Battlefield 3

Totally agree with you Big Supes. I got bored of CoD on MW2 and never looked back. Also the graphics I always found lacking on CoD games owing to their weirdly low resolution (in an effort to keep it at 60fps).

I loved the BF3 beta by the way. Really got me back into the Battlefield mood. :)

I have to admit that I always found the COD games quite polished compared to BF. My only gripe with COD is the one-dimensional style of game play.

In Crap Ops, I see a BG first and fire off a few at COM, the BG hits you once and you're dead. When you watch their kill cam, it shows them shooting at you first. That's outright BS and Treyarch keeps jacking up the gameplay with every patch.

World at War 2, sorry, I mean "Black Ops" was a big disappointment for me. Like you said, the hit count and play sync was way out. I ended it selling it very early on and managed to reclaim ?30 back.

The Call of Duty franchise focuses too much on player customization and not enough on gameplay. I can f-ing care less about the 20 different types of 5.56 weapons, a SCAR-16 is going to shoot like an ACR is going to shoot like an M4 is going to shoot like a Steyr Aug is going to shoot like an F2000. F- all that BS and just fix the lag.

If the game is unplayable, I don't care about graphics or frame rate.


I actually wanted more customisations on COD. You can do more with the guns on BF and have more equipment. I've always wished we could customise your character ala Rainbow Six Vegas.

There is no such thing as a online FPS without campers.

True, but camping isn't very effective when you're supporting your squad and taking bases. It's also not effective when someone tags you, exposing your position to the enemy. There's nothing better than getting the call from a friend that someone is camping in a building when I'm in a tank or helicopter. We just roll over there and literally level their camping spot. ;)

COD is all about camping, corner watching, noob tubes, and firing RPG's at each other. I'm so done with that.
I'll get me some of this lol.
GT = Joe Is Special

I help run a chilled xbox community we'll be all over BF like a rash. Fingers crossed the 12 year olds stay on COD and leave BF to the grown ups
Reviews are out and the PC version at least is to die for!

Joe: FR sent!

Oh I can atest to that, since I'm off from work this week. My I7-2600k with 2x4gb of DDR3-1600 and 470GTX playing in high settings been havin a good time since release of BF3. Will be getting back in for more in a bit.
Oh I can atest to that, since I'm off from work this week. My I7-2600k with 2x4gb of DDR3-1600 and 470GTX playing in high settings been havin a good time since release of BF3. Will be getting back in for more in a bit.

Nice box! I just got the PC version yesterday and installed it. I couldn't believe how big it was or how long it took to install it. I didn't get a chance to play it last night, but I have been playing the beta. Tonight I'll play it.

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