My New Favourite Browser
I am a Microsoft ******, i'll admit, i'm not afraid to say it. I have every MS product there is just about. And i want to give every single product & piece of software they make an honest try. I recommend Windows 10/Windows Phone everything Windows to just about every family member and friend i have. I would also much rather use something Microsoft and stay in the ecosystem than use something non-Microsoft.
I gave you an honest try for over 6 months. I used you as my daily browser for that whole time, imported all my favourites etc. I made the decision about a week ago to stop using Edge forever (at least until it significantly improves). The basic functionality of browsing web pages has shunted me away with violent force. I will pick 5 basic web sites i use on a daily basis. 1 Windows Central. Awful. Pages take forever to load, scrolling is slow and jittery, pages dont load at all sometimes, replying to threads is a serious chore with key strokes being missed every other letter, and the mobile version, even worse. 2. (American Weather forums). Terrible. Pages take forever to load, replying to posts again misses keystrokes all the time, hitting the back button on the keyboard causes the entire page to go backwards and lose all my work, etc, etc. 3/4. Twitter/Facebook. Links die on twitter until you refresh the page, huge lag problems when tweeting or replying to posts, page hangs or freezes while loading etc.. 5. (forums) Same problems as previous forum pages as mentioned in 1 and 2.
Literally browsing the web with Edge has become a nightmare and i can honestly say without a doubt it is 10X worse than IE11. At least with IE11 most of those problems i have with Edge don't exist (IE11 is just slower than Chrome, Firefox, and does have it share of problems). So i said why am i putting up with this, why am i dealing with all these problems daily. I tried. I waited for TH2 and future updates of Edge but nothing seems to be working. I moved to Chrome. And i am so happy i did so. I'm thinking why didn't I do this months ago? Every page loads as expected, no problems with forum websites or any website for that matter. And as much as i hate Google, I have to give them credit for making an excellent product. And with AdBlock, wow, what have i been missing out on! I just wish it was on WP as well.
I will still check back with Edge and give it a try again at some point, probably when RS1 comes out. For now I'm DONE! There is no reason to put up with this sorry excuse for a browser and make my internet experience hell when i can just use something that works. I made this thread, well to vent for one, but also to see what others on this forum have experienced with Edge. Have you made the switch? Are you still using Edge and putting up with all its problems? Or do you find Edge to be perfectly fine and have no problems with it. Let me know.