Best android alternative to Lumia 950

No swiftkey does not equal wp keyboard. SwiftKey was made by an independent company prior to being purchased by MS. It was my fav Android KB, still is and there are aspects of it I wish MS had incorporated into the WP side. Recommend sticking it out with swiftkey, but if you end up not liking it there are other options.
Ok... I give, the killing of groove music and forced migration to Spotify has broken my back on this. I've decided that rather than buying a new screen protector and battery (which has become seemingly hard to find anyway) It's time for me to consider migration to another phone I can't stand the iPhone gui, drives me nuts, I can't explain why.... Just ick. So I think after watching some Microsoft launcher demo videos, and the fact that I can make Cortana default voice assistant in android, it might be time to pull the trigger, although with great reluctance.

Which phone would be best for a Lumia convert? I love my camera, so I'd want a similar to camera, with physical camera button, or mapped accordingly when camera is open, and wireless qi charging. I'll be on ATT for what It's worth. I'll probably change the launcher to launcher 10 or arrow.

Anything else I should be considering?

I'm sure its been asked before, but of the quick sampling i got, a lot of the requests are from Europe, or looking for midrange devices. I'll probably finance through att next, so rather than limit choices, throw them at me.

It's there any hope for a Microsoft OS'ed phone in the near future, should I hold on to hope (only to likely be stabbed in the other leg by Microsoft ?)

I find this all just..... Very..... Frustrating. Microsoft is It's own worst enemy, I swear, and Nadella while he seems to be making the board very happy, doesn't even seem to have consumer relations in his view, which will likely prove disastrous. But none of that is something I can change. I can however change my phone. :(
I will stay with my lumia 950 dual till the bitter end or miracle happens...and wp is reborn somehow :shocked:
However, I looked at a few android smartphones, particularly the dual sim ones, and got surprised that the second sim slot is not available when a micro SD is being used.
Huawei P10 is my alternative Android device, Its been hard finding another battery after and insider build caused my current battery to go bust.

Then the forced migration to Spotify, yukky, I'm even considering leaving my Xbox platform and moving somewhere else, The entire concept is totally ridiculous and no business acumen.
I will stay with my lumia 950 dual till the bitter end or miracle happens...and wp is reborn somehow :shocked:
However, I looked at a few android smartphones, particularly the dual sim ones, and got surprised that the second sim slot is not available when a micro SD is being used.

That was my opinion until groove got crammed into Spotify. Spotify is fine, don't get me wrong, but groove was better. The big problem was Spotify on Xbox, it seems to rely heavily on the need for a connected smartphone to actually do anything useful with it.... Like listen to music. The windows phone app hasn't been updated in some time, and lacked this ability to connect. Since one of the primary things I use my phone for is music, I felt I was no longer given a choice.

That said, I still prefer Microsoft services, and windows mobile, but Microsoft seems hell bent on kicking all of us to the curb regardless of how loyal we've been to the platform. I've been using window mobile since the old cingular 3125, HTC q-trek to the rest of the world if I'm not mistaken. Then Samsung blackjack 2, Samsung jack, Samsung epic, Samsung focus, lumia 920, lumia 830, then 950.

If Microsoft is so hell bent on retrenchment behest of the loyalty of its most ardent supporters... Then f 'em. I hate Google with a contractual passion, I think Apple is rotten to the core and aside from marketing haven't done anything beneficial for the tech world other than consume company's for patents, stopping future independent progress, and Microsoft was my bastion of sanity... But they're too busy trying to shoot themselves in the foot, legs, and other various extremities. Until they figure out that the consumer space is important again, I fear the future in consumers homes holds little hope for Microsoft, and while natella is busy making profits now, and making the board happy, he's lost focus on longevity.

What benefit does hololens hold when the other platforms utilize a phone you're going to carry with you anyway, why would the average consumer want to buy a second clunky device? I used to use my pc quite a lot, upgrade, tinker, overclock frequently. I haven't touched the bios in 3 years, haven't upgraded in 4. My phone and Xbox became my entertainment. So PCs in the home market are likely to decline. My surface
2 pro, while old, sees some use, mainly when traveling, aside from that, even if it's somewhat idle. If Microsoft wants to survive the consumer space they need to act. If they lose the consumer space, then employees, and business leaders will eventually want to shift to what they feel is more comfortable, and that will be iOS and android.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, maybe that last kick to the nuts Microsoft gave me has got me singing irrational doom and gloom, or maybe it made me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Rather than the sun, it's a train with an android logo posted on the front of it being engineered by Google. And it's got spikes. At this rate, historians will look back and quip that Saya Nadella Nadella'd Microsoft.

