Battery life in WP 8.1 is awful

Whats app is the battery killer for me. I lost 1.5% / hour this morning without using whatsapp.

Used whatsapp for 10 minutes and lost 4 %... It went all downhill from there....
This also fixed the battery drain on my 8.1 phone (Lumia 928). My IMAP email was in an endless loop and always showing syncing. For me to delete it the airplane mode didn't work, but when I turned off my data and wifi then it would let me delete the account.
I have to say: bye bye Cortana, at least for now... Everyday she is hungry for my battery...

EDIT: By the way, if you turn off the Localization, Cortana doesnt work too
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My fix? Make sure none of your email accounts are using 'push email' (ie, don't let it use automatic mode, and don't use 'as items arrive'). I set mine to check every 30 minutes and battery life is dramatically improved.
I have a lumia 620 and battery life has been awful ever since the upgrade.
I disabled most apps' background tasks, location service and do not use maps. I have wifi always on.
The only app I installed anew is awesome lock free.
Still my battery drains in 12 hours despite the phone being idle. Before it was >= 24 hrs.

Edit: I should add that also charging the phone takes up to 4-5 hours as compared to 1,5 hrs before.
My top tip: check your email account settings! Don't use the new 'based on my usage', and don't use 'as items arrive' - push email is more battery intensive!

I set my phone back to check every 30 minutes and my battery life improved dramatically! Even if you had your accounts set to check periodically previously, when you updated to 8.1, it will most likely have defaulted to 'based on my usage' and the default for /that/ is to go for push mode automatically!

I haven't noticed any significant difference in my battery life on my 1520. I actually expected more battery drain than I am getting given the fact that I have everything on all of the time. (Cortana, bluetooth, wifi, location, email as items arrive, etc) According to Insider Pro, my phone has been off the charger for 5-6 hours, and has 21 hourse left to go. The highest I have ever seen was 32 or so hours. I charge my phone every night anyway, so anything above 18 hours is more than enough. It sucks for people that have the battery issues though.
Day1 and battery is def draining at a quicker pace on my 8x. To be fair - when I went to Update 3 battery drain was even worse. I actually had my phone replaced stuck to GDR2 and now went to 8.1 and it seems better than Update 3.

I feel like a lot of the apps are not built for 8.1 and they are making a lot of additional data calls.
8.1 seems to have re-activated a lot of background tasks for apps. I turned most of them off again and my battery has been good.
Im using L720.. battery drain is there but not much.. jst make sure u switch off the location services. I think cortana and location services are the culprit. i switched off location services in STORE, People, Photos + gives a battery life of more than a day ( average usage with data connection always on )
Battery used to give me only 3 hours. And in battery saver, first 15 apps were using all the battery. Now its indicating somewhat correct. But its even showing that wpcentral is taking battery but I have barely used It. Now discharge rate in idle is 2-3% per hour. The moment I start using it, it goes to 25% per hour!!!

Sent from my RM-826_im_india_201 using Tapatalk
The battery life has been flushed down the toilet on my lumia 520. I hardly get by half a day if I'm lucky! Lets hope Microsoft does something about it. Although it is surprising how the wpcentral folks didn't found it!
Hi Guys, Battery life totally sucks in Windows 8.1.
I have found another bug and that is unable to purchase any kind of apps on windows store.
I am totally disappointed with the way the windows 8.1 is going in....
I think now, after 4 days, my battery life is great! OK the first day was a little bit awful but now...

Tapatalked with my Nexus5(aka the Hammerhead)
My fix? Make sure none of your email accounts are using 'push email' (ie, don't let it use automatic mode, and don't use 'as items arrive'). I set mine to check every 30 minutes and battery life is dramatically improved.

Yeah...well, I wish I could do that! My the nature of my work requires me to have my mail accounts (3 of them) to be checking mails "as items arrive". But I can see the logic of your suggestion.
I'm using Lumia 920 and ever since 8.1 the battery is draining insanely, I tried turning everything off, location, WiFi, data, but still not as pre 8.1.
my battery life is even better than WP8 now, similar usage as before but still have 90% 7 hours since I last charge
I have a 8x and a 520. 8x has really bad battery drain after 8.1 and the 520 has just about doubled! Work that out. lol.

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