, is there a positive to having Here Drive run in the background?

I don't think so. I never had it in background. Only when you have the tile with "my trips" in the start screen, otherwise it is useless
On my 925, charged 8 hours ago, it used 33% battery. I did 20 minutes of call, some sms, 30 minutes of HERE Drive (with 2G and GPS on). I saw that in just 30 minutes of HERE Drive the phone uses 21% of battery!! This means that without the navigator it would have used just 12% in 8 hours, so 1.5%/h. It seems ok.
What is not ok is the GPS... It uses tooooooooooooooo much battery!!! It would be totally useless!! On my old Lumia 800 when using Nokia Drive with GPS and 2G on, the phone used to use just 10% in 30 minutes, not 21%!!!!
The title of this thread is awful. The problem isn't so much Cortana or 8.1 but those who cannot tell the difference between beta and release code. Maybe it wasn't obvious and Dan Rubino should have reminded us in some double-wide, brightly lit, disclaimer about 8.1 developers preview aka beta, but this is what you signed up for. If you expected a finished product, then you are in for a lot of heart ache.
I expected a little worse battery life after installing preview-code... And my expectations came true... I usually had about 40% left after a day... Now I'm around 20%.

Perfectly normal for preview-code imho.
My 822 got slightly worse then appeared to recover. This is a pattern I saw with GDR3 as well. It seemed to take a couple of days to stabilize. I'm not using Cortana so I don't really know what sort of effect that may have.
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I don't know how "based on my usage" works. I'd rather set it to "daily" but it's simply not listed as an option. 2 hours is the longest interval I can choose.

Do you know where I can find support documentation on the "based on my usage" setting?
The title of this thread is awful. The problem isn't so much Cortana or 8.1 but those who cannot tell the difference between beta and release code. Maybe it wasn't obvious and Dan Rubino should have reminded us in some double-wide, brightly lit, disclaimer about 8.1 developers preview aka beta, but this is what you signed up for. If you expected a finished product, then you are in for a lot of heart ache.
I agree with what you're saying 100%, but so far 8.1 has been pretty smooth for me. Judging from the sheer amount of complaining I'm seeing here (43 pages of complaints in one thread alone), I'm one of the few that's happy so far...
My battery was really talking a hit two days after the update, lasting a little over 4 hours on a full charge. But now it's almost to normal. I was hit 25% per hour after the update, but now I'm at 13% per hour. It seems to get better every day, before my normal was about 10%. I'm sure it takes time to learn your patterns and adjust accordingly.
My battery was really talking a hit two days after the update, lasting a little over 4 hours on a full charge. But now it's almost to normal. I was hit 25% per hour after the update, but now I'm at 13% per hour. It seems to get better every day, before my normal was about 10%. I'm sure it takes time to learn your patterns and adjust accordingly.
Yeah, that kind of what I was thinking too. I was a bit concerned after GDR3 but it worked itself out.
I have said this on other threads. Can't be Cortana if I'm abusing her & she only ranks 19 on my usage list yet I'm experiencing issues. This is a driver issue, as I stated in those threads too, we saw this with Mango. Actually, I'd argue the pre release of Mango was worse.
damn, you're so right . totally forgot about my mango experience.
I hope it does, so far i am loving 8.1 and i think its worth the battery pain. Did you get it before monday morning? (i installed it as soon as it was public)

More often than not it will take a little bit for usage to go back to normal

Posted via the WPC App for Android on my BlackBerry
The title of this thread is awful. The problem isn't so much Cortana or 8.1 but those who cannot tell the difference between beta and release code. Maybe it wasn't obvious and Dan Rubino should have reminded us in some double-wide, brightly lit, disclaimer about 8.1 developers preview aka beta, but this is what you signed up for. If you expected a finished product, then you are in for a lot of heart ache.
agree with what you say, but folks are asking for feedback so we're giving it. despite the battery debacle on my phone, I have no regrets about downloading the dev preview. for the most part i'm absolutely enjoying it. i'm confident the battery issue will get taken care of.
I expected a little worse battery life after installing preview-code... And my expectations came true... I usually had about 40% left after a day... Now I'm around 20%.

Perfectly normal for preview-code imho.

This is not a preview code , its RTM Shipped product , no further changes can be made to code , its preview for developers ( but OS is final ) .
I agree with what you're saying 100%, but so far 8.1 has been pretty smooth for me. Judging from the sheer amount of complaining I'm seeing here (43 pages of complaints in one thread alone), I'm one of the few that's happy so far...

Wrong its preview for developers , but OS is RTM'd /Final and shipped to OEM's , no further changes expected until GDR1 for 8.1
My battery life is worsened too...

But I suspect it's some incompabilities between the new version of the OS with older version of apps.
I'm having LOTS of troubles with Whatsapp, and it's clearly eating my battery every single second.

I can only get through the day setting battery saver on at almost every time I'm not actually syncing email and messaging accounts.
mine just went from 90 to 0 while I was sleeping :( and when I checked the battery sense, the culprit? none other than wpcentral app :( check the photo.wp_ss_20140418_0002.pngwp_ss_20140418_0003.png
I turned OFF Battery Saver and let my phone die. It didn't take long. Only six hours from charge to a cold, black death. But then I charged it. It was charging noticeably slower, and the charge has held MUCH better.

Now at 97% after 3 hours with an estimated time remaining of 22 hours. Considering this morning it was 63% after 3 hours, that's a solid improvement! :-)

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