Sorry for the rant, but, I'm just frustrated as a consumer for being backed into this corner through what I can only see as stupidity and short sightedness in Microsofts leadership.
Xiaomi Mi A1, an Android One phone with 4G RAM and 64G storage, microSD to at least 256G, 4K video, dual rear cameras, but camera no IS, so nowhere as good as 950. Not fast with Qualcomm 625, but smooth nonetheless. Adaptive brightness doesn't work too well. With the Microsoft Launcher, looks good for 2 years of use, or until Windows on ARM phone comes along.
Well, I couldn't give up yet.. I bought a HP X3.. When MS recreates a WP launcher on Android ( Arrow is OK.. but not WP ). I may jump or when the KeyOne drops in price. But for now the HP X3 is just as good as anything on the market and I dont need any apps I cant get so.. not switching until I hear W10A isnt coming to a phablet or phone.Because to be honest phones have gotten to a point its like gaming computers or the next best video card.. there are no more huge jumps in the tech, just new bells and whistles.
I feel yea.. HTC Universal, Dash, Dash 3G, HD2, HD7, Dell Venue Pro ( my favorite of all time ), Lumia 710, 925, Icon, HTC One M8 ( Still my backup), Idol 4s, 950xl,and now on my First HP Elite X3. If it gets broken I may go back to the 950XL. it seemed stablier, better camera and I could swap batteries.

But their constant ineptitude when it comes to selling the product, and using a cohesive strategy has been hard to take. But nothing more hard to take than dealing with Android. I like my WP too much to change for now.
I can only see as stupidity and short sightedness in Microsofts leadership.
I can see that too even harder on facts. There are more that 50 devices running with windows mobile being released during the last five years and these clever guys ended up with only two in 2015 and a market share almost a percent. Getting back to the drawing board or perhaps getting rid of it?
Yeah, currently the s8 has my attention, only for It's size, has wireless charging, and seems to have a decent camera, though it seems that it will be a step back either way I go. Buying the phone out right would be difficult, but looks like if I buy direct from Samsung they'll still offer financing at 0%.

What kind of bloat-ware are we talking about if I go through att? Can't be uninstalled like on Windows?

I am also looking for the best Lumia 950 replacement and I was thinking on the Samsung Note 8.

First, I replaced my wife's one for the Note 8. I love the screen, cameras, speakers are amazing, but I hate the aspect ratio. Don't let the Note8/S8+ 6.2" screen size fool you. It feels like a 5.3" phone and the S8 5.8" is even worse. I hate that. No comparison with my beloved Lumia 1520 with a real 6" screen. That plus the price tag is what is holding me now.

With ATT Next financing you will pay less every month than Samsung financing because of a longer plan, they are both 0%.

In the mean time. I bought a Blu HD from Amazon for $50, just to experience the transition to Android, while still using my L950, after many years with Windows phones. I need to make sure I can transfer all my WhatsApp chats, be able to use Outlook to hold my contacts and a couple more needs.
If the worse would happened sentimentality is drawing me back to Nokia as I always have had before the era of smartphones, what would you say
I am also looking for the best Lumia 950 replacement and I was thinking on the Samsung Note 8.

First, I replaced my wife's one for the Note 8. I love the screen, cameras, speakers are amazing, but I hate the aspect ratio. Don't let the Note8/S8+ 6.2" screen size fool you. It feels like a 5.3" phone and the S8 5.8" is even worse. I hate that. No comparison with my beloved Lumia 1520 with a real 6" screen. That plus the price tag is what is holding me now.

With ATT Next financing you will pay less every month than Samsung financing because of a longer plan, they are both 0%.

In the mean time. I bought a Blu HD from Amazon for $50, just to experience the transition to Android, while still using my L950, after many years with Windows phones. I need to make sure I can transfer all my WhatsApp chats, be able to use Outlook to hold my contacts and a couple more needs.

I was very close to being the note 8, but it didn't feel as good on my hands as the s8+ does. So that's ultimately why I decided on the s8+

Width wise, the s8+ was just a hair narrower than my 950, but more screen due to the narrow bezel.
Ulefone Gemini pro dual Sim.
Stock android (sucks...)
Pretty cheap
Pretty good design
Pretty good camera with hardware button but use it with another app (HD camera app from kxappcenter for example)
Launcher 10 with live tiles
Installed all MS apps
Waiting for Android oreo

Waiting to go back to windows on arm new mobile device with telephony. Android's design is damn irrational. Only for kids or something.

App experience though still the same with my Lumia 950. I don't use a lot of apps or games

A lot of problems integrating contacts from. Outlook, exchange etc I felt I had to write a code or something in order to import them. And still are problematic.
I've been using a 950 XL for a year now; I'm trying out the new Lg V30.
Things I like: the 'feel' of the phone; kind of reminds me of the IDOL 4S; great screen; blacks are super black! Curved glass edges are cool. Perfect size; sleek.

Things that are problematic: Android!! Wow - the more I use this, the more I realize how great Window 10 mobile is. No live tiles! Man, I miss this more than I thought. The little widget app icons remind me of my iPhone 3 and 4 days way back...what a weakness! No dedicated camera button; too bad! Also, i'm not sold on the 'new' 18:9 aspect ration screens. I know everyone is jumping on this bandwagon, but when I go back and use my 950 XL, I actually like the 4:3 ration better. The V30 seems narrow and 'tall'; not sure if I like this yet. Anyway, the camera seems ok; not as good as my 950 XL. I do notice that Spotify works way better on Android. Oh well...the 950 XL was way ahead of it's time. Too bad Microsoft let it die...
From 950 to...much like as from hero to zero...
My wife has S7 edge, what to say, that Iconiad is killing me
From 950 to...much like as from hero to zero...
My wife has S7 edge, what to say, that Iconiad is killing me

I had the S7 Edge for awhile and it drove me nuts, apps would crash for no other reason than I pressed on them to open, even if they were in the background. Also the screen would activate in my pocket causing the paused music to start on it's own. The battery life was inconsistent, a claim I hear a lot with Android, apps would behave for weeks and then cause the battery to drain before having to force and stop or reboot.
The biggest issue for me is the irregular updates, it took 6-7 months to get the last major OS update (7, it didn't even get 7.1); the flexibility is nice but it wasn't enough for me.
Eventually I went with an older iPhone 6S Plus, I can't say I like the OS (same with Android though) but it works well enough and I'm not having so much of my data siphoned off as on Android :) .
Avoid Samsung and LG if you want a decent software experience. The OnePlus 5 (and soon to be released 5T) are decent phones and won't drive you nuts. The Nokia 8 is very similar.

If updates and camera are the key things then look no further than the Pixels. A first gen XL would do the job great.

Whatever phone you get enjoy the speed and stability of Android.
If you are looking for an equitable camera (with something of a camera button), I'd say the S8 is your best bet (remap the Bixby button to a camera application). I was in the same boat after Groove being killed off and got the LG G6. It's a good phone that can be had for comparatively cheap (if $$$ is an issue), but runs perfectly fine despite the SnapDragon 821. The camera leaves ALOT to be desired though, and I find myself not taking nearly the amount of photos I used to take on my lumia 950xl. The Lumia 950/XL really was in a league of it's own with regards to camera quality.

That being said, I've got Microsoft Launcher (Arrow launcher), and all my MS services running great (for the most part, I wish Cortana had "hey Cortana" availability without having to be in the application, or the ability to map my Bluetooth voice control button to "Hey Cortana"). The LG UI reminds me a lot of the system wide dark mode and simplicity that I got with W10mobile.

You are absolutely right in wanting to switch to Android over iPhone as a w10m convert. IOS is poo for anybody that does not use Apple services, whereas Android is so much more customizable for app defaults and personalization options.

I have the LG G6 as well, I find it interesting that you feel the camera is a weak point, I think its awesome and wouldn't go back. The wide angle lens takes some amazing shots, and I even like the fish eye effect it has over the V30's lens's. Size is great, speedy phone and the battery life has been awesome.

Switching from a Lumia means for me "back to Nokia". I wanted to switch from my 950 to a Nokia 6, but due to shortage, my fall back choice has been the Nokia 5. I'm happy with the phone itself, but not with Android (Android SMS app bugs, lack of integration between app and OS, parameters spread everywhere). I installed Cortana, MS launcher, Edge, etc. Cortana on android does not work with the car Bluetooth (forget the Call Cortana so easy with Win phones), Groove cannot read SD cards, etc ...A chance, banking and gov apps work better (no more updtae for Win phones).

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